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Everything posted by WPoS

  1. how will he spin this tothe people of Denver?!?? WILD WIN!?!?!? MinnesotaNorthStar, we could all start an e-mail campaign and drown him in his own drivel! This guy can now go start to cover golf or midget wrestling for the rest of the hockey season, the lowly Wild beat his precious Avs! WPoS
  2. this guy is stupider than a BADger fan, he makes Sid look good (almost) for being such a homer
  3. I can put down a few of them...LI's that is, record of 9, but I was barely vertical...LI Darts made many people sleepy (passed out) I had people all over the house, walls, furniture, on cars, on the garage floor, lawn and floor that party... I agree that 99% of the people that are "rabid" fans of a team can get along in a neutral setting and have a brew or two, unless they are rugby/soccer fans...
  4. aw shucks...I'm gonna blush! It IS a fun game, if you like to drink beer that is, just don't try "Long Island Darts"....NOT a pretty picture! WPoS
  5. Vanek's dad's hand gesture was no where near a Salute to hitler, I hope after all the crap I got for making an allusion to Ralph, FOR WHICH I AM STILL SORRY, you guys would be better. IMHO I think it was more of a gettign the hands in the air type thing...but why am I bi-oching I have a victory to celebrate! As for the riots, we went down after the game to visit our haunts for a few brews and saw the carnage, cars tipped over lit on fire, gas tanks popping off, nasty stuff, idiots tossing bottles and rocks at firefighters, I wish the cops would have released the hounds and got out the Tazers on those punks! I know for one that the people who post here were not involved and that the majority of the trouble makers are the same ones who bi-och about cops being heavy handed...not many that I saw doing stuff were actuall hockey fans either IMO. Most real fans were just standing around watching a few idiots being criminal. WCHA RULES!
  6. thanks for the congrats frmm the boys/girls that follow the Sioux. It was a heck of a nail biter till the go ahead goal! Now we get to be bored till next year.... As for the dynasty, yep 3 or more, but what I saw was the "start" of a dynasty poster.... The rioting was NUTS! Cars on fire and all sorts of stupid mayhem! WPoS
  7. Level-headed Gopher fan?!?! C'mon we don't exist! Seriously tho, like you said taking advantage of good fortune is a sign of a good team, you HAVE to make good on the things that luck turns out for you in ANYTHING you do in life. I'll leave the reffing comments alone (I don't want to start a "discussion") beyond when has anyone ever been able to be really "neutral".... With a single game elimination schedule, luck ALWAYS will play a part in who wins it all, and gets to take home hardware, I would never dispute that. But besides luck, it also takes a team who doesn't give up and works hard to get thru the tough parts of a game/season...therein lies the grit that the Gophers have shown the past two years. WPoS
  8. to all of you Sioux Fans showing some support of the Gophers...thanks! That is being a classy fan IMO! To those that don't...I'll leave that one alone! WPoS
  9. it would be better for your boy Parise to stay at least one meore year. It will only make him better, and as goon pointed out the lock out pending will keep more than a few "early leavers" to stay longer than they normally would. Just like you guys want Zach to stay, Gopher fans are thinking the same for Vanek. Both could easily leave after next year but will probably stay till after the lock out. WPoS
  10. yes, *sigh*, now you all know my secret acronym for my handle. Of course now I will have to kill you The WPoS part of our penalty chant, I really don't take credit for it. I started it(?), who knows, others may have a better rememberance of when it all began, it is a good possability/probability as that lies along my line of thoughts for a hack, but I do know I started doing it my third year of going to Gopher games...maybe I am a star after all! I really don't remember...but thanks for the honor bert! WPoS
  11. WPoS


    NorthDakotaHockey, sorry, you can't convert the righteous! My first UND game that I got to see was in 86'-'87 in the old Mariucci, man I miss that place. I was a newbie fan then, and can't really remmember who was playing besides the Gopher players...sorry man. But I DO remember three on three hockey before the coincidental penalty rule came into effect, those were the days...POND hockey! And Greg Sheppard AS a ref, and of course, the worse ref in the world...MEDO.... Ok, enuf memory lane, must go back to work... WPoS
  12. WPoS


    I may post that way on the HOME board for Gophers KBG, but I don't PURPOSELY go into someone's house and stir the hornet's nest, I leave that to Bertibm ...On my home turf tho it can be fun to have a little trash talk, as long as it stays civil. WPoS
  13. WPoS


    taunting/ripping done. I apologize to all I have offended. If I continue to post here I will no longer get drawn into a bi-oching fest, if you couldn't tell it can be pretty easy to do that to me. Lots of cool people here, I have met a few of them and they are super nice even tho we root for different teams. GO WCHA! WPoS
  14. flatspin7 is right...if I continue to post here I will try my darndest to keep the personal attacks out. I thought I was, but I guess I had better just wirte up a apost and think about it for an hour before posting it so I don't fly off the handle. Some people will never like me here and I am ok with that. I will just not respond to them as they have convicted me already. So I turn the page and open a fresh one. Development of the UND program: Where do you as UND fans feel your goaltending is headed. I read that a lot of you were concerned about Brandt. Will he be your boy next year or ar you going to go shopping. The few times I did see him play he made some really good plays (thurday game of the Final Five). Can he mature or will the summer hours of work help him? Parise: not ripping on him here BTW, but what happend in the playoffs, have teams figured out how to shut him down, or is there something else going on? I was suprised to see he didn't do better, I really expected to see him put up some points this last weekend. On a positive note, Greene looks tobe a large guy who has some potential, if he stays out of he box. I would bet if Greene chose his actions a little more carefully he will become a force most teams would not like to go up against. WPoS
  15. WPoS


    NorthDakotaHockey, I appologize to you for the Ralph comment, yes it was out of line, SORRY, but I am appologizing to you, goon, diagies and a few others only. You guys seem to be the only UND fans who can stomach Gopher fans on this board. People like you guys are always welcome any day over at POI to talk UND vs Gopher hockey as you seem to be able to keep a level head. as for Sid, you can have him, never have defended him and never will, I hope he leaves and leaves soon. He is a stain on the Country as a whole. 99% of Gopher HOCKEY fans would agree w/ me. Beyond that, I am pretty much going to give up on this board, I thought I may be able to have some fun with "fans" from other teams, but I guess I was wrong, as close minded as other can be ( I have tried to keep the nose relatively clean), I never slammed your team for losing, and I never tried to be a "bad" fan, but with fans on your board like siouxrock and sprig, you will never have many visitors willing to suck up and not say ANYTHING controversial on here w/o getting jumped on and getting the cold shoulder of death. I never expected to be loved, but I also didn't expect the sheer volume of outright hate towards 99% of Gopher fans (Greyeagle seems to be the ONLY well accepted Gopher fan here). The experience I had while here is as bad if not outrightly worse than the whole u2bad1 issue w/ POI. If he thought POI was bad, I would have to say this place can be worse w/ some exceptions. Some of the people here are as bad as they espouse others to be, a mirror is a bad thing, sometimes you see what you hate looking back. So most likely I will say so long and good riddance...now all the "siuoxrocks" and "sprigs" on this board can start to rip on me and say what a "loss" not having a person willing to at least try and be civil is... I look forward to a great season next year and some hard hitting games against all of the WCHA rivals. UND will always be a great rival and a team that I relish to have our team play, I just won't be as repectfull of their fan base as much anymore. WPoS P.S. GO Gophers, at least I hope the REAL WCHA fans will root for us vs the easterners and Michigans of the world....
  16. Hey, I try to be at least civil in the face of some obvious hatred against the Gophers here...as goon and dagies are on POI, I TRY to be here...yah, I got off to a rocky start, but I try at least... WPoS
  17. WPoS


  18. DROVE there, ok, you ARE nuts, the flight was bad enuf! A true fan of your team! Ah '79, must admit, I was a little shaver then, growing up in small town southern MN, hadn't really found out about Gopher Hockey yet, I was only about 10, heck prolly didn't even know what hockey was yet, not that I do now , oh wait, I DO! I cheer for the Gophers! . Actually, I plan on cheering for the Gophers over BU in the FF! WPoS
  19. I know who you are talking about as "Biggee Fry", odd to point out he stood and clapped for your squad's goals. I thought you UND fans had thicker skins on ya, if he can get under yours, well, it must be pretty thin. If you guys can't take some heat from Gopher fans over Parise, you need to wake up and smell the roses, of course we would say he went to the wrong school, he should have been a Gopher! Needless to say, we would have liked to have him on our team, we will razz him, his dad was a NorthStar for crimmeny's sake, he is a traitor to the state in many people's eyes. Get over it and off your high horse, sour grapes are never a good thing. As for your point #4, that is always debatable, how many times have you flown to UAA to watch your team up there? Every team has fiercly loyal fans, I am one of the Gophers'. To say a whole team's are is bunk. It is always a cross section of the population in loyalty level. As for #8, well again EVERY team has fans that someone else doesn't like, I am sure there are some Gopher fans that would love to see you "have their legs taped to a chair and be made to eat spaghetti until their jerseys burst." Get most of the people you "hate" out of a jersey and sober and you would think they are the nicest person on the planet. Just because they may be loud and/or a "homer" doesn't mean they don't understand the game, they are there to see their team win. Case in point: I have YET to have a UND fan come up to me after a Gopher win and say "great game, good win", does that make ALL UND fans have a bad name, in my book it can. Maybe forecheck has, but she is about the only one. ahh, what am I argueing w/ you for, we'll never agree... WPoS
  20. bertibm, actually not a liar, I stood and clapped for EVERY goal I saw, I have back up on that, I never said I cheered for them to really win, after all I got there in the third and it was pretty much over, but I was still there to see some good hockey. We even stood and clapped when UND's band played, I really did want UND to win so we could end their season, not some smuck team from the east end of the country, so how does that make me a liar? Plus not being there for the whole game means absolutly nothing, all I said was I stood and cheered for the WCHA team's scoring (that would be showing support BTW), who wouldn't wave good bye to a team that just lost?!?...now be quiet and don't give these guys any more ammo! WPoS
  21. for all you Gopher haters out there, I stood and clapped for the UND squad when they scored, I supported the WCHA as best I could, but nothing was better than the UND fan doing the ROUSER with the Gopher fans in the crushing of the Mercy boys...picturers to follow! WPoS
  22. the best memory ANY Gopher fan has of a UND game is winning the inaugural game at the Ralph, you guys were so nice, you even had sound and decorations! OOO, I had better go hide, the rocks will start raining down anytime! WPoS
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