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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. State Farm with another awesome commercial!
  2. Speaking of hot seats, how about Kirk Ferentz? Losing at home to Iowa State...
  3. I agree that what he did there was amazing - but at his age, Hawaii seemed like a nice place to retire as opposed to taking on a new project at SMU. Getting back on topic, people have to give Bubba more than 3 games to right the ship. This wasn't going to be an overnight fix-it project.
  4. Have you seen SMU's football program lately? June Jones just resigned as coach after an 0-2 start. He had a good thing going in Hawaii...I'm not sure why he left.
  5. How hot is Will Muschamp's seat right about now?
  6. The interesting thing about the Kansas/Kansas State comparison is that it all boils down to a good coaching hire. Kansas hired Mark Mangino and the team improved - significantly. Mangino was fired (not because of his record) and the coaches hired since then have been a disaster: Turner Gill and Charlie Weis. Snyder retired at KSU after the 2005 season and Ron Prince ran the ship into the ground before Snyder was coaxed out of retirement in 2009. The right coaching hire...or the wrong one...can change the culture pretty quickly.
  7. You are comparing NDSU domination of the state of North Dakota to Kansas State's "domination" of the state of Kansas? Please do some homework first. Kansas is 65-41-5 or 64-42-5 against Kansas State University all-time, depending on whose record book you believe regarding the disputed 1980 game. KSU's rise to power coincided with the hiring of Bill Snyder in 1988. Starting in 1993, KSU won 11 straight games in the series, which is no doubt what you are basing that perceived Wildcat "dominance" on. In the 10 years since then, KSU is only 6-4 against Kansas. The 2007 Jayhawks went 12-1 and defeated Virginia Tech in the Orange Bowl, finishing the season ranked #7. The 2008 team humiliated Kansas State in Lawrence 52-21. The "domination" isn't quite what you think it is...
  8. Hey, FSSD, maybe you can complain to the boss about REAL trolls and not me! Just a thought...
  9. Move along...nothing to see here...
  10. A lot of college football fans in Spokane already pledge allegiance to the Washington State Cougars. Tough competition out there for fans with the Pac-12 just over an hour away from Cheney.
  11. I knew I shoulda trademarked that line...
  12. Pure speculation, but given the number of kids and moms involved, I've got to think that AP (and others like him) often have problems with children who simply view "daddy" as an adult person and not an actual dad. This four year old apparently told police that "daddy Peterson hit me." What four year old kid calls his dad by his last name?
  13. Cromartie has 10 kids by 8 women... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/shutdown-corner/years-epic-irresponsibility-antonio-cromartie-figures-life-level-041622621.html
  14. Actually, I think you're referring to Travis Henry, who officially has 9 kids with 9 different women, but is believed to have at least 2 more kids with a 10th woman, although their paternity is reportedly in question... http://deadspin.com/5168766/travis-henry-explains-how-he-knocked-up-all-those-women
  15. The TC news media dd a nice job of "respecting" AP's privacy last season when his "son" died at the hands of an abuser in Sioux Falls, SD. Even ESPN jumped on the "playing with a heavy heart" BS. Poor, poor Adrian Peterson - playing in honor of his dead son. A son he didn't even know about until a month or two before he died...
  16. You have proof that AP's dad raised him that way or are you parroting what his high-buck attorney said last night?
  17. I don't care if AP was raised by a pack of wild wolves...that's no way to treat a four-year old in 2014! I agree with you on the Greg Hardy situation - also not surprising to see the NFL bending over backwards trying to get Wes Welker back on the field ASAP for Peyton Manning's sake. If WW was a Ram or Buccaneer, he'd be out four games no questions asked.
  18. Update: As of last night, Florida was rumored to be going full orange monochrome today - orange helmets, orange jerseys, orange pants. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and the Gators have decided to go with orange helmets, blue jerseys, and white pants. No orange popsicles today...
  19. I'm trying to picture your reaction as you pick up your four-year old son from daycare on a Friday afternoon and see this...(note: injuries pictured are at least a week old)
  20. Something does seem awfully fishy about this, doesn't it? I'd be stunned if the Vikings don't put AP on the "de-activated" list for the entire season. This is a PR disaster, given that he's the face of the franchise at the moment. Good grief.
  21. 7:20am - SU fans ready to send David Pollack home already. Studio: If NDSU were an FBS school, where would they be ranked? DP: Well, I think that's really hard to judge...
  22. NDSU Bisons by 60 over Incarnate Word. No surprise there. By halftime, SU players will be working with the coaching staff on locating IC on a map. As a gesture of goodwill, Oxbow6 and darell1976 come down from the stands to help both SU players and coaches find FARGO on the same map. Meeeeechigan rebounds to beat Miami (OH) and keep the losing streak alive for the Fighting Roethlisbergers. At least I hope so because I'm wearing my Michigan shirt to the Running of the Llamas today. Georgia over South Carolina...and NOT closer than the experts think. Coach Spurrier throws his visor today and 'SC student paper headline tomorrow reads: 'Cocks Blocked At Home Again. The Orange Popsicles from Florida beat Kentucky. Why are they not the Gators today? Watch the game and find out. Kansas at Duke. A battle of titans - this should be one for the ages at Cameron Indoor -- huh? What? Crap. It's football. 26-3 Fighting Bobby Hurleys. TCU beats Minnesota by 10. Hunker down you hairy frogs. Wait, that doesn't sound right... Upset alert: Fresno State at home over Nebraska. Turn up the heat on Bo Pelini's grill. Wyoming over #2 Oregon. Craig Bohl gets his first -- NOT SO FAST, MY FRIEND! Team Nike wins by 21. But the Cowboys keep it interesting until the 3rd quarter. North Dakota - no, not the Bisons - surprise all of Fargo by pulling off an upset win on the road at Missouri State. Bisonville.com crashes. Enjoy your college football Saturday!
  23. Right! Goodell's got a real image problem in the NFL these days...
  24. Those pictures don't look good. And those text messages are bad.
  25. Maybe pictures of some of the marks will change some minds... http://deadspin.com/report-adrian-peterson-indicted-in-child-injury-case-1634160368
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