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Everything posted by Superman0099

  1. Good job PCM. I really liked the last paragraph.
  2. One thing I love about Sioux fans is that we aren't satisfied unless our team is winning. A lot.... I agree that the team is underacheiving. They do not look as if they are as disciplined on the ice as they were under Blais, but I would hope that its just the team adjusting to the changes. The forwards are young, and now that teams dont have to key on ZP and BB, Players like Stafford, Zajac, and Murray are feeling alot more pressure. The team is very talented, but they need to start playing more cohesively, and with more passion. They look flat, like something is missing but no one can put their finger on it....Play Lammy, he's the real deal and IMO one of the only players that shows up every night to play.
  3. It's beginning to turn into a Major Junior vs NCAA thing, rather than a Tri City vs. UND thing. I think this whole ordeal is ridiculous. Major Juniors is considered the "fast track" to the NHL by many because most GMs in the NHL are Canadian and know the Canadian leagues much better. There is no NHL right now and the fact that Toews could earn an education while playing hockey in the best facilities in the world gains more weight in the argument during this lockout. As far as his draft status goes, its ridiculous to say that going to UND would change that. Look at all the first round picks that have come out of the NCAA in the last couple of years: Parise, Stafford, Vanek, Suter, Montoya, Thelan, Zajac, Kesler, Jessiman, Tambellini C. Schnieder, etc. And players like Ryan Kessel, Brian Lee, and Jack Johnson, who will come in the same class as Toews, will be first rounders as well. UND itself has had THREE first round picks in the last 2 drafts (2 of which came from shattuck). It is ludicrus to declare that going to UND would hurt his draft status. I said a long time ago during all this Kessel hype that IMO Toews would be a better pickup for the Sioux. That said, I really really hope he chooses UND.
  4. Too bad to see that. Good luck to Kaip and Brandt in their recovery. I really liked what I saw from Kaip. Hard working player that you love to have on your team, makes positive things happen. Similar to Rory McMahon when he first came to UND, lets hope Kaip and Brandt can both make a speedy recoveries and can get back into the lineup this year.
  5. Maybe Alaska is recruiting that guy? Who knows. As far as Markovic, I can't comment on his play because I didn't catch a CR game, but I read an article that praised the Czech players playing in the USHL. My guess is if he is in the USHL system and a leading point scorer on his club than most coaches/scouts would be aware of him. Toews, Duncan, and Kozek will be quite the trio of forwards to bring in. If Stafford hangs around another year the Sioux will have a very agressive group up front. I like the way things are shaping up with the team, reminds me of the smaller teams Blaiser won championships with.
  6. I agree Matt Smaby reminds me alot of Matt Greene as a young player. Matt Greene would have to be one of the best defensive D-men I've seen play at UND.
  7. If UND has landed Toews it is indeed a huge pickup for them. I had read that he was expected to go the MJ route, but maybe that has changed. I hope this is news is factual, but im not getting too pumped about it until I see an official press release.
  8. USA played a good game tonight. Sweden was good and stayed in it most of the game. The game could have gone differently if Montoya hadn't made some key saves to keep the US in the lead. The US is still in need of large improvment defensively and left Montoya out to dry a few times (one of which resulted in a Sweden goal). If this doesn't improve they won't get past the Russains. Offensively, the US has been outstanding. Kessel was spectacular to watch tonight, and I thought Stafford played a good game as well. Too bad Lee missed that breakaway, would have been cool to see him get on the board. Well, The US is in for a rough match tomorow night, I hope their ready to step it up one more knotch to ensure themselves a repeat showing in the final. If Canada does not win the gold it will be a major upset in my opinion. However, if the US plays with that much intensity and spirit for a full 60 minutes they have a chance to beat anyone.
  9. It's not always about putting the most talented players on the ice, Sandy and co picked the team that they thought would give them the best chance to win another gold. This is going to be a fun tournament to watch at the ralph. Remember how well Montoya can play... he alone could lead the US team right back into the thick of it.
  10. So what's the scouting report on Luke Beaverson from last night??
  11. Kessel is a very very talented kid. He was one of the better offensive players at the US junior camp and hes 2 years younger than most of them. In my opinion however, Jonathan Toews would be a bigger pickup for the sioux.
  12. Jason Blake, Bryan Lundbohm, Ryan Bayda
  13. Whether or not people understand it Fighting keeps the game much cleaner. You think some punk is gonna care about giving a cheap high stick to a player when all he gets is 2 minutes on the bench? Doubt it.
  14. From what I've seen, the younger players have been playing very well, it's the older more experienced players who aren't stepping up and playing to the level we know they can. Spirko, Kaip, Zajac, etc have all impressed me so far, same with Porter and Smaby. McMahon has been the best player on the ice for the Sioux in most games, and it hurt to lose him against BC. Whether or not it shows up on the stats sheet, he is one of the key players to this team. They need him this year. It is my impression that the sioux are just getting used to some changes. This team has enough talent to play and beat anyone, they just need to bring it together. Passing was piss poor against minnesota (IMO, that is why we lost the game so badly) and the team looked tired. They need to find their groove. Murray and Stafford are playing hard but I think Stafford is trying to do too much. It's like he's trying to play the fancy/finess forward, when hes really more of a power forward type. Leave the fancy stuff up to Spirko and Murray and use your strength on the puck to score goals. Let's face it, Prpich is an agitator and he's good at it, but he needs to take smarter penalties. Greene and Jones have looked a little off but they don't worry me very much, they will come around. I still feel they will be the best D-pair in the league this year. Lastly, remember guys, its OCTOBER. This team has had alot of changes since last year and its going to take some time to shift into. They've lost two games, don't be calling for peoples heads just yet. Kick some Northeastern ass. (And give Phil the start!! )
  15. Hakstol has always been a wonderful recruiter, it's going to be fun watching his teams play. I'm excited for next weekend.
  16. Had heard the sioux had verbals from a couple more BCHL players. Anyone know any more about them?
  17. Sounds like a plug for wendy's if you ask me...
  18. Interesting to see teams take chances on players like Peter Mueller who will probably never play in the USHL, but go straight to college. Is there any news on where Jon Ammerman is leaning?
  19. Montoya was solid throughout the camp... I agree with jloos, O'Sullivan was the probably the best player overall. Good skater and very strong on his skates. He also drew a lot of penalties for team blue. Kessel impressed me alot. 16 years old and he was flying around the ice. Good puck handler and grit for such a little guy. He did not look out of place at all considering all these kids are a couple years older than him. He reminded me a lot of Brady Murray Dan Fritsche caught my eye as one of the better players, along with Bryan Lerg, Mike Brown, and Ryan Callahan. Stafford and Pineault were the better checking forwards. Actually I was failry impressed with Pineault's play this weekend, when I saw him last october with BC he didn't look quite as good. Is he going back to BC or is he going MJ? On defense Suter was far and away the best IMO, followed by Hagemo and Thelan. By the way, the fact that Hagemo is going to be a gopher scares me. He's got one helluva shot and is smart and physical. Reminds me a bit of Ballard. In any case - he is going to be very good for the gophs. Overall the team looked good, weaknesses IMO were goal scoeres/finishers and toughness in front of their own net. I thought Nickerson would be a bigger force than he was, but I wasn't very impressed with his puckhandling at all. Blake Wheeler is big but he did look a bit out of place. This camp might have been a little more up tempo than what he is used to in MNHS hockey. Not a very fluid skater yet but you can see the potential oozing off of him. The US team will be as good as any of the other teams in the tournament this winter, and they have a good shot a a medal.
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