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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. If they are so far along in planning, why the big secret? Obviously things aren't set in stone until the final budget numbers are presented (and even then there is a lot of room for changes) but I think it is more than fair for people to be curious about what the "priorities" in Fargo are, especially after Bresciani stated that cuts won't be across the board, especially considering the amount of cuts coming. Because of how they handled the last round, they will actually have to make some real cuts this time around and all we know so far is that they've offered some early retirements and that it will have a minimal effect on athletics.
  2. I didn't say they didn't have some sort of plan, I said I don't think they are further along than people think (which was your claim). The comments from the article that ran sure make it seem like nothing is very concrete at this point and the fact that nothing outside of some buyouts and early retirement having been made public is telling, especially since some areas are apparently going to take a much bigger haircut than others. Weird how that comes out right after an article about how the athletic department likely won't see much in terms of negative effects from budget cuts.
  3. Here's the difference: I or most here won't argue they screwed that up (even though two sports had previously been chopped along with numerous other real cuts). Not a chance FargoU fanboys would dare be critical of the hard pass NDSU took on anything resembling a meaningful cut. I mean that article today sure reinforced the narrative that they were further along than people think.
  4. I'd rather have cuts made than kicking the can down the road. You eventually have to pay the piper.
  5. Sometimes you just have to shake your head and move on. I'd also say that 11/10/5 is a good game by most standards.
  6. Do you have anything that verifies the rights are the only cut the HoF gets? The FAQ for the game states it is used to generate revenues but didn't expand on anything beyond that.
  7. Are you sure that UND would have been the one to get all those profits? The REA purchased the rights for the game and the game itself is used to generate revenue for the US Hockey Hall of Fame. I think you are overestimating how much extra revenue would have been generated for UND directly. And a counterpoint to your last comment, what if the game flopped? There were people outside of UND who actually work in the industry who worked with them on this. The decision was made to go for a packed house and know what they were getting vs. rolling the dice and hoping for the best. Working with the people and info they had, they made what they thought was the best call. Hindsight is obviously 20/20 and I would love to have more tickets but that ship has sailed at this point.
  8. I'm not as worried about the talent as I am the leadership Q brings to the table. That will be the toughest thing to replace.
  9. BC losing to Merrimack didn't help.
  10. 401 and above were all opened up at the same time. If you tried when the sale opened, you got them. Not guaranteed but odds are significantly better than the public sale.
  11. brian.faison@athletics.und.edu
  12. People were still able to get 4 tickets a couple hours after the final round of the presale started, though it was pretty much sold out except for singles shortly after that. As long as you didn't wait, you would have been able to get them. I agree with the rest of your comments though.
  13. What is the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame Game? The U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame Game is an exempt game, or an extra game, that is played every season in an attempt to generate much‐needed revenue for the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum in Eveleth, Minn. Ralph Engelstad Arena purchased the rights to the 2018 U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame Game from the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum. This game provides the opportunity for UND and Minnesota to play one additional game above and beyond the NCAA maximum number of games normally allowed in a season. In essence, this is an “extra” regular season game for both UND and Minnesota during the 2018‐2019 season. Why isn’t the game being played at the new NHL arena that was recently opened up on the Strip? The 2018 U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame Game is being played at the Orleans Arena because the Orleans Arena is the best fit for this event. We absolutely seek to sell out this event and create an electric event atmosphere for all involved. The Orleans Arena will be packed to the rafters, loud, and crazy – the exact type of event atmosphere and life experience that we seek to create. We’ve got a great event partner in the Orleans Hotel and Casino and the Orleans Arena provides the best balance between the event’s anticipated ticket sales and the venue’s capacity for a hockey game.
  14. Not even close and of course. The funny thing is, I'm guessing there is a bunch of Champions Club members who bought tickets just because they were available and will make their decision on going later. I know of at least a handful that did. A huge part of my group doesn't have tickets either. Going to have to figure it out I guess.
  15. I don't know the exact costs, I'm just stating exactly what I was told by someone who had knowledge of it. I thought the exact same thing and agree that T-Mobile would have been better and told them that. They obviously underestimated the market. If you didn't read the announcement, I guess its your own fault: http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=211086390
  16. Pretty sure the date was mid-December. The game was announced in July as was the statement that Champions Club members would get pre-sale opportunities. That was plenty of time.
  17. Exactly. UND allocated the majority of the tickets to the people who directly support the athletic department. Would have been a pretty cheap investment this year when $135 would have gotten you an easy way to get 2 regional tickets and 4 Vegas tickets.
  18. Not unless Champions Club members are the ones putting them there. That is who got most of the tickets They did plenty of looking into the T-Mobile Arena. The risk tied with the cost/guarantee didn't make it feasible.
  19. Is that you Joe Chapman?
  20. If Kolpack's numbers are to be believed, how is NDSU athletics relying on 60% more state funding than UND, yet UND is looking at making much more drastic cuts? (Hint - his numbers are off)
  21. Simple Dan: Teller of #AlternateFacts before they went mainstream.
  22. Considering it is going to be around a 20% across the board on state funding to the Universities and the athletic department receives state and school support, I'm not sure how you could read it any other way. I guess they could just exempt the athletic department but the backlash would be huge (and rightfully so) if academics had to pick up extra cuts because they didn't do their fair share.
  23. I used that assumption. But that means the increase (which is impressive but doesn't actually cover the full announced amount of FCOA) is being used entirely for scholarships/FCOA and isn't being used to fund what would on the surface should equate to a $1.3 million cut. I'm using the definition of school funds that USA today uses: "Includes both direct and indirect support from the university, including state funds, tuition, tuition waivers etc., as well as federal Work Study amounts for student workers employed by athletics department. It also includes the value of university-provided support such as administrative services, facilities and grounds maintenance, security, risk management, utilities, depreciation and debt service that is not charged to the athletics department." I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why the rest of the campus would have to look at their budget and make cuts why the athletic department would get to pick and choose and only look at less than 10% of their budget and trim that. The numbers don't add up. Maybe there is still excess funds available from the dining hall, who knows?
  24. I have no clue where Caillou gets his numbers (but I know where he got his education!!). Per USA Today, in 2015, NDSU got $6.6 million from direct institutional support out of their $22.3 million budget (29.4%). UND got $7.3 million of direct institutional support out of their $24.3 million budget (30.2%). So pretty close on that front. This doesn't include student fees, which UND relies heavier on and was approved by UND students in a vote. NDSU students rejected NDSU's athletic department to raise theirs last year, mostly due to how bad they botched their presentations. Because travel and equipment and stuff... Using 2015 numbers (most recent available) and rough calculations, if the state funding is going to be cut around 20%, that means that UND and NDSU will have to come up with ways to shore up around $1.46 million and $1.32 million respectively for the athletic departments to take on their fair share of budget reductions. UND is doing what it needs to do and looking at cutting sports, mainly because they sponsor too many for their size at the D-1 level and can't possibly make them all competitive (and finally doing what they should have done a decade ago). NDSU obviously can't cut any sports if it wants to keep any hope at all for a move up or (at least the illusion of one) since the FBS requires 16, which NDSU currently sponsors, while FCS requires 14. NDSU's fundraising is up around $300K, which, assuming no other rising costs, still leaves around $1 million of what they hypothetically need, but that doesn't include any funding any of the FCOA. Maybe the Teammakers donations don't account for those funds but reading their releases, I have a hard time seeing how they wouldn't. Per the Forum article, apparently their budget for this year is slated to be less than it was in 2015, so it is possible they had done some reductions already to cover some of it but somehow the rest of the plan seems to be not hiring two positions that previously didn't even exist and that is going to bridge the shortfall. I am really confused on where the Forum got their data from, which actually make UND look better than they are. But looking at what is publicly available and seems to be more accurate, I guess I'm not following the numbers and have no clue how they make any sense but I'm sure now that the Forum did their "duty" and said there won't be any issues, it won't be brought up or questioned again.
  25. UND has no answer for Willey or Bogdan. Guess that size shouldn't be able to move or handle the ball like that at this level. Need to get Bogdan his fifth. Go at him.
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