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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Careful...that kind of talk can get you labled a Bison rube around here pretty quickly...the official party line is that the Big Sky is infinitely superior to the MVFC. Carry on, comrade.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4152jH1UeHk I'm not a Vikings fan but I've watched this 100 times and still fail to see what the tackler did wrong here. He's falling down on his back himself...what's he supposed to do to make sure Brees doesn't break free as opposed to joining him on the turf?
  3. I try to add some humor now and then...sometimes it doesn't get interpreted that way. We all want UND football to succeed...and all probably differ somewhat on how to reach that point.
  4. It's gotta be a four-alarm fire if you're predicting this score.
  5. That wasn't specifically directed at you, Irish. Lots of Lazy Boy Recliner QB's on this board.
  6. Lake Superior State is officially the Lakers but they have unofficially been known as the Soo Lakers for a long time. I really like your Soo Liners idea.
  7. My suggestion was actually "Bald Eagles" since I'm pretty sure no such team name exists at the moment.
  8. Good, I'm glad you took that as humor and not a shot. Good chuckle.
  9. Of course, most of us here already knew you would prefer a more "liberal" offense... ?
  10. Hey, this is the NFL thread -- about PROFESSIONAL football teams. Leave Tampa Bay, Jacksonville, and Miami out of this discussion, please.
  11. That call was absolutely brutal. Brees was not down by contact and the tackler himself was already on the ground. It wasn't his fault that Brees went down hard. Why don't we just give QB's two flags that defenders can try to grasp for? Flag football just for the QB position. Ridiculous.
  12. I believe AZ scored 36 points in the 4th quarter last night. I made the mistake of turning the game off and going to bed. Wazzu absolutely hosed on a third-and-long late in the Oregon game - obvious pass interference not called.
  13. I won't pick on anyone in particular but building a new 25,000-35,000 seat stadium and "moving up" to FBS should not even be remotely included in a discussion anywhere. Just over 7,000...that's really sad. I'm sure the coaches and players all know that this is a monster rebuild...but the team could sure use some support from the locals.
  14. Shooting windows out with a bb gun...rape allegations...stealing crab legs...being an idiot in the student union..."whadd'ya mean I can't wear full pads and hang around on the bench?" If I were Jimbo, the ONLY way Jameis would have been on the bench would be if he was wearing a full suit and tie. No jersey and sweatpants.
  15. I actually didn't catch that until this morning...what a moron. Jimbo looks totally annoyed with Shame-eis Winston in this clip (scroll down for short video)... http://fansided.com/2014/09/20/jameis-winston-suits-clemson-game-jimbo-fisher-tells-go-change/
  16. http://www.si.com/sports/nhl/2014/09/19/slava-fetisov-red-army-documentary-soviet-Russia Coming January 22, 2015, the documentary "Red Army" will be released. Sounds like good stuff...
  17. I don't know about being in tears, but he certainly was crab-by about it!
  18. He even addressed the team in the locker room at halftime!
  19. The decision to let him be on the sideline was being absolutely skewered on pre-game shows earlier today...
  20. You have accused me personally several times of "putting words" in your mouth with respect to your posts but now you want to "read between the lines" with respect to what someone else writes? The ONLY reason UND has this position is because of some t-shirts.
  21. Almost embarrassing seeing ABC's cameras find Jameis every other play...he's not even playing!
  22. Chewey's talking about ONE particular position at UND...you are the one who veered off the "anti government tirade" cliff...
  23. Better question would be how many points UND's OFFENSE could muster up against DSU's D...
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