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Everything posted by airmail

  1. Jail the bison Jail the bison Jail the biiiison down in Cass Craig's resuming Rocky's excusing Jail the biiiison down in Cass
  2. Good point - as we are trying to re-define our defense and have a young QB at the helm offensively, this team has to produce big results early and quickly if playoffs are going to be a reality. Will it happen?.. heart says yes - head says no. Flip a coin.
  3. I remember thinking a playoff run was a possibility at this time last year, only to have my hopes dashed by an ugly defensive effort pretty much all season long. But here I am again, in the middle of August, thinking that playoffs are a possibility. Perhaps I shouldn't wear my green glasses indoors, but I'm excited to see the first game - more excited than last year, actually. I really believe that success will put butts in the seats - hopefully the boys can meet the challenge.
  4. When Chelsea Dagger plays, it makes darn near every person in the building stand up, cheer, sing, wave their arms, and celebrate the goal. I don't care if we are ripping off the Blackhawks or not. (IIRC, nobody cared that our beloved sweater logo was ripped off from the Blackhawks for almost three decades) The song works, so let's change it up with something else? Sorry, I'm not convinced.............
  5. airmail

    2013 season

    Maybe they were concerned about the deep ball, but I don't know how many times our field position was absolutely destroyed by the 5-10 yard pass. If they were preventing a long threat, we sure gave up a TON of short pass yardage. Maybe the stats don't show it, but it sure seemed that way. I hope to see less cushion this year. (until we start getting burned for passes of 60+... then I'll respectfully recant )
  6. Bison06 might be on to something here - if I'm NDSU, I'd be excessively pissed that Beck is putting himself and NDSU in this spotlight yet again.... I guess I'd send a message to him if it were up to me. Especially given the fiasco last year with petition-gate.
  7. I'll bite - if he plays all games without suspension after getting his second resisting arrest conviction, I would say that is NOT fine, and would suggest he got off too easy. It would be the same as if one of my employees made the papers multiple times with their illegal shenanigans and the company name was mentioned every time. That is a bad representation of the company, directly affects image and ultimately profitability. There would definitely have to be consequences in order for my company to save face. If I'm NDSU, I wouldn't be happy that this outstanding athlete is putting us in this bad media spot yet again. I would expect some sort of suspension for any type of conviction. If nothing happens, I'll enjoy "Beck-gate" as much as last year's "Petition-gate" and "Wardrobe malcunction at West Acres-gate". It really never gets old.
  8. I agree with pretty much your entire post. I'm tired of "waiting for the talent" to arrive to have a successful season. That's just BS. I'm not a tremendous Mussman fan - not a real secret - so maybe I'm unjustifiably looking for more accountability from him. Regardless, we changed up the DC after a pitiful defensive showing last season (even though we hired from within once again ) so maybe that accountibility with the coaches is starting to emerge.
  9. Hope so. I still think the photo of the players carrying a garbage can full of snow makes us look stupid.
  10. Press conference tomorrow to find out the dasher monkey's tale... that'll be fun! Good point, MM, but that in itself is what makes it so frustrating for me. We have the best facility in the land, bar-none - we get NHL draft picks for recruits - we have a rich tradition - we have a rabidly loyal fan-base......... I could go on and on. But while we weren't watching, teams like Yale, UMass-L, Quinnipiac, and JBSU started getting good. We used to laugh at these teams, now they're eating our lunch. I mean really - look at the teams in the FF. These guys are still playing hockey while we sit and watch. They used to be the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked. WTF happened? I wasn't even going to look at the board today, because I'm not quite over Saturday yet; lots of windshield time notwithstanding. But this just stinks. We lost to Yale. God that sounds effin' terrible. :sigh:
  11. You can try this - not working for me, but I'm probably dealing with a network security thing....... http://client.stretchinternet.com/client/minnesota.portal#
  12. 03-04 wasn't that great of a year.....
  13. I laughed coffee through my nose on that one - well done! :lol: As for Tate - well - it just doesn't get any better. A player rewarded for hard work, perseverance, and loyalty. Coaches get an A+, and so does Tate. Awesome. Just awesome.
  14. You obviously took my tongue-in-cheek "bandwagon" comment waaaay too literally. FYI: Smiley face = poking fun at the real bandwagoners. I will be at ALL of the upcoming games, cheering on UND as I always have done - just so that is clear. That said, I was being honest that we haven't found the right combination to put together a championship season. That, for a "non-bandwagon decades loyal fan" like myself, is frustrating to see - especially knowing the talent we have on the ice. I don't think we are a bad team - I just think we have a lot to get figured out in a short time. From what I've seen this season, a championship is a VERY lofty goal. Forgive me if I shared my honest opinion on a fan sports forum.
  15. I'm going to play the role of pessimist, I guess. I've watched my favorite squad twice in as many weeks not be able to jump out and grab a championship (or share thereof) that was dangled in front of them. Say what you will about Bemidji and Mankato, but the facts are simple - we couldn't get it done. I don't think this team has the hunger to bring home another Broadmoore, and IMO doesn't have the grit to dig deep in the playoffs to pull out #8. Do I hope I'm wrong? Of course I do... and in no way whatsoever am I pulling a "reverse woofing" move. All season long, I think we've lacked consistency, and also lacked the ability to go out and grab a win in a tight game. Again, I truly hope I'm proven wrong, but based solely on what I've seen this season, I'm not going to bet the farm on a natty this year. (I'm already tied to a $50 annual Final Five bet, and I'm not liking the looks of that either.....) **of note - I will jump on the bandwagon once it starts travelling down the road - just want to make that clear**
  16. Tech is playing decent right now. We are playing inconsistent with flashes of brilliance. I'll go Sioux in 3, based solely on the level of talent; not hunger or desire which IMO we seem to be lacking.....
  17. airmail

    Hobey Baker

    Nice article on Knight, but in my own opinion, Schlossman went a little overboard with the "Knight is Hobey worthy" propaganda..... but I suppose we all expected a sunshine story about him once the charges were dropped. After all, media exposure is critical in the Hobey race. All the same, kudos to Corban for conducting himself in the manner that he is. Very unique among star college athletes.
  18. airmail


    I'm gonna play the "wish we would've at least taken a look outside" card... but not shocked at the decision. Hope Kotelnicki can bring the D up about 50 notches from last season. (the email jabs from rival school supporters about UND once again "hiring from within" are coming steady. I'll weather the storm once again!)
  19. Ejections for dropping the gloves and letting it rip!
  20. This is TOUGH - but I'll give it my best shot............ Forwards Hrkac - Joyce - Pelawa (taking a bit of respectful liberty here, I know... I think it would have been incredible) J. Toews - G. Johnson - Jeff Panzer Blake - D. Christian - G. Christian Eades - Archibald - Duncan Smail - Taylor Defense Commodore - Greene Kidd - Patrick Chorney - Nomenko Bombardir Goal Goehring Belfour Coach May, Blais
  21. airmail


    But you deal with the situation at hand and the position you're in.... he should've kicked the - oops - I've said too much. Let's bring it back on topic...
  22. airmail


    Which is ALWAYS fun to see......
  23. airmail


    Or perhaps they may see a head coaching opportunity in the foreseeable future.......
  24. airmail


    UND has always "hired from within", or at least it seems to have usually been the case. Looking outside of our own walls may be be just what this team needs to get a kick in the butt in the right direction... as far as I'm concerned, we need to go a different direction this time...
  25. airmail


    Mannausau to lead Champions Club The University of North Dakota Athletics Department and the UND Alumni Association & Foundation announced today that Mike Mannausau has been hired as the North Dakota Champions Club Executive Director and an assistant athletics director. Mannausau, who begins his new duties on Monday, Feb. 18, recently completed his ninth season on the North Dakota football coaching staff and his seventh as defensive coordinator. Prior to the 2008 season, he was elevated to associate head coach. Have I missed something? Who is our new DC?
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