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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. In the game of pin the tail on a moving donkey the CDC reverses course (for the 19th time) to recommended anyone in close contact with someone of documented Covid positive status needs to get tested even if the close contact individual is asymptomatic. #pickaf***inglane #noendgameinsight
  2. They aren't but wait until the NDHD announcement in minutes that ND set a record number of positives today even though it was on a record amount of tests with the daily positivity rate of 5.2% with 14 day rolling rate of 5.8%. Context and perspective are important but that went by the waste side months ago.
  3. Now Walz has two new benchmarks he's going to follow before ending his MN COVID emergency......positivity rate and % of "infections" from community spread. Both of which are at best educated guesses based on how the MDH handles testing, data and metrics. I thought it was just 14 days to flatten the curve. Then I thought it was deaths and hospitalizations. Then it was some dumba## dial system. Now it's another obscure set of benchmarks. He spent millions on a refrigeration warehouse for his 74000 death count model. He watched downtown Minneapolis burn and turn into a mini lawless 3rd world country. Glad I'm not a resident of MN under the "leadership' of that clown who's only objective is moving the Covid goalposts so his executive power stays in tact.
  4. Was 5G the cause of the downtown fires a few weeks ago? Or was it climate change?
  5. Big Ten FB........If a players tests postive he is out for 21 days. SMH
  6. A single county in NC misinformed 6700+ individuals via text message they were covid positive....and another 500+ via email. #trustthedata #clownmaskssavelives
  7. And on that note Shanley HS going from face to face 5/days a week to a hybrid model starting tomorrow.
  8. That's for Osterholm to answer.......... Same for the 6' rule and goggles.
  9. I never claimed herd immunity at 2% of a state's population but there's is some evidence that cases start dropping at that level of overall postive case percentage.
  10. There is some thought that when a state hits 2% of its total population testing positive that state has reached a certain level of immunity and cases will start to fall. ND is now close to 2%. NY, FL, AZ and TX all hit that 2%+ level awhile ago and have seen major drops in cases and no new spikes.
  11. Per the Forum news Clay County is a potential venue for the George Flyod trial. Can't it just be in the MSP metro so those who are going to be uncivil and riot can just continue burning down what they already started. Leave us alone in the FM area.
  12. In other news a federal officer shot in drive by in PHX........nothing to see there. Just grab a shovel and start digging.
  13. The MSHSL has, is and always be a s##t show. Just an embarrassment of an organization.
  14. Can we stay on topic that climate change and Covid are the cause of all things racist as we move forward......
  15. Anyone validate the rumor a good chunck of the team was/is positive? TM and Schloss are into counting cases so maybe they would have reported something by now.
  16. Yup.........rope a dope. Line 'em up. Get some positives. Do contact tracing. Then quarantine those individuals for two weeks.
  17. Not shocked by this. They are all watching the NBA. BTW did you see the statement by Crapernick against the ambush shootings of the officers in Compton? .....yeah neither did anyone else.
  18. In today's bouquet of verbal nausea McFooly blames the football season issues at every level on..........Trump.
  19. Something like that......... When have we ever in the past told individuals who aren't sick to lock themselves in their basement for 2 weeks because they came in contact with someone that was "postive" but isn't sick either and we are afraid the contact individuals "might" become "positive"?
  20. Because he hates Hispanic Muslim transgender firefighters
  21. As of yesterday ND is performing the 3rd most average daily tests per 100000 of the 50 states in the last 2 weeks. 6% of all those positive cases in ND wound up in hospitalizations. For all you in the "positive tests are bad and we are all going to die" crowd let's go through this again........do more tests get more positives.
  22. How are merchadise sales for the Washington Football Team going?
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