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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Mayor Bo having bars close at 11 pm in GF moving forward.
  2. I assume that's after he lockdowns the country for 12 weeks?
  3. If I had to bet Birx being in ND will lead to a state mask mandate which I'm fine with even though it hasn't done jack in MN in lowering cases. Leave business alone and let school districts decide on their own the best course of action.
  4. As Birx comes to the mic in 10 minutes with Burgum at her side ND sets a record for positive tests yesterday on a record amount of tests administered. Who knew that might that happen?? More tests....more positives. Yet hospitalizations drop and just 2 deaths.
  5. Pretty sure all the foreign players in the Canadian bubble are ready for the "protest" to end. #letsplayhockey
  6. Like anything Covid related pick a frickin lane at some point......
  7. Hopefully as an "expert" and "scientist" on her visit to Fargo today Birx will see that only 3.5% of the hospital beds in ND are currently being occupied by Covid patients and that refrigerated trucks aren't need to store the dead bodies.
  8. A recent study put out by the Common Sense Association shows that complying with police orders, not resisting a citation or an arrest and not physically assaulting a police office gives you a 99.99% chance of not being injured, shot, or killed.
  9. Dr Birx flying into Fargo Saturday to meet with Burgum about the "uptick" in cases. Still no deaths in Cass County, the state's most populated county, in 40+ days. Hopefully Birx gets in early enough to get to "Justice Island" before 10 am to witness the beginning of the local BLM protest.
  10. You've said some dumb s#$@ but this is right up there.
  11. Can that organization pick a lane at some point?
  12. Because at least in ND hospitalizations and deaths have pretty much stayed flat. Are you being argumentative just because or are you really that stupid?
  13. Fair enough but we both know that "information" will be used to push everything online.
  14. No but that concept leads us to a dog chasing his tail. If my daughter tested negative 3 weeks ago before starting classes at UND this Tuesday is she currently still negative if she is asymptomatic? ....and BTW the needle on tuition doesn't move as she has most classes from her laptop.
  15. So a negative test today gives someone the green light to visit grandma in a month?
  16. I don't have a number but does testing move the needle in hospitalizations and deaths?
  17. Great......give me or have Wynne give us a number or percentage then that is acceptable in the "limitation" process?
  18. Aren't those 86% out in the general public as it is? Going into a Walmart, grocery store and/or a restaurant? To eliminate the spread of a virus is not practical or realistic.......unless you lockdown the country (Fauci) and we all saw how well that worked from a big societal picture standpoint.
  19. The head of the NDUS Smart Restart task force is disappointed only 14% of incoming students got tested prior to starting class. That's code for we want more positive case numbers so we can put the whole college system in the state on distance/virtual learning from here on out.
  20. Rand Paul and his wife claim they were attacked by a large group of <presumed peaceful> protesters leaving the White House last night. #Biden'sAmerica
  21. Just more family members killed by those from their own race.
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