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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. More strawman arguments? Or is that quote somewhere next to the other alleged similar quotes? Regardless of who hired him, the current president has currently endorsed him and gave him an extension after working with him for multiple years.
  2. Interesting take. Don't agree based on money and resources but I'm willing to hear more.
  3. That's tends to happen when the President of the University publicly decries athletics, halts fundraising and shows zero support for the student athletes. Its gotten even worse over the last few years.
  4. Was a helluva guy and one of a kind. Had just moved back to Fargo and was excited to get season tickets and attend more UND events in person instead of from afar. Will be missed by many.
  5. Home/away alternating weekends the whole season.
  6. Some pieces are there. Depth and putting it together consistently together continue to be a work in process.
  7. All 4 wanted in at various points in time....
  8. This is kind of why I think coaches actually coaching into the last year of their contract might become something we so more of. By no means will it be the norm, but possibly something we see more of. The trick will be that if you make a move at the end of the season, it will need to be done quickly. Even if you make a move during their contract, the portal window opens up for players even if it is closed for the rest of the teams.
  9. The school board isn't drawing the lines, consultants are. And they are doing a terrible job.
  10. That's why it should be a 5-10 year plan. There's going to be more people in support of that, over time, than the absurd boundary redrawings they keep releasing.
  11. There isn't a good way to do it and it's a lot more complicated than wishing it to be so. The real solution is to come up withh a plan for south end high school in the next 5-10 years.
  12. No dog in the fight but it didn't look like the defenseman ever touched the crease and the goalie went into him to try to clear him. But maybe there was a different view? Didn't hear why they didn't call the too many skaters penalty though.
  13. Funny that the UND game in Fargo is easily their highest attended game....
  14. Such as? They are doing a renovation of the conference space. They have a great reputation for hosting large events. There's 5+ hotels connected to or within walking distance of the facility. Just curious what you'd like to see them do?
  15. Yet when they do try to open new revenue streams, people complain because they don't like the change.
  16. jdub27

    R1 Status

    Does that include when they lost it?
  17. jdub27

    R1 Status

    They can because they do medical research as well. The point is they don't compete for a large portion of their funding. Regardless of the "pot", when you get it, that is a significant difference when hundreds of schools are competing for a different pot, regardless of size. So "catching up to a state peer" is an absolutely ignorant statement.
  18. jdub27

    R1 Status

    The understatement on this is hilarious. A huge portion is non-competitive, federal funding they are allocated and have to do nothing. Meaning no one else can get it and there is zero effort to earn it. As was stated, night/day difference. Its important enough that it's is part of why Nebraska lost their research status a while back.
  19. A lot of this. Schools at UND's level aren't going to have "revenue" to share. So that is a moot talking point. At this point, it doesn't sound like any of the Dakotas are looking at opting in at this point, at least in year 1. Probably the smart decision because the rules on what the settlement looks like (aka - what you are choosing to opt in to) won't be known until mid-April. Not sure the thought process for the other FCS schools. But again, one year isn't going to set anyone too far back, especially when no one knows what they are opting in to. UND would also have to trim some other sports rosters and I'm not sure how that would trickle down and have any possible effects on Title IX compliance.
  20. No argument on who you lose to and when is huge difference. The other half of the equation is that the whole conference had a poor non-conference, which means in-conference comparisons aren't worth as much as they have been in the past.
  21. UND can offer a lot of other things to help offset that difference until the actual rules are figured out (Alston, FCOA, NIL). No one knows what the actual rules are going to look like until mid-April when the final ruling comes down. Opt-in day is March 1 for the coming year. Guessing most schools will wait to see what the ruling states and then look at how to proceed next year, since an opt-in or opt-out is a yearly decision for non-P4 schools.
  22. jdub27

    R1 Status

    Pleasantly surprised they were able to get there as quick as they did. A few years ahead of schedule from the original plan! Probably not welcome news in certain parts of the state, but excellent for Grand Forks and UND.
  23. I remember when we had a coach who did that but couldn't win "the big one". Pitchforks were out in full force annually. Pretty sure the Venn diagram of the people complaining now overlaps significantly with the ones who wanted to run Hak out of town... Schlossman had a pretty good article today showing that the team's record is actually pretty close to quite a few of those teams people are pining for, but unfortunately UND (and the NCHC as a whole) screwed up the non-conference schedule so Pairwise, they are in a much different spot.
  24. UND has to pay the Alerus Center for all tailgating, Champions Club and any other parking spots they control access to. No clue what that is, but I'm assuming it is defined through the usage agreement. They then work backwards from there to come up with a balance that encourages tailgating and rewards donors with not losing money. The Alerus Center chooses the rates and collects the parking fees for the rest of the lots and also control the Suite/VIP parking.
  25. When you own the facility, things are a bit different...
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