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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. True there is a good view form the upper bowl...but as a student diehard fan, I prefer to get down and dirty in the trenches (as a former player too). There's a reason I get to the arena 2 hours before the doors open...(I just haven't figured it out yet) Oh well, back to class....blah, blah, blah, torque limitation, blah blah blah, initial part of climb...it never ends
  2. I don't think that we can count SD out just yet. I would never have thought that ND would have had a huge hockey following if I didn't watch D1 hockey has a kid. But I agree that the money is an issue, especially in the CHA. The City of Vermillion would have to build an arena for this to work out in the next few years, and I don't necessarily see that happening.
  3. I've never heard of it, I think the spring game is just a college football thing. Remember the hockey team has only been done for a month or so, while football has been done for about 5 months. I believe the hockey season is longer too as there are only 2 or 3 months out of the school year when hockey is not being played.
  4. ditto...now, yellowdog, was that so hard?? This is all you had to say, and the majority of this thread would not exist. Knowing flatspin personally...trust me, he's no idiot. Granted he's not a genious either, or even very intelligent for that matter , but he's not an idiot. jk, you know I love ya man. Not saying I'm that intelligent either though
  5. To try and give an explanation to airmail's comment...I think that the students don't feel respected by the REA staff. They didn't even try to figure out a way for us to enter the arena. It was the students that figured out how to make it work. We are forced to pretty much fend for ourselves at REA, and I'm sure the students that were affected by standing felt that REA would take them seriously. Also, last year they didn't wait for students to complain before they booted the people who wanted to stand, what changed? They saw an opportunity to make money and, obviously took it. Also, giving students the first 5 rows of 110? ...I'm calling shenanigans on this one. If I happen to be seated in this section, I will be respectful to those around me and sit down...during the low points of the game...however, powerplays and select PK's I will stand...last two minutes of a close game I will stand... and OT, I will stand. More than likely I won't be in that section, as I get to the arena early enough, so they won;t have to worry about me, but just some food for thought to REA for that ingenious decision. I would advise all posters who have tickets in 110 to warn the section of what might happen during these times, and stand with us
  6. A Gopher fan sees the light...!!!! Yellow dog...do you actually read the resposes, because I have seen post after post on this thread saying that Pohl is a good player, so we are giving credit where credit is due. Let us have our moment of Panzer having a great season in the AHL and being named IceCats MVP.
  7. Sic... Believe me it was tried, I've seen people try to tell the a$$holes to sit down, they just simply turn around a tell the person to A) F*ck off, or B) stand themselves. Students pay for the tickets too, and if someone in our way was standing and wouldn't sit...we deal with it by standing. Sitting with flatspin behind the visitor's box, I wasn't in a position to talk to the students that were standing anyway.
  8. I ain't hatin'. I think that people see your Devils as the most likely team the Wild will face in the Cup Finals, if they make it there. Hence all the comparisons. I would love to see a Devils-Wild Final. Unfortunately, you wouldn't be up here when they do, so I couldn't rub it in when the Wild sweep 'em. . I, along with the Mullet King, generally like the Devils, and if the Wild don't win, I'd like to see them getit this year. Disclaimer: The Mullet King is not a knock on Melrose...ya gotta love the mullet !! BTW...thanks to sprig, ScottM, and schmidtdoggydog for the sources, we actually gave up on the internet and used the good old opening up a book method, but We appreciate the help.
  9. Bakken has a point in this article, but it has a few inaccuracies...first of all, I never got burned playing with fire , secondly, The Compromise was agreed to after the CC seris last year, not the end of the season. And he makes it sound like the entire student section was standing when it was not even one section (the vast majority, but the first few rows behind the sioux penalty box sat). A lot of students (at least that I know of) don't mind the change to the corner, just the it's the wrong one and we lose seats. Soon, the students will be forced to only upper bowl seats(and Gopher fans correct me if I am wrong) like the student section at Mariucci. The only defference is that the Gophers have better community fan support.
  10. Yes I have seen the stats on the IceCats page. Don't turn this in to another Parise vs. Vanek thing (Only this time our guy won ). Looking at the stats both have had great seasons this year in the AHL. It's good to see two WCHA guys doing so well at the next level. Hopefully both of them see some time in the NHL next year. I do however agree that had Pohl played more games, he had a good chance of getting the award as well, but sioux7 had a point. Panzer is a VERY complete player, not to say that Pohl isn't, but watching both of them I'd have to say that Panzer is better in that respect IMO.
  11. While I agree to never count out a team coached by Lemaire, I wouldn't go so far as to say the Wild are as talented as the '95 Devils team. A lot of what flatspin says is true...as much as we (Wild fans) would like to think so, or hope for that matter, Roli and Fernandez vs. Brodeur is not a wash. Jim Dowd vs. Jim Dowd isn't either (you have to give us that one ). I think that Gaborik has the potential to be better than Richer, but right now he is not. However, I will take Wes Walz over Mike Peluso any day. Neal Broten...need I say more? And The Wild certainley do not have any defensemen the caliber of Stevens and Scott Niedermeyer. Plus, who can argue with Tom Chorske!! The thing that has worked for the Wild has been teamwork and trust in the system. I also believe that the Florida Panthers team was bought...they put it together for one year for a Cup run, then it was dismantled, much like the Florida Marlins World Series team. I think the Wild will pretty much stay intact after this season is over. But I do have my sights set on a Stanley Cup, maybe not this year...but soon...its the playoffs, anything's possible.
  12. I'm sure people in Ann Arbor call the Univercity of Michigan the U. As people in the Twin Cities call the University of Minnesota the U. And both, again I'm sure, call it the U of M. I've also heard the University of Manitoba called the U of M, and the University of Illinois called the U. The fact is that it is not just a Twin Cities thing, the locals of any major university probably call it the U, or State, or Tech. As far as Michigan being the hockey state of the union...how wrong could you be. can you make an argument for them? Yes, but I do feel that Minnesota is the best hockey state in the country. Did Howard Cossell and ABC ever cover the Michigan State High School Tournament (I'll go out on a limb and say no, though I don't know for sure), because they covered the Minnesota state tourney. Both are great states for hockey, but you can't judge it on number of championships, because there probably weren't very many native Michiganites on the team (college or pro), so you can't really chalk it up to the state. Remember that the Red Wings are an original six team, they stopped winning Cups for a while when the league started expanding. A lot of great players come out of the states of Michigan and Minnesota, but I think Minnesota is the best hockey state around. I know I am sounding like a Gopher fan, but being a former Minnesota hockey player, I feel I have to stick up for what is right in this case. You know what I would love to see...The Class AA State Champion of Minnesota take on the highest class state champion of Michigan...I'd be a great game for sure. By the way...what a great game tonight against Vancouver...even thought the Wild didn't win, I thought the game was played pretty evenly throughout...If Manny would only have been able to cover that puck for a few more nanoseconds, I think we would have gotten a whistle, and the game wouldn't have gone into OT
  13. Great news....hopefully we'll see Goren in a Bruins jersey more often next year, and see Panzer in a Blues jersey a few times next year
  14. The is the best statement I have read in a long time...The Wild were saying for a long time that they wouldn't make any last minute trades or acquistions because they wanted to go into the playoffs with the same team that got them there. Hat's off to them, so far it's worked. I would also like to make an interesting side not on this subject. Bob Ryan berated the NHL just before the trade deadline because he thought it too late in the year, and teams were buying Stanley Cups. Then he goes and says that the Wild winning the Colorado series is bad for the game of hockey when they were one of, if not the only, teams to not make any late season acqusitions for the post season. But then again, nobody on that show (Around the Horn) knows anything about hockey...the last three days there were hockey topics scheduled at the end, and Kellerman gave the sweep in the showdown, so as to skip it...Somebody needs to tell him that there is no major sport that requires the all around skill and toughness that hockey does. I also agree with his assesment on the firing of coaches in the NHL...to often it is the players mistakes and shortcomings that get blamed on the coach. I was shocked when the Avs fired Hartley for the early season slump, and hope they don't fire Granato for the playoff loss to the Wild. Also, what was with the Boston Bruins firing Robbie Ftorek right before the playoffs and naming their GM as coach. While I don't think that they would have beaten New Jersey any way, I have to think that they would have given them a better series than they did.
  15. I like the Wild's chances in this one. The season series between the two teams is 2-2-1, with Vancouver not winning one at home (both wins for Vancouver were at the X. The Wild one one at the X, one in Vancouver, and the tie was I believe also in Vancouver. It will be another great series, just like the first round was. Also, I know that this is a little off subject...ok it's a lot off subject...but, if there are any lawyers on this forum, where is a good web site to do a case search (If one specializes in Aviation...that's even better, but any one will do).
  16. This is very true...they were embarassed last year by Ottawa. Three straight shutouts for Patrick Lalime...hmmmmm , can we say revenge??
  17. I tend to agree with sagard...Parise did put up insane numbers this year for a freshman. I don't think it is reasonable to expect a lot more production out of the kid next year, but I think his numbers will increase a little. I also believe that Stafford will have a freshman year more like Hirsch (who I thought was pretty impressive this year) than Parise. I don't even think Dany Heatley put up the same numbers as Zach did his freshman year (feel free to correct me if I am wrong). Now, Murray, I think we can expect a lot more from. Maybe a year just under what Parise put up this year. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  18. That's the first thought that crossed my mind too when he said it I also want to say, since I've been pretty adament about my opinion of the Avs in this thread, is that while I do hate them (with a passion....obviously), I still do respect the program and their players (for the most part). I don't believe I could call myself a hockey fan if I did not. That said I'm glad that the Wild knocked them off and made Kiszla, and I'm sure at least a few fans, eat their words and garauntees about this series.
  19. Reading Woody's column in the Post...He seems to be more of comic relief in this one. "You can't blame the Avs downfall on a blonde. Brunette did them in." Also, refering to the Pepsi Center as The Crushed Can and The Can...comedy It was also nice to see him give credit where credit is due.
  20. Did anyone catch Around the Horn...2nd topic of the day!!! That's a record for a hockey subject I believe Woody Page of the Denver Post said that the Wild deserved to win the series, while Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe said it was bad for hockey. Ryan was pissed that no original six teams were left in the post season (one of which being his Bruins). According to Ryan, if New Jersey wins the Cup...it will be the end of hockey (or something like that). Well, the Wild will have to do something about that . Nice to hear about the classy fan in Denver...I knew they couldn't all be bad (my guess is he knew something about hockey ). Here's what I think will happen in the next round: Wild over Vancouver in 6 Dallas over Anaheim in 7 (though I hope I'm wrong) Ottawa over Philadelphia in 5 New Jersey over Tampa Bay in 6 First round I was 3 of 4 in the East...I thought Toronto would pull it out, and 2 of 4 in the West, nobody outside of Anaheim fans themselves had them, and I was thinking St. Louis over Vancouver
  21. Dagies...I must say I noticed the Wild's clearing difficulties too. Fernandez bailed them out a few times. I think Alaska cleared their zone better than the Wild did last night . Hopefully this trend won't last and they do a much better job at clearing the puck against Vancouver. Dare I say it....FERNANDEZ FOR VEZINA!!!! ...if it doesn't go to JS Giguere first
  22. I was only able to watch the last half of the first period, because I had class for the rest of the game. But from what I saw, the Flyers outplayed the Leafs. To be honest, I expected Toronto to play much better than that. I thought that they would win the series, but in Game 7 Phily came to play Toronto didn't. Penalties didn't help Toronto's chances either. Yes, Eddie was in goal all night (correct me if I am wrong). He just had a bad game. It's no different than Roy getting lit up 7 times in the Avs 7-0 loss in Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals last year against Detroit. Good goalies have bad days. I would not be surprised if Philadelphia looks a little weak and tired in the first game against Ottawa in the Conference semi's. I thinking Ottawa in 5 or 6.
  23. How soon we forget.....I didn't like the Avs before Kiszla's article, it just gave me more of a reason. I realize that it is probably a little unfair to lump all Avs fans together like that, but that has been my experience with them. Maybe I'm just meeting the wrong people. But, it was said earlier in the thread, by an Avs fan, that he may be writing to the public I'm sure it must be a little overwhelming for you and the other Avs fans on this board since you are obviously a minority. To address some of your other points...I am aware that every player does what they need to do to win. My point was that Forsberg is among the worst offenders in the league. I also saw Forsberg get "punched," if you can call it that, but trust me when I tell you that that was through the normal course of playing the game, and he more than likely deserved it for reasons stated previously. If you watch closely most of the time Forsberg gets punched or pushed, it's in retaliation for something HE did. However, I'm not saying that when the Wild players would get punched, they didn't do something to deserve it, either. Both teams got away with their share of penalties. Maybe I was unclear, as I meant to say that Forsberg was the dirty one, not the team(like Toronto ). IMO Foote, and Blake are just gritty defensemen protecting their goaltender, the same way every defenseman in the league does it. As far as the talking crap about the other team...I agree it is acceptable between rivals, but the Wild have been in the league for 3 years, they don't have any rivals yet. I also don't see how the Avs are the same way as Sioux in the late 90's. The Sioux had been around for years and have had bad teams, the Avs have yet to have one. As far as fairweatherism...It wouldn't be booing the team when they perform poorly, I've done this myself (Michigan Tech this year). My intent wasn't even to suggest fairweatherism would exist, rather a bad season would maybe humble some of the fans, and get rid of the "invincible" cocky attitude that exists. (Refer to my first paragraph about lumping fans together) BTW....I agree with your assesment on the Dallas Stars, as if it wasn't obvious...Go Ducks!! Anyways...my prediction for the Vancouver series (as you'll recall, I got this one right)...Wild in 6, but still a great series.
  24. Here's a copy of the email I sent Kiszla tonight after the game: Mr. Kiszla, "But the Avalance losing a playoff series to Minnesota? C'mon. Don't be stupid." Sound familiar? I think that it has been proven that the Wild DO belong on the same ice as your precious Avalanche. No, you were not dreaming when Andrew Brunette (in his ugly red and green jersey...even though it's one of the top selling sweaters in the NHL...wow did that make you sound intelligent) beat, and I do mean beat, Sir Patrick Roy for the game winner of this series. Yes, Jaques Lemaire's defensive system proved to be matched up quite well against the offensive powered Avalanche. Hell, it got him a Cup in New Jersey, why not in Minnesota? And, yes, you lost the series to a third year expansion team making it's first playoff appearance. By the way, I'm pretty sure the Wild have the best record in the NHL when leading after two periods. I would also like to thank you for that wonderful article that gave me even more of a reason to hate the Avalanche and their fans. You do not realize, sir, that in Colorado, you have been spoiled in hockey. Colorado won the Stanley Cup in their first year from a team built in Quebec, and have yet to have a bad season. I can't wait until the Avalanche go sub .500. How many fans will remain faithful (yes, I realize there are a lot of fair weather fans in Minnesota, but that does not apply to hockey)? Most of the people there obviously know nothing about hockey as they didn't even cheer for Colorado College's Peter Sejna as he netted his first NHL goal against the Avs. The Wild fans certainly would have cheered for John Pohl or Jeff Taffe if it were them. Even Ryan Bayda would have gotten a few cheers. You know who these players are, right? Actually, I shouldn't assume you're that intelligent. Pohl and Taffe are former Minnesota Golden Gopher (that's a D1 college team) players in the Blues and Coyotes systems, respectively. And Bayda is a former player with the Fighting Sioux of the University of North Dakota. I also love the fact that you are a pure homer. If Colorado doesn't win, it was because of the Wild's style of play (what were the words you used...would make a pro rasslin' thug blush?). This coming from the team with the dirtiest scoring forward, with the possible exception of Todd Bertuzzi, in the NHL. Yes, I am talking about Peter Forsberg. That hit on Gaborik tonight, was absolutely uneccessary, dirty play. He skated right by the puck and hit Gaborik not once, but TWICE. Sweeden should also look at Forsberg for their summer olympic team, he'd be sure to win the gold for diving (yes, he does that too). It's also important to note that by scoring forward I do not include players like Tie Domi or Donald Brashear. Just accept the fact that your forwards can be stood up and knocked off the puck by guys getting paid less than half of what they are, like anyone else in the NHL. Colorado is full of talent, I admit. On paper they should have handled the Wild in four or five games...on paper. There's a reason they play the games, anything can happen, and in the playoffs, will happen. The Wild also had the State of Hockey on their side. When talking hockey, a Minnesota team ALWAYS has a chance. Maybe you guys should just concentrate on football and basketball as you obviously have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to hockey. Leave the REAL sports to those of us who have the intelligence to comprehend just exactly what the hell is going on. There is no joy in Denver...because the mighty Avalanche...just got sent to the golf course. Go Wild!!! Go Sioux!!! Mike F*******, 21 University of North Dakota Senior, Commercial Aviation Hockey Aficionado Denver guys...If this appears in the post tomorrow...send me a copy. I'll email you my address if it happens (not counting on it though). Also, be sure to watch Around the Horn tomorrow...there's a chance, albeit a small one, that this will be among the topics and I'm curious as to what Woody Paige has to say about the game.
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