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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. ....any pre-reqs?? ...that sounds like a lot more fun than studying for Aerospace Law, Gas Turbine Engines, and Airport Planning...maybe I should switch my major
  2. It is...he is no longer eligible to play for the Mighty Ducks. Anaheim now loses the backbone and the reason they are in the WCF, Wild go on to win the Cup.... , The Sioux win the NC in 2003-04 .....at least this is what Miss Cleo tells me
  3. Your source may still be thinking that Layne Sedevie is coming next year. I'm not surprised that Blais told Sofie and Ranfranz will not be back. I think it would have been better if Ranny stayed, and Siembida left.
  4. How DARE you insult my favorite beer...Does Rolling Rock do any more for you? However, I must agree with the Jack Daniels assesment, I always start my drinkin off with a shot of good ole JD
  5. BLASPHEMY!!!!!!...Corona is the greatest beer ever
  6. OK, I had no idea about the total national championships, but again D1 vs. D2. And, thanx for the info on Rodgers, I haven't seen him since our freshman year, so I didn't know about him transfering.
  7. I don't think a Sioux fan asking is the best way to go. Here's an idea...what if one of you Gopher fans went back to POI and asked, then posted the pics here, just think of us as Wild fans, when you do...you, know for better justification as to why you're giving Sioux fans pics of a Gopher cheerleader BTW...Crud Light?...c'mon he's at least worth a case of Corona.
  8. Yep, sounds like the classic 2-3 forecheck...simplest one in hockey. First guy in takes the body, decond guy gets the puck, third guy stays up high. They have to keep it simple with guys like Bertuzzi and Cooke!
  9. Yeeah, soooo...... There aren't gonna be any pics of cheerprincess in the dressing room?...don't tease me like that guys, when it comes to the ladies...I'm fragile
  10. 1) Yes it was happening, the Wild have had trouble clearing the zone the entire playoffs. 2) I don't think it had anything to do with the two systems. I don't know of any system design where you want the other team to control the puck. The idea behind the passes was to get to the winger on the half wall to initiate a breakout. 3) I think that Vancouver did a good job winning the races to the puck. Again there is no system (that I know of) designed to only work when the other team has the puck. If you watched the first game then you would have seen that that is how Vancouver scored with 1.2 secinds left in the game. The Wild couldn't clear the zone and Cooke capitalized for the Canucks
  11. Flatspin and I have been to Perkins (I can't remember which one), and we decided to ask a friend of his who works there if it sounds like anyone she knew. Well one kid popped to the mind of not only her, but the host as well. I think we have a winner.
  12. I'll just come out and say it...he doesn't deserve it. I could go out there and drop the football 30 or 40 times for only a million a year for 10 years...I could save the Vikings 90 million dollars!!! Unf*cking believable. Why do the Vikings put so much faith in this guy? The Vikings should have drafted either Leftwich, Trufant, or Suggs. They didn't get any of them. When will the Vikes front office actually stop smoking crack and realize that when you are 31st against the pass, YOU NEED A SECONDARY!!! I know Leftwich is a QB, but even if they wanted him they wouldn't have got him because they were too slow to the f*cking draft table. I said it in Culpepper's rookie preseason and I'll say it again now. He's an overrated waste of a pick. He's not as good as he or anyone else in the organization thinks he is. I am still dumbfounded we PASSED on JEVON KEARSE to pick him up. Rumor has it he's dumb as rocks to when it comes to football intelligence. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that??
  13. that is actually what I meant by document it...oh well, no use arguing when we want the same thing !!
  14. I heard Lou Nanne on the radio today, talking about how this will be the best skating series of the playoffs. I have to agree. The best part about htis series is there are no Sakic or Naslund type superstar on the either team. There is, however, Gaborik, Walz, Karyia, Giuguere, Park, Rucchin, Oates, Hendrickson, Brunette, Carney, Roloson, Fernandez, Sykora, Mitchell, and a bunch other players that will make this series very very interesting. Note that there have been 10 total goals in the 4 games that the Wild and Ducks have played this year with both teams going 2-2-0. I remember them as being 2-1, 1-0 games. That is the formula for a great playoff series and a probable 7 games, IMO. Old Time Hockey!!
  15. Ok maybe I just missed it...but who the hell is cheerprincess?? My best guess is that she is a really hot Gopher cheerleader. If this is the case, and dagies has gotten to see her wearing not a whole heck of a lot...get PCM in there to document it
  16. That was one of the most beautiful goals I have ever seen. It ranks right up there with that Michigan goal against the Gophers (Gopher fans should know what I am talking about) around 7 or 8 years ago (I think), in the National tournament. The Michigan player was behind the net, picked the puck up with his stick, and stuffed it in the upper corner. Even though I was a Gopher fan at the time, I still had to say W W
  17. Your mistaking him for Ryan Potulny and Irmen (sp)...
  18. Wow did I miss a lot taking a final!!
  19. To all who have had doubt in the Wild...I say, oh ye of little faith. First team in NHL history to comback from a 3-1 deficit twice in the same playoff year. Like I said, they were just toying with Vancouver. Well I went 3-4 in the second round, but 4-4 in who I wanted to win (I picked Dallas, but wanted Anaheim for those who don't remember). Bring on the Ducks baby! What a great series we're in for. People are talking about Giguere already as the Conn Smythe, while Gaborik keeps quietly putting up points (most in the playoffs). The road to the Cup goes through Minnesota...music to my ears Conference Finals predictions: Wild in 7 Devils in 7 We're in for the best OLD TIME HOCKEY of the playoffs with both of them. Go Wild!!!...I need to get me a Wild hat
  20. HEY!...we already lost our guy for next year, you still haven't made your pick (let's not get into that again ). It is in Parise's best interest to stay at UND at least until he wins a National Championship (so one more year at the least ). I don't think that Gopher fans would boo him becuse he is now on their team, just like Brad Bombardier. Once a player becomes a Minnesota player (WCHA or NHL), the fans love 'em, regardless of where they came from. I agree with ScottM in that since the Wild are pretty tight with the wallet, I don't forsee them throwing huge money at Parise right after they draft him. But then again I didn't forsee them throwing that much at Roche either.
  21. I wonder if there are any alterior motives to this statement?? The Wild should draft Parise, if he is still available, but let him stick around at UND for at least 2 or three more years. They already have local talent in Darby Hendrickson and RUMOR has it that Trent Klatt might be in a Wild jersey next season as I believe he is a free agent after this year (I might be wrong though). Add Parise in there and you have an all Minnesota line. And a pretty damn good one too. OF course, I would like to see the Wild win, so if the all-Minnesota line doesn't work out, they shouldn't keep it. But it would still be fun to see!
  22. The ticket takers can be brutal...remember this: "If they give you trouble, kick 'em in the shins" And I think flatspin means they are thorough. ...BTW, I better see you at Springfest flatspin
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