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Everything posted by VMeister

  1. You don't need real numbers to do the math. If you take out the benefit to the community and expectations for a certain number of home games...and just consider gross ticket sales: As soon as you pay more than 50% of the gate to the visiting team, a home and home would be more beneficial.
  2. VMeister

    FCS Playoffs

    Where do you find them?
  3. Why is that? No criminal record yet?
  4. It's just the younger people. The older ones are used to it.
  5. 2012 Northern Colorado Bears 2009 Minnesota Vikings
  6. Seems like a solid move up. Good luck, Josh.
  7. To be fair, there are plenty of nice looking girls in Fargo. But including the AC's barnyard animals and cheerleaders definitely brings down the average.
  8. I've got no dog in the fight. I'm just saying that his statement didn't sound consistant with someone that "would like to offer an apology". You seem a little defensive on the subject. What's up with that?
  9. Does this seem strange from someone who "would like to offer an apology"? Multiple mentions of his masterful ability to control his emotions, and how professional he is. No mention of the words "regret", "apologize", or "sorry".
  10. For the past couple of years, I've felt that Coach Mussman's long-term future at UND would be pretty evident by the middle of this season, one way or the other. I like the guy, but I can't say I didn't have some doubts. He started in a hole and had some obstacles during transition that were not his doing. Considering where we were a very short time ago (Sioux Falls loss, etc.), I am very impressed with how close we may be to doing some serious damage in the Big Sky. The next few weeks could be a blast.
  11. I would say you're guilty most of the time, not from time to time. But it's a harmless violation, not like an alcohol or sex crime. And, the consequences of your guilt probably weren't explained to you upfront. Let's just sit on it until your day in court.
  12. The press conference is on-line. http://goanimate.com...ource=linkshare
  13. Those quotes were supposedly what they told the investigators, which was prior to this week. So Bohl would have presumably known about it. The "swift punishment" ship has already sailed.
  14. I thought the conspiracy was that the AG and SecState were UND grads persecuting these young scholars? Given the reports, it would be hard to believe the players didn't conspire. Would make it more interesting if it turns out they sat around and did this in the NDSU team room.
  15. They've had them in the past (pregame, touchdowns, etc.) and I'd like them to return. Anything that makes your ears ring has my vote. I'd even give up my request for free beer to get them back.
  16. Louder music. Fireworks. Blowout win. Free beer.
  17. Johnny, As GeauxSioux pointed out, I'm not defending drunk driving in any way. My point was when you make a decide to drive drunk, it is by definition an impaired decision. Seems to me forging signatures and certifying they are authentic might be a bit more premeditated, no? But since you asked, in my 51 years I've never had an alcohol citation. Can you say the same for yourself for say, the last 90 days? Of course there was no physical harm. That's kinda how fraud works. Bernie Madoff physically harmed no one. There are laws for a lot of things that doesn't involve people getting hurt. No one is suggesting these people should be lined up and shot. But to imply that these players and Fargo Football, Inc. don't have a major shitstorm on their hands just makes you look silly.
  18. I think that's the part that doesn't sit well. At least a DUI is an impaired decision. How long would it take to forge hundreds (thousands?) of fake names? Too long for it to be innocent. I've made innocent mistakes in my life. Not once did the state Attorney General call a press conference.
  19. After I puked, absolutely. In the same situation, I would have sent Faison a “WTF” e-mail immediately after the coach’s press conference. Bohl has earned a lot of respect from me in the past few years…but to me it looks like he’s on the edge of a slippery slope. If the other 92 players discover some people aren’t subject to the same rules, it’s going to bite him in the ass. I witnessed it happen once before. Unfortunately, I witnessed it happening at UND.
  20. Johnny, help me out with the math. They made it over 40 days without an arrest, but there were 8 of them arrested. What does this do to the average?
  21. They already have online course. Just not very good at it.
  22. I would imagine most people went to Brad's blog when they meant to go to Kolpack's. These things happen.
  23. According to your knowledge of mathematics and statistics, NDSU will have another police incident in 7 more days?
  24. Seems like alot of polls and many of them just have rubes voting. Couldn't even tell you which ones are "legitimate".Finish up September 4-1 and the votes will be there.
  25. Epic pwnage.
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