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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Not disagreeing with your first point at all. It's a virus. It's not going to be eradicated. A vaccine will still leave well over 50% of the population at risk. You want the end game to be zero caes. That's obvious. That's ignorant.
  2. ....and this coming from you. That's rich but carry on.
  3. This post is so full of ignorance and a complete lack of any understanding as to the big picture. Just stop.
  4. This would have some relevance if the Biden flag was on fire.
  5. Again your rebuttal is once again answering a question with a question. Blanket schooling testing is impractical. You should understand that.
  6. Because everyone knows on the scale of being "essential" the POTUS and an overpaid, uneducated, opinionated power forward are on the same level. To your question what are you looking to accomplish? Who gets tested? How often?
  7. I can see the President's point at this stage but UND just had another testing drive yesterday for students, faculty and staff. A city wide mask mandate is irrelevant to UND and keeping the campus open and I think Bo knows that. UND will continue to get the numbers it needs to see so that they say let's shut campus down......again.
  8. For those with a legal background......NDSU is quarantining Greek houses with a Covid case and will expel any student who leaves their Greek house under quarantine for any reason other than an "emergency". Can the university have legal protection doing this?
  9. Altru currently has three Covid19 patients hospitalized.
  10. I guess I did not hear of a cattle drive testing plot with the allure of $500 from the NDSU bookstore but I could be wrong on that. That kind of mass testing might follow the NDSU FB game as 10000 are going to be allowed to attend. I'd be interested in how many elementary, secondary and university teachers will be in attendance?
  11. I read UND's president was quoted that a vaccince would get the university systems back to normal (or close to it).
  12. So really we are back to limiting life for the majority for the high risk minority? A minority that "science" has made clear from day 1. What % of that 15-29 age group that tested positive are asymptomatic? What % of classes currently at UND face to face? Some of you would be shocked at the feelings of a good chunk of those older than 70. They are Covid19 exhausted. Mentally drained by it. Lonely. Depressed. Hopeless. Golden years....... More restrictions in GF? Like what are you hearing?
  13. I'd be curious on the UND dashboard how many are hospitalized from that number. No deaths obviously otherwise the Herald would have made it front page news.
  14. Correct........lock it all back down! Can't have it both ways cause the fear always out weighs the positive. Has the tripling of the hospitizations overwhelmed the system? Right now 62 are hospitalized....that is roughly 3% of all hospital beds in the state. Have deaths exploded? What lane does you want the narrative in this week? That's a serious question BTW. Again what were we all pitched as major concerns from the beginning? Mask mandate in MN.......cases are going up yet they had one death on Saturday. Lowest daily total in 4 months.
  15. Active case in ND down by 133. 2nd consecutive day with 100+ decrease in active cases. Hospitalizations down by 11.5%. 2 deaths. UND sends out email requesting parents advise their students to stay on campus over Laber Day weekend.....SMH.
  16. One death....one....in MN yesterday. I'd say that's a big win for that state considering Walz's revised revised revised death prediction was 22000. Not so fast.....after today's presser from Birx, Walz and th MDH. Just constantly peddling fear. People need a little hope. Not constant doom and gloom that it's going to get worse.
  17. Being reported around 100 individuals who have been arrested in the Kenosha riots/unrest were from out of state.
  18. Active cases down by over 100 in ND. Hospitalizations stable. One death that was determined to be 3/5th Covid19 related.
  19. Good to see from Schloss's Twitter feed he's all in on "cases". I'm also glad to see ND must have peaked Friday because positve cases dropped by 40% to Saturday (yesterday)......right?
  20. ND's Covid19 mortality rate is currently at 1.21%. That's with all the "presumed" deaths. Keep doing more tests to pump up the "positive" numbers and the mortality rate falls......and it's even lower if one buys into the large percentage of untested asymptomatic carriers walking around.
  21. ND had 145 less positives yesterday from Friday's total. Anyone want to guess why? #nottheBirxfactor #yousaidtherewouldbenomath
  22. That numbers is from the NDUS as a whole. 40% of UND students were test IIRC hence the spike in cases......again not those that are sick or even with symptoms. My niece got sent home yesterday from CC for at least 2 weeks because there were 10 cases within their dorm system.
  23. Austin Peay goes 75 yards for a TD on the first play from scrimmage. Welcome back CFB!
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