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Everything posted by WPoS
oddly enuf, this Gopher fan agrees with you... WPoS
hey it is a habit, what can I say? I am just re-iterating my station in life! unfortunatly South Carolina, altho it will be warm there! And I don't think there is a doubt that UMD will kill JBSU this weekend. WPoS (just for you sfip!)
I refuse to participate is such a slanted poll... But I will predict a split. Gophers Friday to keep the streak alive, then a crushing OT loss on Saturday. WPoS
Don't really know if anyone is coming up from POI. Tickets are so dang hard to get, our "friends" at some UND board didn't look to help out! I think maybe I know of two people coming up, so I doubt they will be tailgating...but I MAY possibly invite your guys to 'gating for the game at Mecca for those coming down (if you didn't see, I WAS goign to come up, but am in a wedding this weekend in SC). I wanted to school you punks in BeerDarts! WPoS
France compared to the Gophers, nope, that is because the Gophers are hated because we ARE the best! WPoS
OK, FINE, you're all going down! I hate all of you, may your undies get bunched and cause large rashes! Actually, only a few of you that I can't stand WPoS
now who woulda gotten you juiced at BD?!?!?! WPoS
forecheck... yah, SOME of the UND fans are good, a few last year got my wife absolutely bombed before a game last year at Sally's...we'll hook up for a brew before the games down here maybe... Still don't think I am a punk there, punkette! WPoS
I would, but as I told forecheck I will be forced to be in SC this weekend. Otherwise you'd be meeting me...altho a punk I am not! WPoS
to that catchy tune: If I had a million dollars... "if I had twenty dollars...." Just for you Bochenski (sp?)! WPoS
Forecheck, unfortunatly no, I will be in SC for a wedding I get to be in.... I was hoping to make it, had tickets all lined up and then my bud tells me I get to stand up for him.... Goon, that means you are already a Gopher fan! WPoS
How about this: North Dakota: Where men are men, women have mustaches, and buffalo run scared? Here come the rocks! WPoS
I am looking at a split between two good teams this upcoming weekend. While I would love to keep our record perfect in Mecca West, I don't think it will happen. Goon may have to give up and become a Gopher fan otherwise! I expect a Gopher win Firday and a Sioux win Saturday, both one goal games. I would "say" more but I am too tired after three straight days of sports and tailgating for 12 hours yesterday... WPoS
CRR, link? WPoS
so in other words it is ok as long as others do it, but don't get caught?!?! C'mon! There is some scary repercussions to thinking like that! IMO, the small matter won't have them benched...but then again, you guys don't care what Gopehrs fans think anyways! And in that case I say throw the book at 'em! WPoS
SUCK UP! on another note: A previous post asked about JJ standing on his head....I think that Briggs will be our go to goalie by Jan. WPoS
tickets...they are now sellign rush tickets at Mecca prior to the games...FTI...even if the game is "sold out", WHY do I tell you guys these things?!?!? WPoS
just so I don't get lumped with your normal opinion of Gopher fans... hmmmm....crow tastes like chicken! Geeze I have to go outa town and look what they do to me for missing the games! Then the Vikes go and pull the same thing! Teaches me to miss games! WPoS
As long as we are number one or two at the end of the season I really don't care where we are in polls right now. And after the way they have been playing they deserve to be moved down! WPoS
I take offense to that! I am a GERMAN nincompoop, not a norwegian ninny! WPoS
is there any doubt? Gophers sweep of course! Now they had bette win or I will have to eat some of that tasty crow! Goaltending will be the determining factor this weekend for sure. WPoS
suprised you didn't comment on the Indian logo concerns of JBSU! But you guys got props for a good arena at least! WPoS
make fun all you want, you know schools like Michigan (*shudder*, you made me type it) were around then...face it, we have 7 also! WPoS
the old fav hangout for the Gopher Hockey team got pretty much shut down due to underage drinkers, not just team members, but plenty of frat/sorority underagers got in also. WPoS