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Everything posted by darell1976

  1. Hate to tell you but Kelley has nothing to do with UND's housing construction it was Kupchella. So Kelley isn't going anywhere.
  2. NDSU's opponents do that every Saturday.
  3. Its a non-issue that she was on the board overseeing this building of the house plus telling them to speed it up so it would be done in 11 months...i think she is to blame as much or maybe more than Joe.
  4. They (tribal council and not the whole tribe) are anti-nickname.
  5. any pics of them?
  6. Since Chapman resigned nothing much will happen to him but did his wife resign too?
  7. KFGO said that they(SBoHE) are not asking Joe Chapman any questions....WHY THE HELL NOT!!! If not why not ask his wife some questions.
  8. Thats BS the closest tribe to UND is the Spirit Lake why not just go with that or else how about the Sioux tribe down by Hankinson the Sissiton-Wahpeton Sioux tribe why didn't we have to get approval from them.
  9. NDSU probably paid for her own flat screen.
  10. Just wait until NDSU announces a "raise in tuition". Chapman's name will be automatically associated with that phrase.
  11. Just think everytime they announce tuition will be raised at NDSU Chapman's name will be brought up. He said he has had offers from other schools...good luck.
  12. I went over to Bisonville.com and read some of the things they are saying about Chapman resigning and surprise surprise UND is getting blamed by this because Joel Heitkamp is a UND supporter...2 people on the legislators were UND grads and they say Kelley should resign because UND has gone over in costs....Ok #1 Heitkamp and UND did NOT spend money on a presidental mansion for NDSU that was over budget by a million bucks they did not take a $22,000 trip to Washington D.C. I just can't believe they could say Kelley's over budget was close to Chapman's....NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!! Leave UND out of your problems NDSU...look at your leader not the campus north of you.
  13. People at least here in Fargo are outraged at the media for showing the "bad side" of Joe. He is like a hero to people of NDSU for taking them to D1, now he is resigning. I listened to Joel Heitkamp yesterday on the radio and he told listeners he was being blasted because he would slam Joe and NDSU but not Kelley and UND (Just look at Bisonville for example on that). So Joel made different points, had Najla Amundson from NDSU on and said repeatedly that Joe was invited but has never been reached (probably playing in the money bin Scrooge McDuck). I want to thank the media for pointing this out to the public. So when the people cry out for a better school and a better basketball arena they can't say there is no money because now they can see why there was no money....Good luck to the new president who gets the $2 million palace and who gets to take a crap in the $50,000 outhouse.
  14. Some woman caller it was probably his wife said they needed a house like that for entertaining, recruiting, etc. She said she can understand why they built a $50,000 crapper. Mike McFeeley was livid at her and i was laughing until McFeeley said the cost may be made up by the taxpayers. If that is the case and my money goes to that house i will drive over and demanded to walk through "my" house.
  15. I am going with Hextall.
  16. My first time doing this i pick VandeVelde
  17. I'm half German the other half is Norweign, Irish, and Chippewa...I'm a gonner.
  18. I listened to KFGO this afternoon and they said over 400,000 for landscaping, and 50,000 for an outdoor bathroom plus over 100,000 to redo Joe's office. WTF?!! Someone called in to the radio station and said he should be fired. Well something should be done and i think old Joe's salary should go to make up the difference on the house and not one cent should be from the taxpayers which i can see where this is headed. I feel like driving over to the house and knocking the damn thing down. And Bison fans cry for a new basketball stadium....good luck with that. LOL!!
  19. I better watch out too i have a book about Nazi Germany I bought at Barnes and Noble (better shut them down). It has secret letters Hitler wrote about his life and plans for each country he would invade its an interesting book, but I guess i am in trouble now.
  20. Why do i see a lot of emails coming to both UND and Directv after this.
  21. Maybe since its exhibition no one cares (directv or radio)
  22. No Directv for this game.
  23. its not on directv?? not on 617 or 623
  24. what channel
  25. Does anyone know or is there a way to find out how many viewers tuned in to the Sioux football game on FCS??
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