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Everything posted by yababy8

  1. I kind of thought of it as pointing out and shedding light on... It is what it is, the fact that media stories are not including the facts related to the Sioux tribes part in the name fight is a FACT that exists outside of me and you. If you don't believe me then show me the articles. If you do agree that it is true but don't think it matters, I say it does. I say it is everything. It is what makes the whole name change thing appalling. It IS the center of the fight to keep the name and people need to understand this. I write what I do here for everyone, you are just my muse, a simple tool I use to demonstrate poor thinking in regard to the Sioux name fight. People like you and ScottM and FightingSioux4life are simply characters performing a service to all of us who see the truth. Once again read what is in bold above. Again that is a truth. Doesn't matter what I say, doesn't matter what you say, doesn't matter what anyone says. It is. It exists. You ask my why it exists. I don't fricking know. I don't really care. i just believe that telling people will be beneficial. I love the Sioux. I don't want the name to change and I know others feel the same way. I will be righteously indignant about the NCAA and the media's actions because they are affecting what I love and they have no good reason to do so. I will always fight that fight. If we don't we lose and lose big. Things like self determination and such... So whine, complain, point out, shed light on, whatever you want to call it, it needs to be done
  2. ok, you got me, you have adequately presented a sound argument which explains why national media outlets like CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post, and the AP ALL write stories on the Sioux name but LEAVE OUT the part about the Sioux Native American's fight against the NCAA. It's because NO One cares about that part of the story, just the other parts! I get it. I am so glad there are smart people like you around to help me see the way...wheeewsaa!
  3. So I decided to go to the Sunday night game in Denver va the Badgers, ya know the first round of the WCHA playoffs two weeks ago. I usually don't get to go to DU games because they play at the same time as the Sioux so I would see the outcome of the Sioux game on the scoreboard and it would ruin my Sioux game for me... Anyway I figured I would take my son to the game, a chance to see some good college hockey live. We got in for free after looking for tickets for about 2 mins. We got tickes in the gold club free food and all. The arena was about 1/2 full, there were about 300 Wiscy fans there, needless to say a far cry from a Sioux DU regular season game. Anyhow, I had quite an interesting evening to say the least. See I wore my Sioux jersey, ya know Sioux pride and all. I got zero !@#$ for it BTW. The bizzare thing was that I was approached by people, I would guess somewhere between 10 and 15 times, asking me what is going on with the Sioux name battle. First I got questions about it in the food line in the gold club. Then at my seat, then in the smoking area. Later we decided to go sit with the Wisconsin fans and cheer them over DU because DU fans are pathetic hockey fans to say the least. I sat right behind Dahl's mom and #19's mom, so they ask me about the name, the people behind me ask me about the name. During the intermission, we had two different people walk over to our seats to ask about the name. So no one cares about it huh"?? BTW, I asked all of them if they were aware that Native Americans were leading the fight to keep the name and guess how many of them did?? Ya, you got it buddy, Zero!! The really funny thing was how uniform their response was when I told them the truth of the matter. "Someone needs to do something about the NCAA, they are out of control" ...So you keep thinking that no one cares becase the MEDIA hasn't told you to care, and I'll keep knowing the truth about it and you. People care. Period!!
  4. REALLY? So your saying that all of the news story writers and/or editors unilaterally feel that people wouldn't be interested in the fact that the NCAA is being sued by the Spirit Lake Sioux tribe and that the Spirit lake Sioux people are the ones that STARTED the petitions to get a statewide vote on the matter? Yet the same news story writers decided that the masses of their reading audience would care about how North Dakotans are resisting the NCAA's desire to out the name? REALLY??... BTW, I copied the HEADLINE news articles on Foxnews.com. I suppose you would say that all of those articles are much more interesting than the irony of the Victims (Sioux People) suing and otherwise fighting the heroes (the NCAA) for basically meddling into their affairs? More on how wrong you are in my next post.. - 'Stand your ground' law faces scrutiny after shooting USGS: Micro-quake in 'booming' Wisconsin city EXCLUSIVE: Green fund looks to UN for legal immunity NJ lawmaker wants minor criminals to hand over DNA - California prisoner exodus sparks safety concerns Obama approves leg of Keystone pipeline project $160B cloud 'tsunami' threatens Gates' empire French terror suspect dies after standoff with police - Al Qaeda: US teacher killed over Christian beliefs Did ATF miss chance to nab 'Furious' suspect? - US gun sales soar on restriction fears Teacher to class: Find flaws with GOP candidates - Jeb Bush: Rubio should be GOP vice president - 2012 Candidate Tracker Mom dies after giving birth to triplets China tightens online chatter amid political rumors Florida man to plead guilty in celeb hacking LA police to ignore California impound law - California marijuana workers ready to unionize Breitbart supporters set up trust fund for his children Beatles mansion hangs out a for-sale sign Attorney denies reported call girl claim that John Edwards was client
  5. and we shouldn't give a goddam about the people in power because IM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN POWER, IM TALIKING ABOUT THE PUBLIC! I'm talking about getting the message out to the public because public perception in the only play we have against the "people in power" the public does not know the truth because the media is not reporting it nationally. With the exception of one article from ESPN, non of the articles in the NATIONAL forum tell the truth about the Sioux fight to keep the name. Sorry pal, they just don't. I've read/listened to 30 articles/segments in the last 60 days in the national media and they are just plain leaving it out. It's a fact. Period!!
  6. Yet another national article which omits the Spirit Lake fight against the NCAA dictate.. Like all the others, plenty of backgound info in the article but conspicuously absent is Any mention of the Sioux peoples fight.
  7. you used the Mario quote to gain position against Fetch, chewey and another poster. Doing that was paramount to pulling the flag burning crap on people. We all three agree and support Lamoureux's statement.... I never associated you with the if in my if then statement. Commons man!<---third today
  8. Wrong! what we have is the reality of overwhelming support for the name. Support that includes the preponderance of native american Sioux. This canand should be leveraged. Currently it is not being utilized appropriately.
  9. How would you rate our diplomacy coefficient at that time? And why should it be that diplomacy stop at the settlement signing? this sounds like a lawyer thinking, we all need to understand the world operates on a greater scale then just legal settlements, just ask native americans, they know a little something about that. our culture is not defined in the court room. it doesn't matter if the Sioux Tribe will win the lawsuit. what matters is that they are suing the NCAA. that is the point. how we win is we get that out into the consciousness of american society. there in lies OUR victory. not in the weather or whether not the team decides to wear their Sioux jersey's. anyone who thinks they should is an idiot!
  10. If there is anyone who supports the name fight that does not support mario's position I would call them a plant. Sicatoca, your post was paramont to flag burning rhetoric. Common man? Keep in legit!
  11. Ive been a part of this fight and going to this site since 1995. Diplomacy??, common man?? Japan used more diplomacy with united states in days and weeks before pearl harbor than the university has sincethe current admin has been in place. BTW, the Spirit Lake Tribe's involvement in the Sioux name fight is the equivalence to the NAACP regarding my challenge to the confederate analogy..
  12. I mentioned nothing in regard to what uniforms the Fighting Sioux should wear. For the record, I think that they should follow the NCAA mandate and be very expressive about how they disagree with the NCAA's position. After we win the national championship, and they hand the players the championship trophy, the team should all take off their North Dakota sweaters and expose Sioux undershirts. Then if the NCAA attempted to take the trophy back that would be worth every second of the fight, a worthy cause indeed. I know I for 1 will be throwing my jersey on the ice after the game. I spent 100 dollars on the jersey and I'm not a rich man but it will be worth it for me for sure.
  13. I made that statement some time back in the context of satire toward hyperbolic thinking and jim's alias pulled it out of the archives to make the point that I support the dismantling of the athletic program to keep the name, but if you read it, like I said, I was being dramatic to make a point(if I remember I made reference to NDSU being in the Rose Bowl). I didn't reply to the Jim alias comment because I got busy with things and forgot which one of these many name debate forums it was in... You anti name people are so black and white with your thinking it is tough to witness. I generally agree with what you say here except I would add that, given the Sioux Tribes push back to the NCAA policy, the probability of the Big Sky falling is greatly reduced. Of course this is speculation just like the Big Sky is falling is speculation. None of us know what will in the end happen here.. ...ahhhhh no you don't. ....ahhhhhh no you don't If the NAACP was suing the NCAA because of the NCAAs position against the Confederate flag this would be a good analogy, or "precedent" but since the NAACP is in fact not suing the NCAA your analogy/precedent is woelfully nongermane. How about asking a different question, Ask what we COULD do to effectuate a change in their policy? ie diplomancy. Crazy concept huh? We all know we have not done a goddam thing in this regard. Why not? We all believe very strongly that keeping the name is right thing to do ethically, morally, yada yada yada.. so why are we not going to these universities hand in hand with the Spirit Lake Sioux and working it. Lord knows the anti-name crowd worked the hell out of it with about six activists, right? Why not try?? Minnesota and Wisconsin owe us some respect! They bailed on generations of some of the most notorious rivalries in all of college sports. They should be saying that out of respect for our relationship, history and the passionate feelings of the Sioux people they are going to defer this debate and conflict to others and not take such a stand as to condem our institution in such a mannor. You AND others in the anti-fight to save the name crowd believe the future is set in stone if we continue the fight by resisting the NCAA by making the name law. I believe that the approach I mentioned has great promise, if tried. How sure are you that I am wrong? ....ahhhhhh no you don't
  14. At least he is referencing actual facts, applicability is debatable but at least it is an instance. Now what people should be sick of is how the anti-fight for the name crowd continually references suppositions and hypothetical’s as justification for their position and on top of that they throw the hyperbolic labels like "name at all costs crowd" as if name supporters are insane murderers who believe that keeping the name is worth "all costs" ie maybe suggest that North Dakota declare war against the NCAA and nuke them?? Wouldn't that fall under the "all costs" rhetoric? right? Total propaganda crap is what it really is? You all don't stop at hyperbolic rhetoric, ya gotta throw in the hypothetical’s too; ya know how you all just KNOW that we will get kicked out of the Big Sky, despite all of the bull crap that has happened since the Summit-Duple "UND asked me to spew rhetoric" days you are all still very SURE that the Big Sky is going to tank us. And the NCAA, well I guess you all just know them so goddam well that you are certain that they will never concede a thing, oh and Minnesota will NEVER EVER play us again, you all know this right.,... at least we know what happened at Alcorn State, and that is a huge step from where the anti-fight crowd is perched??
  15. The time to do it is AFTER the Sioux receive the championship trophy, they Should all pull off their sweaters and expose fighting Sioux forever t-shirts. Then if the NCAA wants to try to take our title away they can go ahead and see how that works for them.
  16. I will be at the frozen four and when the Sioux win I will be throwing my Sioux jersey on the ice and I believe it wil be picked up and hoisted in the air by our proud Fighting Sioux Champions. If not mine then one of hundreds that will be lauched beside mine.
  17. yababy8


    if you could find two in a thousand Sioux fans who would have a retarded position like that I would be amazed! Sioux fans get who is at fault here. Im just trying to come up with the best t-shirt for fans to wear to the games that would adequately show our angst. I kindof like the old soldier field anti vikings t-shirts that said "F@CK THE VIKINGS". We could do "F@CK THE NCAA", it is a bit childish but to the point for sure. or we could take the educational approach, "Irony; The Sioux tribe is Suing the NCAA to keep our name".. I like that one!
  18. Isn't it funny how both sides of this arguement are insisting that their position is the rational one and we all base our position on what WE THINK others (NCAA and Big Sky) will do. ...My other brother Darell is certain of what the NCAA will do in the future.
  19. Let's play a quick game of 'where's Waldo' with "end of days" preaching on this forum shall we?
  20. north dakota has always been their target.
  21. yeah the kind of drugs that make ya see the truth and watch people like you eat it. that day will come and I know you fear it.
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