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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. Interesting list of schools. At least we made the list where we reached out to him though. Best of luck to him, hope he succeeds and has a fun fifth year.
  2. The charitable gaming thing is something I've asked directly about as it relates UND Athletics. The comments that it is locked down around down is pretty spot on. To get a "new" spot, you basically have to take it from someone else. As the State sets the gaming rules, you can't offer anything different than what anyone else can. It is basically at the whim of the owner of the establishment (which is why there was an article about non-profits buying bars a few months ago). The "optics" of taking an existing spot from a charity aren't real great. So the other option is to basically hope that you can get into a new spot that didn't previously have gaming (recent examples: Hugo's downtown, BWW's, Rhombus). They all went with just e-tabs, so the overhead of running them is actually pretty low. The other issues is that if you are looking at doing full gaming, with blackjack, pigwheel, pulltabs plus the e-tabs, the overhead starts to add up a lot quicker. You basically need a couple different sights to make it worthwhile (for example Team Makers has something like 6-8 different sights). You can't really dip your toes into the water with one or two unless they are big spots. That's likely why UND never had Playmakers (plus the place is hardly open anyway). That being said, if there was a chance to add a spot at Memorial Village and Ray Richards (assuming both have some sort of option to do so) and you could add Playmakers to the mix, I think its a no-brainer to explore it. Also gives you the ability to be in the mix for any new spots that might open up.
  3. You must be a blast at parties.
  4. You must be one of those too many people!!!!!! That don't actually exist, but it is an easy strawman argument to make.....
  5. I'm sure that's an option but guessing he'll see what other offers come his way before making a decision.
  6. The amount of complaining I've heard about coaches not being specific enough the last 12 months or so might have just pushed my button enough that's what stood out. People don't seem like they would be happy unless players are getting publicly lashed. We won't completely agree on the AD thing, and that's fine. I do think some of those items could easily be improved on. That being said, there is a lot more info out there available for consumption if people bothered. I know you have listened to his podcast, where he puts quite a bit of stuff out there. Moreso than what I would see from any of our regional peer schools. And at least he takes the time to announce our coaches extensions (to the chagrin of some). I know that you probably have some pretty good examples but I would truly be curious what other schools are doing different from the AD department and communication to fans that could be emulated. Because I think the AD would legitimately try to do some of that if it was truly worthwhile.
  7. I've heard plenty of very direct and pointed commentary from Bubba, Berry, Sather and Bernhard on areas that need improvement and what they need to do to get there at various times. But they aren't going to constantly criticize their players in public if that's what you're looking for. That would be terrible coaching. But to your general comment, that's literally a complaint that could be put on almost every coach, everywhere at every level.
  8. Season tickets aren't sold out anymore nor is there a waiting list, so probably safe to say they found the top. Bigger question would be what happens if/when the team performance slips. I think a bigger issue, that maybe they can resolve with demand down a little, is getting the younger crowd back. They priced them out for a while as they had plenty of people willing to pay higher prices, but likely have a chance to bring some back with where things have been the last couple years.
  9. I think you're underestimating the amount bandwagon fans that wanted to part of the "it" thing and were willing to shell out money to do so. Even if it was on the secondary market. Know more than a few people who made some good change during peak ticket demand. Would be interesting to see how much required donations for the Fargodome have changed over the last 15 years. Guessing that's going to be a real big part of your difference. Edit: Team Makers raised $1.75 million in 2007/08 and $2.1 million in 2008/09. That number was $6 million in 2021/22. When you have a winning product, you can keep raising the price. Until you can't anymore. Ties out to DB comments about the market being pretty closed to being tapped out.
  10. I'm not pointing out anyone specific, it is obviously a team sport and not a single person's issue Just pointing out that lineup and style of play shifted and the team started having better results. Don't think that's all that controversial of an observation. People complain Berry can't adapt or change style, yet there was a definite shift mid-season and people then people complained that the ones who were in the lineup when UND was winning less weren't getting their shot when they were winning more. This isn't a knock on a single player, I am disappointed when anyone transfers out. But there's usually a solid reason and they understand their role going forward.
  11. Maybe the guys who sat more the second half of they year would have got more run if the team wasn't so far behind the 8-ball from when they were in the lineup the first half? I mean, seems like the team was consistently playing better when they mostly switched the focus to the guys who were less of a defensive liability. Just a thought.
  12. Likely because the expense of adding lacrosse isn't worth it.
  13. Hopefully more than the last one. The last one was the most agreement I've seen this board on anything.
  14. I'd argue a slight difference between fan actions and the official team account making the comment. Guessing Motzko wasn't the one to endorse that idea, especially given him and Berry's relationship.
  15. At least that is a sport that area high schools sponsor. Unlike some of the other one's thrown out there.
  16. The plan would have Fenton looking for a new job.
  17. Is the truth the stuff you make up or just your opinions? Trying to figure out which to chuckle at.
  18. Having players stay and recruit others to play with them is much more preferable than watching other programs recruit UND's players.
  19. Yes, everyone is aware of that. But you then tried to spin it by comparing this particular instance to other situations that aren't comparable. Again, the point is, quit screaming that the sky is falling when you don't actually have any of the facts to the story. And when people try to explain it to you, like some other did, don't just dismiss it because it doesn't fit your negative narrative.
  20. This isn't a lateral move. And you knew that, because you literally typed it out. Let thank sink in. Point being, you're spreading BS with nothing to back it up. Lots of proven history of assuming the worst scenario is actually factual and running with that.
  21. When they do it for family reasons, yes, it is quite common. But carry on, continue guessing and making statement that have no basis of truth.
  22. Got anything to prove that out? Because you aren't correct. Why is this board full of people that enjoy denigrating UND athletics at every chance?
  23. I'm shocked!!! But oh well, guess some people got their chance to complain about an absolute nothing-burger even though others told them they were wrong. Unreal the lengths and stretches of the imagination some will go just to take shots at the program they supposedly support.
  24. Putting them on a pedestal and bending over backwards for them and then being stuck with any resulting mess as they use the conferences as a stepping stone would be one of those negatives.
  25. I don't think anyone is arguing this. How/where they currently are/etc, sure there are differences. But no one is against UND showing significant improvement.
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