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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. The USA goalie was Adam Murray, a DU recruit.
  2. There's just no talent there.
  3. Exactly. The Duluth East coach sounds like a whiner. No where in the article does he congratulate Derek or wish him well...he just sounds bitter in every one of his quotes.
  4. I think you just named the other teams that will finish top four in the league next year (along with UND). I don't agree with the DU writer, I think their last NT team with Stastny, Carle, Mannino, Gauthier, etc was better than what they will see next year. They will have another deep offense, depending on what Ruegsegger and Rahkshani do. Colborne and Wiercioch will be very good next year. I would be surprised if UW doesn't lose a couple of their dmen studs this offseason (in addition to McBain). McDonough could certainly sign. And we could see some more de-commitments from UW with them having 7 extra forwards come next fall... There's all sorts of rumors about UMN players leaving early. Schroeder, depending on who drafts him, Hoeffel, Flynn, etc. It should be an interesting offseason!
  5. BU loses a TON this offseason: Wilson (he's leaving), Higgins, Yip, Lawrence, Gilroy, plus two more seniors. That's 5 of their top 6 scorers gone. Plus they could also lose 1-2 more in early departures. If VandeVelde stays, I really think the Sioux will be contending once again for the MacNaughton and will definitely be in the mix again for the NCAA's. VV could be a legitimate Hobey contender.
  6. He is from Finland: http://gopherpuck.blogspot.com/2009/03/hau...to-gophers.html
  7. I wouldn't mind Stepan on the Sioux. One, he's a great player. Two, it would prevent him from scoring SHG on us.
  8. What website was the article on?
  9. Not really early departures...but it could certainly lead to some... A UW poster on USCHO posted their returning lineup plus their recruits that they have coming in for next year. Their roster next season will have 19 forwards, 9 defense, and 2 goalies. A 30 player roster with 7 forwards and 3 dmen sitting EVERY NIGHT. Wow! Eaves has been burned with the over-recruiting before, but that's just crazy.
  10. Yes, two Mattson's are coming in: Danny Mattson (F) 09/10 Nick Mattson (D) 10
  11. I didn't realize that post count had a direct correlation to knowledge dealing with the Unsung Hero Award.
  12. I like UND hockey because of the tradition, the players (past and present), the coaching staff, the fans, the style of hockey that they play, etc. The location of the school and the nickname have nothing to do with it for me. Sure, the main reason that I became a UND hockey fan is because I was born and raised in GF, ND...but now it's in my blood. Now, if the team happened to move to Walhalla and change their name to the Flickertails...guess, what...I would still be a die-hard fan. Because this team is more than just a nickname, and all the things that I love about the team would still be there. Of course, according to you, I still wouldn't be a "true fan", because I won't be able to watch the title game tonight.
  13. Can't say I'm surprised about that one. UMD just lost a couple positions in the WCHA for next season...
  14. Well said, sagard. I will be a fan of UND hockey regardless of the nickname that is used.
  15. From the Sioux blog: Congrats to Genoway and Martens!
  16. Wow, chalk me up as another "not true fan of college hockey". I have good friends in town that we haven't seen for quite awhile, so we will more than likely be out on the town. Sure, I could make them sit there in my living room while I watch the game, but I'm not rude like that, especially being that I don't have a rooting interest in the game. If they weren't coming, would I watch the game? Sure I would. I've been to the last four F4, and I've attended the title game each year regardless of if the Sioux were playing or not. But I guess I'm not a "true fan" of college hockey. I never knew...
  17. I'm going to wait to buy mine until I am in Detroit. I bet you'll find some mega deals from scalpers for seats up in the boonies, and then move down closer into empty seats.
  18. The BU/VT game was much more entertaining than the Miami/BSU game. Miami played their system well, but it sure made for a boring game to watch.
  19. I'm pretty sure you spelled all of the players names incorrectly.
  20. brianvf

    Go Vermont

    BU wins 5-4. BU vs Miami for the title.
  21. brianvf

    Go Vermont

    For some reason it really bugs me that the VT head coach wears the headset during the game. Just looks funny. Good game so far...
  22. Not really. Their fans already thought they had a dynasty, and they've never won anything. How would they act if they had a national title under their belt?
  23. I'm rooting for the BU/VT winner in the final. I would rather see either of them win than Miami.
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