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Everything posted by Hambone

  1. There were a couple others last night other than Canady, but I can't access twitter from work (and I'm not a smartphone guy) and I can't remember them for the life of me. Someone can check my twitter feed and get the names and post them if they have time
  2. Since he has no hudl linked and I didn't have time to search for more linkage, I'm guessing he is. But not sure.
  3. Also offers out to Jacob Bacon and Lloyd Turner.
  4. Does KG respond to emails from the common folk regarding this issue (never sent one but assume that maybe someone has)? If someone emailed him and asked him if he knew for sure the no nickname was okay, would he respond?
  5. I will say with North Stars, the main reason I don't like it is I don't think it sounds very good since you have the word "North" twice. Just doesn't roll off the tongue right. I also think that the name has too much of a hockey connotation for me because of the former NHL team - just gives the impression that the name as picked moreso for hockey.
  6. Personally, I would say "Well, that sucks" and then get on with life and follow UND sports the same as I do now.
  7. Sadly, as the lists were being narrowed down I was at the point where I thought Wooly Mammoth was kinda cool/unique.
  8. Gueths has commited to Northern Illinois.
  9. Sounds like Parks may be staying at UofM. So, back to square one with a really thin RB core.
  10. I guess Roughriders is the only one that makes sense to me. I've pretty much went from anti-Roughriders to that being the choice I'm firmly behind.
  11. Kasl has committed to Wisconsin.
  12. UND has also offered Treyvon Akins from Cleveland OH. http://www.hudl.com/athlete/1635392/treyvon-akins
  13. UND offered Billy Bair from Illinois and Kone Bowman Jr. At the Northwestern camp today.
  14. Doesn't he always say he's a chicken hawk? Maybe we should have been the Chicken Hawks.
  15. I don't think it was very normal at UND, but starting last summer it seemed to pick up quite a bit. I remember a couple years ago with Reyes and Kuksa - who were both up in GF early because there was a high probability they could play early - but weren't too many others. Last year it seemed like a lot more were there early. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of the Freshmen and transfers are up there early - this year and going forward.
  16. I believe that Justus Merz and Steve Greer will be up here early and rooming together. Haven't heard much else yet but I think that a lot of them will be.
  17. Yeah, I really thought Veii would have been a good fit and was hoping he would visit. Had heard at one point we had a good shot due to his relationship with Maurice, but you never know with these things.......
  18. I never thought I'd get to this point, as I never really have liked Roughriders (and that is only because of GFRR using it), but I completely agree that it makes the most sense out of what is left.
  19. Can't be Nodaks only for the reason that everyone else can call UND the No D**ks.
  20. We need game experience, in my opinion. Norberg and Arrington are the only two with game experience. Not sure if the staff is planning on more than just Parks or not. One more FBS option I've got my eye on currently and then there is still one JUCO that I'm not sure is a possibility or not. But if the staff is done after the potential addition of Parks, then it is what it is.
  21. Seems when anything came up, I remember Kupchella being the "Out of town and unavailable for comment" type.
  22. Actually depends on the state. Minnesota HS goes by halves and I believe that there are other states that do this or are considering it as well.
  23. I think he's only finished his Freshman year, right? And I don't think he was a qualifier out of HS, so he still has one more year left I think before he would be a potential recruit.
  24. Well, I have been tricked before although I still believe he's likely in. I need to keep my mouth shut until it actually happens I guess
  25. Sounds like Baker is close to a done deal. Reason I heard he is leaving NM is that he made the two deep and wasn't awarded a scholly. Should have 4 years to play for us assuming he does in fact join the squad. As for the RB position - the ones I was hoping for are not in the cards but sounds like we will likely be getting one.
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