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Everything posted by WPoS
Is that why the UND fans constantly have to tell Gopher fans that they have more banners!?!?? Sound like a bit of jealousy on UND fans' part if you ask me! WPoS
And in case you are wondering the Gophs have two more national titles prior to NCAA... I know the Gopher started the winning tradition at least in 1922, when North Dakota had a population of 82 ( and 42654 buffalo) and was still a territory... WPoS
Nah, I'll take our tradition of winning before UND even had a hockey program anyday! Count a few of the big wins before the inception of the NCAA and you may be a bit less vocal! The site in question is always good for a laugh! Even if you are not a Gopher fan! WPoS
I agree on Campion, not a bad ref in my book. I also agree he will be gone long before we get good time out of him. As for Greg, he does stand up for his guys, but as a head ref, give me a break. I challenge anyone out there to find me a game where he didn't screw up horribly for one of the teams. Promoting him may have took him directly out of games, but he still leaves his mark with below average skills in his ranks... Maybe this thread should have been about the BEST ref in the league?!?! WPoS
WOW, I thought the Gophers were the only teams these bozo-types hosed... I have said it MANY times to MANY people. All I ask of a ref is consistancy. At least if they are consistant, I know if I need to bring a 'roid cushion or not to games... IMO all the college level refs need to get a better job. We need to bring in refs and PAY them to do a decent job. Not this $50 a game crap I think they run now. As for bad reffing, some may remmember, some may not, some prolly don't care, but Greg Sheppard would only call AGAINST the Gophers, he let linesmen and the "other" ref call against Minn's opponents....now that is bad. All because he didn't want to be called "homer" in his calls...and yes we got hosed every game he ref'd. Bad ref of note from years past: MEDO! WPoS
I'd be suprised that if there is any question about the injury he would even play. Why take the chance, competitive or not as he may be, it just ain't worth it! No sense ruining a season/career over one series! WPoS
Hey, I aim to please! WPoS
I really doubt that they would pull CC from DI hockey, with it's history and continuing success in DI they will probably grandfather in those schools. If they for some reason DID move them down, they would own the lower levels for years. At least untill the recruiting cans out for a DII or DIII program vs. a DI. WPoS
crap, crap, crap...'nuf said...I expected MORE trash from SOME of you tho...but hey, the night is young and the beer is still cold! WPoS
so in other words the announces for the home team have to be comlpetley unbiased?!?!? C'mon, I doubt your guys up there don't have a little "homer" in their comments... WPoS
hrrmmmm, sounds like you guys are boned! That sucks there is no private land close by, we walk a good 4-5 blocks to get to Mecca from our spot...maybe someone on the edge of campus friendly to the program? WPoS
redwing, the biggest trick is this: don't tailgate on campus property. Having never been to GF, I have no real idea how stuff is set up, but down here we have a little spot that we tailgate at, that the die-hard POI-ers and good natured visting fans know about. It is close enuf to walk to Mecca and *poof* you have Gopher tailgating for hockey. We grill out, play BeerDarts (of course), street hockey and socialize. So mayhap some of that is of help in your quest up there for a new tailgating tradition (hint: we started to tailgate 2 years ago, and look what happened! ). Even down here we've been out in the COLD, two seasons ago, it was 30mph winds, snow and 10 degrees and we still did it! If only for an hour. It never hurts to try! WPoS
CRR...a bit touchy this morning? Geeze! redwing...I agree it took two years and lots of stamina to get our group doing the tailgate thing for the Gophers...not as cold down here as for you guys, but I have faith in you! And with assigned seatign it helps with tailgatign because you don't have to rush to get good seats...mabe a bright side for your crew in that? WPoS
you guys and INCH! Hate to tell you this but the one guy from INCH is a Minn native and currently resides in MI. He hates HE as much as we do and would prefer to watch WCHA hockey as much as he can...I still think you guys are crabby at them about the goalie article and not worshiping the ice "god" skates on! So lighten up already! WPoS
Actually, MNS, you guys treat him like "god" that is why we like to make fun of him/you over at POI with the "god" comments! It will be interesting this year to see how ZP's and TV's sophmore years compare...wanna place a few bets?!?! WPoS
if you watched Gopher hockey you would know Ballard is a big reason we won a few games. He may not have all the "stats" but he definitly helps in the play and allows others to score...he is so selfless! But I don't think w/o Keith, we would have done as well as we did. I am sure GE would have more insights and stats for you. WPoS
well, nice to know you guys are trying to copy the Gopher POI crew! If you need any hints about the "man" and how to avoid things...may have a few hints! WPoS
there you boys go again...ANOTHER Minnesotan on your roster! Pretty soon it will look like Wooger is helping you recruit! Sounds like a big guy! Hopefully for your program he fulfills all the talk about him! Then we can have our forwards score on him! WPoS
as for clear Kevlar wire, well the polymer that makes up Kevlar (where is the pesky trademark symbol) is actually YELLOW/GOLD. In small diameters it would probably be pretty translucent, but it does not turn into "wire" well. It makes a good cloth, but that is about it. And, drum roll please, it is expensive. Anything that you could try to make netting out of that has good optical properties would prolly be to expensive and/or not strong enuf/flexible enuf to work for netting. So I think we are pretty much stuck with good old Nylon netting for any nets that go up in arenas. by the way did I say I hate nets? WPoS
Diluting and taking chances of appearnce form schools programs that have a chance! WPoS
dagies...I think the nets for Baseball are for foul tips more than errant pitches tho... WPoS
redwing77, basiacally you and I agree. I really don't think any arena WANTS to put nets up but the EVIL lawyers and INSURANCE companies are what drives this crap. I wonder how much longer our society will be able to function. I KNOW there are good lawyers out there someplace, but they are NOT the ambulance chasers! A great thing about Mecca is the studnet sections being primarily on the attack side 2 out of 3 periods! If it isn't that way, your program's student fans suffer IMO! UMDdogz...hate to tell you this, you can't be protected form everything all the time. Her death, while tragic, was a complete fluke, and a knee jerk reaction is insane. As for during warm ups...just sit closer to the glass and you'd be fine! Most fans don't come in to sit till after warmups are over anyways! WPoS
I know, I am a heartless b@stard, but c'mon, at what point is our society so concerned about a single death that has a pretty phenomanally statistically miniscule chance of happening, going to wake up and smell the roses? Consider all the crap that goes on in the world that people have no concern about that kill people. To name a few: putting on makeup while driving, reading while driving (seen both of those in the last two days), drugs, DWI, running red lights (left turn arrows specifically) and the like JUST IN A CAR, I am sure kill more than one person a WEEK in this country....I still think the nets were a pretty knee jerk reaction to a VERY sad event. A guy in front of me in the old Mecca got nailed right in the forehead with a puck off a skate right where the zamboni came out...pretty nasty, but that stuff can easily happen ANYWHERE in the arena. One of the UM CC's got it in the face last year at the end of the season and she was up a ways on the side. So if they REALLY want to protect the crowd, nets should go all the way around the arena. That said, the chances of someone actually getting hit hard enuf to kill them is pretty darn small...more of a chance of slipping on the steps...I hate the nets... end rant.... WPoS