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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. You actually have it completely backwards. It's being discussed because single sport conferences are going to lose their seat at the table to talk about anything. It would be foolish to not at least explore moving the NCHC under an all sport umbrella if they want to have any sort of voice going forward.
  2. Have to wonder what order actual events actually happened...
  3. Looks like no noon starts. Last 4 games all at 1pm. Still earlier than I'd prefer but good compromise given the circumstances. Will be interesting to see if they adjust the hockey game times those weeks of the doubleheader or not.
  4. No one is hanging their hat on it. But pretending they weren't the #1 seed going into the tournament and had a very good chance to make a run is pretty ridiculous as well.
  5. Gee, it's almost like I literally said that there were no guarantees and that either side of the argument could have had something to further their argument....
  6. You mean the one where UND was the number one overall seed going into the tournament that got cancelled? Nothing guaranteed one way or another but if that season plays out, one of the two opinion camps have a data point to work with (and I'm stating it could have been either side).
  7. Rivals had him listed as a point guard (#24 in the country) coming out of high school.
  8. Congrats on doubling down that people shouldn't take your takes seriously. Its one of two things. Either you really believe this, which is frankly fairly ridiculous given how he left and things he's accused the coach of. Or you know its ridiculous and are trying to get a cheap laugh at his expense. Not a good look either way....
  9. Weren't you one of those touting him leaving the first time as evidence the head coach wasn't fit for his job and should be let go? Not going to bother checking back, I'd expect the relevant posts to be deleted by now. Regardless of who it was, this seems to be contrary to the commentary that players were leaving because of the coach. Hopefully his waiver is approved and he can stay healthy. Some serious potential building with the roster changes. Hoping for an exciting season.
  10. Given how many Grand Forks kids have been on UND's basketball team in the couple decades, scholarship or not, it seems like the offer is pretty far from a token gesture. Nothing was stopping him from taking a scholarship or PWO elsewhere either. Plenty of reasons to take the PWO, including betting on yourself to earn a scholarship. Seems like you're insulting a whole bunch of different people with this take though.
  11. I agree with you in wishing the game could be played mid-afternoon. I also understand that logistically, it cannot be. And it has nothing to do with anyone living in Las Vegas. Or maybe the football staff actually prefers the early kickoff and our opinions don't matter? Maybe they will find a way to push the kickoff to 1 or 1:30 and move the hockey game back to 7pm given the magnitude of games that weekend. Officially I believe it was to make it a bit more family friendly as games were getting over fairly late. Unofficial side benefit, probably boosts concession sales a fair amount
  12. Answers to for what in particular? There's a limited amount of staff for the venues, the athletic department and the TV partner. Seems like the TV partner (along with any conference input) is likely going to get the final say. They are the ones writing the big checks.
  13. UND and Midco don't have the staff to do the games that close together (possibly some overlap with temporary/part-time gameday staff for the Alerus Center/REA as well). They need time to finish up all their post-game things at the Alerus Center and then get over to the REA for their pre-game duties over there. And probably grab a bite to eat and have a few minutes of downtime. I specifically asked about this last year when there were some noon football games. My push was to move those Saturday hockey games back an hour to 7pm and start the football game at 1pm as a sort of compromise. For a variety of reasons, some I agree with and some I don't, I would expect them to stay at 12pm for football and 6:07pm for hockey on doubleheader weekends. Crazy what you can find out if you just ask a question.
  14. Given the amount of kids activities that take place in the morning during the fall, there's a lot of people who would disagree with that sentiment. Especially if they want to tailgate for even a little bit before the game, let alone make it on time.
  15. Not worth blowing up this thread even further since it has been beaten to death, but for starters, pretty serious accusations you're leveling regarding the NODAK trademark. According to your version, BB must have some crazy pull in the North Dakota Attorney General's office to get away with what you're accusing him of. Don't you have some made-up things to rant about? Or are you still working on the arguments no one is making?
  16. Quite the mix of assumptions, opinions and even what appears to be a false accusations or two mixed in with the commentary there. Congrats on having opinions though! Typing alot or often doesn't make them more valid or accurate though. Nor does trying to rain what others see as positive developments after what were disappointing results this year.
  17. Hopefully one or two more pieces of good news coming soon...
  18. So your preference is UND should have a few guys being strung along each season, not knowing the plan on when they may or may not be coming in? Because the three options with this particular situation are 1)Bring in a portal guy (or an older kid who somehow hasn't signed with anyone) 2)Bring in someone who isn't ready 3)Happen to have a guy who's actually ready but unknown if he was going to have a spot. And hope he's willing to play another year of juniors if you don't have that spot. Not at all saying you don't need to have a pipeline, but you can only string so many guys along. And before someone goes off on a tangent, I'm specifically talking about someone replacing Caulfield. Yes UND should have a strong pipeline. Yes, they might have to bring some guys in early or delay others, but those situations can work out poorly because they really aren't ready or aren't willing to wait. I think we've seen both happen within the last year or two.
  19. This made me chuckle a little bit. Won't argue that a passionate fan base is (mostly) a positive for a program but if you think that that program will go stale if people don't complain on a message board and social media, well, I just disagree. I can assure you the people in, behind and running the program live and die more with the wins and losses than pretty much everyone else.
  20. I was wondering how you'd take that loss..... .....and boy you're going to have a long off-season.
  21. Here's a general alternative to your (incorrect) assumption: Some people actually take the time to have conversations with the people who are making decisions, try to understand what is going on and figure out what they can do to make a difference. They also use that time to give input to give them additional information to consider while they are making their decisions. They don't have issues disagreeing with decisions made and directly voice that to those people when they feel necessary. They also take the time to understand why they made the decision they did, which is a lot more productive than blindly disagreeing and complaining about it. To me, that seems lot more effective than making assumptions and taking random internet commentary as truths.
  22. Did you read the second line of my comment? I literally said that there is more money out there. Holy overreaction. An overall disaster? Wow..... My point was that a lot of what people are asking, for local business to just "give more", is just going to end up redirecting existing dollars. Not a single person has said "we can't do anything about it" and then just given up. (Again you, arguing against points no one is making). Others pointing out the reality is much more than wave a magic wand and tell businesses to just give more isn't a defeatist attitude. It's trying to help people realize its going to be a team effort and probably require some grassroots support.
  23. Local businesses also only have a finite amount of money within their budget for "advertising". Not saying there isn't more money out there, because there is, but I'm also saying what you're suggesting will come at the expense of funds that are already directed towards Champions Club/REA/Alerus Center that support the program in different ways.
  24. I assume because you need to build out the infrastructure into those towns as well and you run into the economy of scales issue the as well. The is a lot of oversight and overhead that go into a full scale operation. And the competion there is no different anywhere else in the state. Now, if they can pick up some e-tab spots in various spots to get things rolling, that's a no-brainer to get things at least started. I get where you're coming because I've questioned it a fair amount and again, directly asked the question. I've also worked with some of the nonprofits that do it and there's a big chunk of overhead that comes with it and the competition is absolutely cutthroat, most of which comes from how the state regulates it.
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