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Everything posted by darell1976

  1. I caught the last 10 minutes of the show. Some dumbass was saying how Indian nicknames are wrong and the other guy he squared off against was a Seminole Indian and he said its nice how non-natives say whats best for natives. I applaud that guy!!!
  2. People commenting on the Sioux nickname on the Fargo Forum are confused on the pic. They think its the tomahawk chop nice job Forum picking that kind of a pic but i am glad someone pointed out its a sieve chop that every school and team does.
  3. I think if they slammed the door on democracy it would make them and the govenor look bad.
  4. As of 8AM neither the GF Herald or the Fargo Forum have breaking news on Murphy's win, they just have talk about the protesters...i can see if its the printed paper but online come on they have breaking news throughout the day. What RHHIT getting his @ss kicked isn't worthy news.
  5. Greg Plautz...you get an A+!!!!!!!
  6. Probably tonight. I hope RHHIT high-tails it off the Rez as Murphy will crush him.
  7. Can I vote for him for tribal council. Great article.
  8. Just remember as Fighting Sioux nickname supporters we are all racists in the eyes of the nickname opponents. I think this week coming up is going to be an all important one. Here is what i think (wish) happens: Election held on the SR on Sept. 30th, due to the new council (minus RHHIT), the NDSBoHE decides on Oct. 1 to extend the deadline to Oct. 15th to allow a tribe-wide vote on the nickname. Nickname is approved due to the vote, SR signs approval just like SL and everyone (except a select few) are happy as UND will always be the Fighting Sioux!!!
  9. Any update to this?? When is the call?
  10. Just voted...GO SIOUX!!
  11. She blames UND for people calling her a Prairie N. well if the name goes so does the name calling, and joblessness, alcoholism and all the other problems on reservations?? Why is the Sioux nickname an excuse for everything. Whats next they are going to blame the Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians, how about the Mandan Braves, Four Winds Warriors, Warroad Warriors blame their Indian nicknames for your problems.
  12. My house in Fargo is just a touch under $500,000.
  13. I just hope the stupid game is over by 10 since I take 19th Ave. N. everynight to go to work. Dome traffic sucks. Whats worse than Dome traffic....Bison traffic.
  14. Are you nuts.....I want to go to Hawaii..now i have an excuse to go.
  15. What a slam to the Spirit Lake nation and to the Standing Rock if they don't move the date. I see the SBoHE taking the blame for it NOT UND.
  16. Any news that UND can get another big name along with Montana, N. Illinois etc so we can dump Sioux Falls.
  17. Hopefully this will be the new timeline. 1. The SBoHE seeing this moves the deadline to say late Oct-Nov. 2. The Standing Rock's new tribal Council (which does NOT include Ron His Horse just Died) votes on the nickname issue without the tribal members. 3. If the tribe still doesn't accept the name then have the entire tribe vote on the name and if approved (according to Archie Fool Bear it will) then sign the resolution. 4. Agree to a 30year deal along with the Spirit Lake so we don't do this every year. 5. Have the NCAA accept this and we can truely say the University of North Dakota....FIGHTING SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I feel bad for his family. I hate the guy nothing personal about him but the way he ran the NCAA and the whole nickname issue. I hope his successor isn't the kind of guy this one was at the top.
  19. The Moose Jaw Warriors look similar to UND's old logo.
  20. WDAZ just reported that Attorney Gen. Wayne Stenjum says the board should drop the Oct. 1st deadline since he says the SR needs a chance to vote on the name and he believes they will support the nickname. Its a start maybe others need to tell the board they overstepped their power with this stupid deadline.
  21. I like the drawing. Even though it is not PC but it shows how i don't care about being PC. I just didn't like us running away from Red Raider and his posse. But an Indian on a horse gee don't we have a statue of that outside the Ralph?? If the PCers get all bent out of shape over a drawing like this they can go f--- themselves. I hope the SR accepts the pipe ceremony so we can put this nickname issue behind us. Just think if the drawing had Chief Wahoo (Cleveland Indian's logo) on a horse. Oh i am a fan of the Indians so i like Chief Wahoo.
  22. Who picks the people on the Board?? Are they voted if so its time for a new board.
  23. So now the paper says the board should delay the date to change the name..no sh-t. UND had until Nov. 30, 2010 to reach an agreement per settlement with the NCAA. That is still over a year away and we all of a sudden have 27 days to get an agreement or the name is gone per decision of the ND School Board. So someone tell me what happens on Oct. 1??? I know the SR go to the polls on Sept 30 and elect Murphy and tell RHHIT to f-ck off is it over anyways because there is no vote by the new tribal council? So as of Oct. 1, our school is just North Dakota everything Sioux like is gone just like that.
  24. Sounds like a deal could almost be certain on the Spirit Lake but the Standing Rock doesn't want a vote of the people because the outcome will be in favor of the Sioux nickname. Archie Fool Bear wants UND and the Standing Rock Tribal Council to honor a ceremony that took place in the 60's I think that gave the school their blessing for the name...but the Tribe dissmisses this. Its going to be an interesting 41 days.
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