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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. I think your last comment is the most likely scenario. ACC must want to get into Texas for recruiting at some cost if they are looking at and SMU is apparently really pushing to get back to a P5 conference as they are reportedly offering to forego any revenue share for the first few years of joining a conference. So that's a move that could happen but don't see it causing a lot of dominos to continue to fall though. Maybe the AAC goes after one other school to get back to an even number? UTEP to add another Texas school?
  2. Les Schwab Tire Center
  3. Issues with the railroad and actual through road there plus eating up the grass practice field along with the throwers practice area for T&F.
  4. What money? There are no exit fees and the conference actually owes Comcast $50 million for overpayments. The only value that exists for the PAC is their P5 autonomy (for now) and NCAA credits.
  5. Don't know what Stanford or Cal will do but WSU and OSU finding a way to merge the PAC and MWC is their ideal step forward. Not sure how plausible, but keep what you can of NCAA credits and autonomy of the PAC while avoiding the exit fees for the MWC. Don't see Stanford and Cal wanting to associate with the majority of those schools. Stanford will be fine regardless. Not as sure about Cal. Not sure how connected the MWC is but a bigger mess would be the majority backstabbing a few stragglers, voting to eliminate exit fees and shuttling to the PAC. Not sure if that's even a possibility though.
  6. Not unless they have a hell of a lawyer or enough teams vote to dissolve their Grant of Rights. On the surface, those teams seem to be stuck until 2036.
  7. I completely understand this stance and agree with a lot of it. But its also fair to point out that UND has the 6th lowest subsidy in the FCS (excluding the Ivies). There is also only 3 AAC, 7 MWC and 1 Sun Belt schools that have less of a subsidy on a percentage basis, meaning UND is currently 17th or so in lowest subsidies in the FCS/G5 group. I'm all for improving that number but I'm also fine with there being some investment by students/state. The bigger question is how much does the budget have to go up, what additional out dollars come with it and what do you gain if there is some sort of move. It wasn't a coincidence that Chaves pointed out everyone benefits if the 4 Dakota schools stay together. They are mostly in similar positions and at the G5 level, geography is still a very important piece of the puzzle. The Sun Belt went from a big mess to a pretty solid conference by strategically tightening their footprint. C-USA? Not so much. Is there a way to move 4-6 schools into one of those conferences and having a northern division? That would seem like the ideal type of move (which has been mentioned by many others).
  8. Despite your wishes, none of those are facts but here's one to try on for size: It is clear that no one is clamoring to add a school that has severe geography issues with troubling enrollment trends and needed a legislative bailout to hit their budget with no clear answer for future issues.
  9. You said the other thing out loud. They are really cool and I really wish we had them, but they don't mean a damn thing.....
  10. Others probably have more informed opinions than myself, but overall, I think they are finding there way and aren't afraid to adapt and try new things to find their niche. Good quality but like any restaurant these days, you're going to pay for it.
  11. Guess they finally said the quiet part out loud. Anyone paying attention has seen all of the small (and not so small) things that have been going on both in front and behind the scenes to get to this point. Given the volatility, the best plan is not to figure out what your next step is but to put yourself in a position to be able to react to the constant change. Now for the really quiet part that hasn't been said out loud.....Of the 4 Dakota schools, UND is the only one who is currently sitting in a position to meet all new FBS requirements without significant restructuring or increasing scholarships to meet the minimum financial aid numbers, which could mean adding additional sports for at least 1 or 2 of the Dakota schools from either a pure numbers standpoint or a Title IX perspective (or both). That is a much bigger deal than people understand.
  12. https://www.bernieseastgrandforks.com/
  13. I mean, that was literally what I was pointing out in the whole entire paragraph. But thanks for noticing. Speaking of noticing, I see you didn't actually answer any questions. Guess they were too inconvenient for you?
  14. So when you are tossing downvotes around like candy, you are just pointing out that particular post is actually an inconvenient truth? Or is that only the case when people don't agree with your take (which I can assure you all are not "inconvenient truths")? I think there are more impactful tasks out there than giving your opinion on a message board, but I guess that's just my opinion (which I'm happy to do, along with things that have real life implications).
  15. Here's an article prior to the 2022 tournament, where the MWC eventually went 0-4. https://nevadasportsnet.com/news/reporters/how-much-money-will-mountain-west-make-off-this-years-ncaa-tournament-it-depends They then picked up 8 units in 2023. https://www.sportico.com/leagues/college-sports/2023/march-madness-2023-unit-payouts-1234717368/ So they are currently sitting at 21 units, which will pay out about $7.2 million to the MWC in 2024. 2017 - 1 2018 - 4 2019 - 2 2020 - Canceled 2021 - 2 2022 - 4 2023 - 8
  16. Which is it? Are you trying to keep up or are you on the forefront? Hint, it isn't the latter, NDSU is the 5th Valley team just in the Valley and 20th in the FCS to announce a collective. Will be interesting to see both where the money is coming from and how its disbursed. Not shocking that it is only directed at football, MBB and WBB. Intrigued to see how much the latter two actually get though.
  17. Changed your tune pretty quick there Danno....
  18. Zero of the words that came out of his mouth are an actual surprise for anyone that knows him or at least of him. As someone else pointed out to me, classy to have your kickoff press conference at a bar. Maybe they will toss in the first round to players who don't transfer? Unfortunately talk is cheap but funding this to the levels that he just laid out is for from that. However it looks like they saved some money by not spending it on logo design, so I guess that's a start?
  19. Comprehension is hard for some people. Seems to be right up there with taking any sort of effort to talk to those in charge. On the other hand, had some great conversations with stakeholders and decision makers this week on a lot of things going on and getting more insight on the Alston awards, how and why it came about and the theory and reasoning behind why they took that route. Was able to ask questions and give input on my thoughts on it as well.
  20. So you're saying the athletic department has never changed anything or even attempted to? Ever? Wow. That's a pretty interesting statement. I mean, it goes completely against some of the recommendations of people I know that the athletic department has worked to implement, but I guess when you don't talk to anyone, you don't actually have a clue.
  21. Truth is a hard pill to swallow. The majority of the athletic department will be at King's Walk tomorrow almost all day looking to shake hands.
  22. You've tried to slide into my DM's. On multiple occasions. And so have your "buddies", though it appears they go back and delete some of the evidence after the fact. Edit: So since you downvoted this, which part of my statement was it that you don't agree with?
  23. Guessing the decision to go downtown delayed the decision for a few years.
  24. These are players they have seen in camp, competing against a lot of other players they have interest in, many who have offers from plenty of schools. The staff is trusting what they are seeing in person. Would be a much different story if these offers were based off highlight films only.
  25. If encouraging people who do nothing but complain to actually reach out, voice their opinions and actually do something to make a difference is considered complaining, then guilty. I, along with more than a few others, have offered to help set up meetings with whoever people want. I'm not anywhere near what would be considered a huge donor but have never had an issue having conversations with anyone within the Champions Club, Athletic Department, Alumni Foundation or even approaching the President to speak with him. Looking at the people who tend to agree with your opinions, I feel comfortable with where I stand. Bossman.
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