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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Really hope those in "Teammakers" don't think they will have any real say if ESPN comes calling again.
  2. Oxbow6

    FBS games

    Of course Joe...........
  3. Heard from a decent SU "source" today that if Gameday comes back to Fargo next year they are seriously considering the UND game. I don't find this real surprising.
  4. Big Cocks or Rough Riders...........let's vote!
  5. The Wild will be without Suter for 2 games, starting tonight, for a cheap elbow to the head vs. PIT on Tuesday.
  6. Just playing with you.... I know where you were going with that. I have really warmed up to either Rough Riders, Wranglers or Cowboys..........the potential graphic logo design for those could be pretty cool. Plus it is a 180 from anything NA.
  7. What's the problem? UND isn't located in Omaha......................
  8. It is no secret Kelley wants nothing more than to have anything and everything said and/or seen "Fighting Sioux" at UND athletic events gone ASAP if he could wave a magic wand.
  9. I guess that will say volumes to whatever the coaches see in Murphy and obviously what they don't see in Simonson. I'll say this one more time......Murphy doesn't have a single point so far this season. He has yet to score a college goal and only had 3 assists last year. I'm all for opportunities but to think Simonson couldn't do any worse than zero points from here on out....... I know if Murphy actually scores a goal this weekend his "supporters" will come out like crazy claiming "see...he is a great offensive player". Spare me that BS if he happens to finally pot one. IMO Simonson has shown enough skill and gives max effort every shift that he should get ice before Murphy and right now even LJ.
  10. Like it better than Spirit, Flames, Rainbows, or Sundogs.
  11. I'll always remember flying to Denver with my daughter for the F4 only to realize the shot to claim #8 was out of reach after 9 minutes into the game vs BC......yet I remember very little else from that season...minus the Kozek goal to get UND there. There was also the UNH goal with less than a second in regulation...only to lose in a minute plus into OT. And .6! Oh the memories............should I continue?
  12. The bright yellow one with the 4 time NC stuff on it....got a 2XL for you too...and a XS for Sic.
  13. Went to Scheels last night in Fargo. Stored filled w everything NDSU Bison. Why? Because "Bison" is marketable and easily branded on it's own? Because the "Bison" logo is the best logo in the store? Because when "Bison" crap it's the size of a newborn child? Nay, nay and nay. The store is filled with "Bison" shirts, jerseys, hats, shot glasses, clocks and scarves because their "fans" want a piece of a winner...a 4x FCS FB NC winner. Has very little to do with marketing/brandind at this point. UND needs a decent nickname/logo not something pathetic and lame...although the latter is almost a given...but regardless of what is chosen anything UND _______ will sell with very little marketing/branding if Hak ever wins a NC or Bubba can resurrect the FB program and get a NC or if Jones can get his squad to the dance a time or 2. Enough with the marketing and branding blah blah blah. UND fans will buy the new logo appearal when it comes out but it will definitely sell better if UND can produce big time winners with its team...just go to Scheels in Fargo for an example.
  14. That team needs to strip the letters from every captain.
  15. It's a dumpster fire with the Wild and Yeo's suit in dipping with gasoline! 3-1 Pens end of 2nd. Addendum.... 7-2 now.
  16. As I'm sure many of you guys have heard...probably too often..."let's just get this over with!"
  17. With a name like that......"they are who we thought they were..."
  18. This series is setting up like the LSSU series. A team coming to the Ralph that can't score and can't keep the puck out of it's own net.
  19. Oxbow6

    FBS games

    3 games and a ring and Jones cashes in on the NFL? What a country!
  20. So you are not a fan of "Big Cocks"?
  21. Oxbow6

    FBS games

    So who starts under center for the Buckeyes next season?
  22. Not disagreeing with anything you posted above but this big picture analysis of yours currently has no direct impact on UND FB...or MBB. Why? Because both sports are "extremely unpopular" with a lot of UND fans and supporters right now as is evident by poor attendence over the past few years. Put winners on the field and court, beat a FBS team in FB or a big time program in MBB and some of these issues will change...and change quickly. If UND beats NDSU next September, any guess what that will do for the attendence of the next UND home game? Hockey might be unpopular in America but it isn't in ND, MN or at UND.
  23. I would like to see Simonson more this weekend...he IMO definitely brings more energy and hardwork to the ice than LJ does right now. I like his game.
  24. So where is your argument? He got a hat trick one night removed from playing on top line. He plays better where he played Saturday. For him and the team I glad he has played more towards his potential this season compared to his first 3 seasons. Anyone who watches him play can see he excels more in a bottom 6 role. And Hak does pair forward lines based on matchups and that 4th line Saturday IIRC wasn't on the ice with UMDs top line more than a shift...maybe 2...that's why at the Ralph he gets last change. If OD can get this team points consistently in a lower 6 role UND is going to be tough to beat.......that was my point.
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