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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. I checked out the site...pretty funny. I loved her peice on Ralph. I never knew he grew up in Theif River Falls, Wisconsin. I love these overzealous activists who never do any research, and constantly get facts wrong. BTW, one of these tools is in my Global Nav. class this summer...PETA is more tolerable than these people.
  2. I'll answer for him...no. If Englestad had given NDSU the same amount of money and an arena, they wouldn't bad mouth him and they would defend him like those of us at UND. They'd proabably actually research the topic before posting such nonsense, too.
  3. Isn't Fuhr a coke addict or something like that? And I don't care about Roy's dark side...he's a good goalie and his wife is smokin' I wasn't around in 2000, so while I am not saying this for sure, I don't think that they played musical goalies that year. It was more something where Kollar stepped in for a few games, I believe that Goehring played most of the games that season. Kollar also played well those two years because he had something to prove, when he didn't think he had to fight for the job...we saw what happened Siembida was brought in to save last season (as you'll recall, he started playing for us around Chirstmas), which didn't really work out. As far as Brandt, I've said all along that if he got some confidence and calmed down (he looks damn nervous in net) he could be a very good goaltender.
  4. Interesting article...might be something to think about. I think we would have scored around 150 goals this year (minnimum) if it hadn't been for that dern post.
  5. I wasn't talking about the password...i figured that one out...it's a matter of paying for it.
  6. I thought you said you could get all the way back to NJ in 18 hours...or did you now try to get that far.
  7. I know someone that collects various artifacts from the Civil War, Union and Confederate. This must mean he agrees with everything the south stood for at that time like slavery, right WYOBISONMAN. Please think before you speak (or post).
  8. SAVE FERRIS!!! But seriously, my best guess is that the scholarship does not cover their cost of summer classes, as scholarships are issued once a year (I think, never actually being smart enough to receive one, I am going off of when we apply for them...athletic scholarships may be handled differently), and are for a specific amount of money.
  9. I think what I meant to say was that he could lend his knowledge of the art of goalkeeping to our goaltenders. Any former goalie would be better than nothing, seeing as how they all understand each other. Hope that clears up any confusion, I see how my original post could have thrown people off.
  10. Not sure that even the BADger players listened to a damn thing he had to say I guess seeing as how I, like the majority of people, am paying for college through loans, I have no sympathy for a guy who doesn't earn his scholarship and I don't feel that they should continue to receive money if they don't live up to their end of the bargin. In athletics it's playing well and producing, in academia, it's maintaining good grades. If you can't live up to the standards set...pay for it like the rest of us
  11. Who better to understand a goalie than a goalie. Especially one as good as Belfour.
  12. So let me get this straight, if I have an academic scholarship and I work hard, but fail to make the academic standards, It shouldn't get it taken away just because I worked hard? Wait a minute, that's not what your saying, if I am an athlete then I should get special treatment and continue to get my school paid for because I am doing enough in the clasroom, even though I am not performing up to standards in my sport? Am I getting warmer? I can go and work just as hard on the ice as anyone on the team, so should I get a scholarship? No, you know why?? Because I am not as good as they are and I wouldn't produce as much as them. That's reality. They are getting money to play a sport while in school, if they don't play well, they shouldn't get money...end of story.
  13. ...or gets SARS Yes, musical goalies is not the way to go when coaching a team. Goalies are nuts, crazy, and insane. Don't mess with their heads.
  14. Academic scholarships can be pulled if a student doesn't perform up to academic standards, why should athletic scholarships be any different? If a student athlete doesn't get it done on the field, ice, or court, why should they continue to receive money to go to school?
  15. In case certain people didn't catch what wantagh was implying, I would also love to see Eddie the Eagle return to be the goalie coach for the Sioux when he retires. However, Sivebida needs to go. As harsh as that might sound Goon is right that an .845 SV% is not acceptable at UND. Next year our goalies should be Brandt, Zieglemann, and Parise. There is no need to keep Sofie and Ranfranz on the team, no matter how hard they work in practice. If you can't get it done in the game...it really doesn't matter now does it.
  16. I agree, Blais' contract should be worked out ahead of any other UND coaches. Lennon and everyone else are great coaches, but a championship caliber D1 coach needs to take precedence over the other D2 coaches
  17. Sure, I guess anything's possible...it's been done before
  18. Handyman, I completely agree. The only ones that know for sure are Lucia and his coaching staff. Anything that we say is completly speculation, and guessing.
  19. I think his point was that bigger goalies have an easier time getting in the way of them than smaller goalies. Not to say that big goalies are necessarily better, i.e. Karl Goehring, but being bigger they cover more of the net. (Sorry for the John Madden moment there...the football idiot, not the hockey player).
  20. I'd love to see the Blues play the Wild up here. Hopefully all former WCHA guys on those teams play, and do well if they do. I think that the Thrashers didn't play Hrkac last year because they were looking at a few players for the season, hopefully this means that Panzer and Pohl will see some time with the Blues, and Roche and Murphy with the Wild.
  21. Good to hear, I must have not seen you there (this could be because I've never met you)...and drink my fat Irish a$$ under the table ...
  22. oh we would, would we? ...I hope you are right about applying for season tickets in groups. I might go on over to the athletic office and ask them to be sure, and get details on it. It's not like I have anything else to do after class (seeing as how my ex-flight instructor won't tell me who my new one is, I'll spare you all the story). Never fear...I am on the case.
  23. I thought that it has been estabished that Lammy is not going to come next year, that only Ziegelmann was going to walk on to the team.
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