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Everything posted by darell1976

  1. 46 seconds and 10 yards to go!!!
  2. 1:03 and 36yds to go.
  3. Good job D we got the ball!!
  4. We can't snap a f-in punt?
  5. 4:02 2nd Qtr
  6. 17-7 Poly
  7. Great punt, he should do the kickoffs.
  8. TD-CP
  9. Learn to kick retard.
  10. They probably said make a play or be benched. That run was a pissed off QB!
  11. Elway or should i say Landry!!!!!! TD SIOUX!!!
  12. OMG First down and no penalty!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Landry...throw it downfield once in a while.
  14. Defense great job.... Offense minus Landry ok. Landry...needs to be benched.
  15. missed FG!!
  16. Way to go Landry!!!!! Goska start warming up.
  17. If UND cannot get a TD on this drive and allow CP to score a TD..lights out.
  18. TD-CP its over.
  19. Landry needs to start making plays or this one will be a blowout in the first half.
  20. Per WDAZ- A letter is being sent to the board from the SR they don't know whats in it but one member said they are asking for an extention but another member said the tribal council is open for negotations about the name and not for an extension....this second part is questioning me. The word negotiation. New council not against the name anymore??? This gets stranger and stranger. Stay tuned folks this is just like a soap opera.
  21. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/139201/
  22. EXACTLY!!!!!
  23. The SR figures they hold all the cards and can do what they want and when they want, but the better hand goes to the SBoHE with the deadline. And the SBoHE can use the excuse we gave them plenty of time and they did nothing. So if nothing happens in 12 days(Nov. 10th) then i say (and this is hard) do NOT extend the deadline.
  24. I wouldn't do that to Mary...ship him to NDSU.
  25. We all know it takes a little time to get the new tribal council settled in. And there is other matters on the reservations, but come one everyone in this state reservation or not knows the number one issue with this tribe is the Sioux nickname. And i agree with MplsBison they are dragging their feet. Don't they know their decision holds the fate that could cost the University millions of dollars from marketing plus all the money not coming in from alumni who will hold a grude on this decision if it goes bad, plus all the money to take down some of the logos in buildings. It can't be too hard if the Spirit Lake can get a tribe wide vote. And the excuse we had a meeting but the Sioux name wasn't talked about...why not?? Well if the SBoHE says this is it, Nov 30 is the date since they will hold a meeting on Nov 15. If they cancel that meeting or don't talk about the name then I think the board should tell the SR you had 2 months to talk about the name you did nothing its over. This pi$$ing around is getting pretty old.
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