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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. I think he's saying the PP writer didn't provide anything substantial to question the reason publicly given for his departure. In either case I find it humorous anyone would allude to this casting some huge negative shadow on the program. What percentage of persons here have held the exact same job for 14 years? When you left your last place of employment did it cease to exist and/or did it no longer flourish? That's not say there won't be shoes to fill by his leaving but it's not that uncommon folks.
  2. I'm a Gophers fan and even I'm annoyed by BF.
  3. It's as if someone let a spell check 'correct' some of the names.
  4. Does it matter which loss was 'more embarrassing' - even if it's possible to quantify such a thing? You either win the NC or you don't and yesterday doesn't make me feel any better about the Gophers not winning since 2003.
  5. I think you missed his point, which was that while going 0 for 4 is below expectations for the UND program, is it enough reason to fire Hak? You almost seem to be approaching this subject from a sense of entitlement, which if a Gopher fan demonstrated such an attitude he'd be accused of being arrogant.
  6. Define "unacceptable" in this context, because the last time I checked UND wasn't the only quality Div I hockey program in the country, let alone the WCHA.
  7. The Vikings never fired Bud Grant... Until Hak loses control of the program and/or does something egregious I think it's a bit unnecessary to call for his head. Not that I can't comprehend the emotional reaction to the loss but Hak didn't just inherit a solid program and ride it for a couple years, he's kept immensely competitive.
  8. Sorry guys. Sincerely. I may not have necessarily 'wanted' you to win, but as a diehard fan of a college hockey team that's seen his fair share of FF losses I think it would be wrong for rival fan to gloat. I know that won't make it feel any better but fwiw...
  9. I think most of the posts made about Frazee at GPL since the announcement he's leaving have been quite congratulatory.
  10. That's me but it was a joke. I poked fun at CC and DU fans for being boring, I poked fun at Gophers fans for our lack of arrogance coming into the FF, I poked fun at SCSU fans for apparently now taking on the role of the kings of arrogance and I poked fun at Brent and Dirty for their endless string of posts in the SCSU/UM thread. Think, "tongue in cheek". College hockey is my favorite sport yes, but life is too short to take it that seriously. If and when I should see Dirty or any other Sioux fan at McGovern's before the game tonight I'll be more than happy to buy a drink or two (well, that depends on how many there are)
  11. Wrong guy so don't put words in my mouth. There's plenty of UND fans that are cool and some that are not - same for UM, UW, etc., etc. Goon - I'm not saying the officiating hasn't been poor but rather that it hasn't been poor in favor of any one particular team over another. I got the impression you were saying the refs were going to favor the Gophers against MSUM and as far as I can tell the final PP tally was pretty even.
  12. But that has more to do with the officiating sucking in this league en masse and not conspiring to fix games. As for claiming Gophers fans would have been up in arms about the officiating had they lost the series.... 1) They lost Friday night and nary a word was said about the refs screwing the team and 2) I don't recall Gophers fans blaming the refs this season for a series loss one time. Not once. If it's more than a coincidence than shouldn't UM have had significantly more PPs over the weekend?
  13. Just trying to have some fun with the concept of spelling stupid, but geez if you're going to fit the bill...
  14. Ess...Tee...Ewe...Pee...Eye...Dee...What's that spell??
  15. Did the guy from Canisius that bashed the RIT guy into the ice receive any type of suspension yet?
  16. The Vikings haven't had a blackout since at least 1998 and before then as I noted they had the 10-headed monster ownership group that didn't demonstrate that they cared about putting a quality product onto the field. Yes, Vikings fans can be fickle but given the history of this franchise do you blame us?
  17. I'm not even sure Crowley had Ness' fluidity.
  18. redwing - 1) I was being facetious 2) Your mis-characterization of everything Vikings knows no bounds. Watch any road Vikings games and you're likely to see a lot of Vikings fans in attendance. Vikings fans care about wins and losses but bear in mind they play in a market where they must compete against a Div I college as well as the NHL and NBA. That they had some troubles attendance wise in the 80's wasn't that unusual given they were often crappy, were run by a 10-headed monster ownership that appeared to not give a damn if the team won or not and often hosted games against some very bad teams from the NFC Central. The last thing I wanted to do was spend $ to watch a mediocre team play indoors on a gorgeous Sunday against the Tampa Bay friggin Buccaneers.
  19. Didn't Lammy and Kangas basically shrug their shoulders during the UND-UM series as if to say, "I have no desire to toss paws on this one"? To me the concept goalies would fight each other seems ridiculous.
  20. I know I'm late with this but.... I don't think a Div I hockey team needs a radio personality to motivate them. Bad analogy - afaik Sioux fans don't drink paint thinner.
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