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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Twins 63-87...looks like the Twins will avoid losing 100 this season.
  2. 6-0 lead blown but the Tigers still pull out an 8-6 win. I still don't think their bullpen can get it done if they make the post-season.
  3. Vikings sponsors suddenly dropping like flies...
  4. Hey, gfhockey, any good scoops from today's meeting?
  5. Another good example of poor ownership hiding behind tweets.
  6. In AP's defense, it's hard to single him out when he is one of over FORTY Vikings players to have been arrested since 2000.
  7. How big of the Wilf brothers to make the call that AP play this weekend...and then make the head coach and GM field the uncomfortable questions... #leadership
  8. Yep, just like the Vikings did in 2011 when Chris Cook was arrested and charged with strangling his girlfriend. Oh, wait...they suspended him indefinitely and he missed the final 10 games of the season. Ultimate outcome of the criminal charge? Acquitted - victim recants original story. Go figure. http://www.twincities.com/ci_20181629/jury-acquits-minnesota-vikings-cornerback-chris-cook-assaulting
  9. No situation is going to to be exactly the same...let's make this a better example: an NBA owner announces publicly that he supports The Islamic State...or that he would like to see David Duke elected president. Time to get out the "For Sale" sign? http://m.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/cuban-doesn-care-owners-vote-sterling-case-article-1.1810930
  10. I assume you're talking about the comments regarding Danny Manning and GM Elgin Baylor...from about 5 years ago. So bad that the NBA did nothing then?
  11. I'm sure the reaction would be exactly the same if this were a Confederate belt buckle-wearing white guy from Alabama facing similar charges... Chris Carter, former Viking, offered a differing opinion... http://cris-carter-speech-espn-sunday-nfl-countdown-ray-lewis-baltimore-ravens-minnesota-vikings-adrian-peterson-child-abuse-comments
  12. Practically rolls right off the tongue, eh? Most interesting suggestion I've seen so far...
  13. Barry Larkin, Reds Hall of Famer, had good things to say about Marge Schott. The comments can go both ways. So what happens if, say, Mark Cuban comes out and says he supports Rand Paul for President. Corporate sponsors back away from the Mavericks, a player or two decides they're not going to play...should David Silver force him to sell the Mavericks? BTW, how convenient for the Hawks' owner (who has wanted to sell the team for years now) to "self-report" his "racist" e-mails so that the NBA can "force" him to sell his team. Hopefully for the same amount that was paid for the Clippers, no doubt...
  14. I'd agree with that as well...the point is that the NFL isn't bound by "innocent until proven guilty" in terms of who plays in the league and who doesn't. If we're going with that assumption, why don't the Patriots bail Aaron Hernandez out of jail and let him play until his case is resolved?
  15. The incident in question happened in May 2014, not over a year ago.
  16. I never said that YOU said that...I simply said that I'm tired of the downgrading of citizen expectations when being charged with one felony over the course of your life apparently makes you a fine upstanding citizen. Let's be honest here...if AP was Christian Ponder, he'd have been released minutes after the indictment. Here's the state of sports these days: Smack a four year old kid around? Picture evidence? Felony charges? "Let's see how the legal process plays out." Utter a homophobic slur in practice? Make racially insensitive comments? "Fire the rat b*st*rd immediately, suspend the coach for almost 1/5 of the season, and/or force the owner to sell his/her team."
  17. Oxbow6 is quite the world traveler...how he managed to find his way into the Baylor section for Friday night's game at Buffalo and still make it back to Fargo in time for GameDay Saturday morning is beyond me...
  18. I thought I saw you two doofuses guys in the crowd...
  19. It sure helps when you make the right coaching hire and win back-to-back championships...
  20. It's not the fault of UND hockey fans that it isn't... Football should probably be the #1 sport at schools like Indiana and Kentucky too, but it's not. I'd like to think that hockey and football can co-exist at UND. Unfortunately, I think that that's a minority opinion.
  21. So Richard Sherman still can't shut his giant pie-hole despite San Diego lighting up that "vaunted" defense for 30 points yesterday?
  22. 5-3 all time against Illinois 7-5 against Indiana 6-7 against Northwestern 7-4 against Purdue 7-9 against Iowa State ------- 32-28 against what most folks would consider mediocre teams (yea, I know, I'm leaving out 10-5 against Minnesota, so I'm kind of cherry picking). Then he pulls this out of his hat: 6-5 against Michigan 7-6 against Michigan State 8-4 against Penn State 6-7 against Wisconsin ------- 27-22 against the upper-echelon of the Big 10 (again, cherry picking as I'm leaving out his 1-8 record against Ohio State). But still... Highest-paid employee in the state of Iowa. I can't figure it out...
  23. I am a little tired of the one-felony-not-a-big-deal-diversion-program routine these days...
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