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Everything posted by VMeister

  1. Voted Sundogs. Sioux me.
  2. After yesterday, Johnny is on the path to conversion. I did make him buy his own beer though. I'm out of town for the Montana State game. Who can adopt him for that one?
  3. Your attire will determine whether you get one of my tickets or one way up in the corner. Get Hambone going on the beer.
  4. I'll get him a ticket for Saturday. You get him a beer. May as well get me a beer too.
  5. What happens the other 6%?
  6. How can we find your tailgate? Maybe you could hang some Kelly Green balloons on your lightpost.
  7. Just a comment on how many hours we've all wasted on this.
  8. I see what you did there.
  9. I wasn't in my usual spot that game. It appeared to me he couldn't be reasonably be expected to hold up in the split second after the ball was gone. What did you see from your vantage point? I'm sure if Wentz is touched a millisecond after releasing the ball, the locals will equate it to clubbing a baby on the 50-yard line
  10. Post a picture and we'll judge that ourselves.
  11. That sound you hear is 19,000 sphincters puckering simultaneously in Fargo.
  12. I'm just glad UND doesn't have to face a backfield of Chase Morlock and Pat Paschall. That at would be quite a 1-2 punch.
  13. Probably not comparable. It's easy to sell beaver video. Not sure who needs commentary.
  14. Will you explain?
  15. I believe that would only get you 10 games per year, but I'll assume everything else you post on SiouxSports is correct.
  16. Bison fans aren't allowed to use the term "flagship".
  17. Hillary Clinton currently leads the 2016 polls. Does that make her President? http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/president/
  18. No doubt he's a good one. He wasn't All-American. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ap-fcs-america-team-list-180738721--ncaaf.html Making !@#$ up will always bite you in the ass.
  19. I thought you were moving off-campus?
  20. That VMeister is usually pretty reliable. Must be correct.
  21. Arizona is in the Mountain time zone, but they don't observe Daylight Savings. So 2 hour difference in the summer.
  22. Looks like Fargo math to me. 282 + 28 = ?
  23. Try it once with a girl?
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