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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. Huhh? I've never had an avatar, let alone a Sioux one. I think you were looking at someone else's profile, it certainly wasn't mine.
  2. A true fan knows it's best to look to the future. Not trying to slam anyone here, I'm just really tired of the Sioux Only crowd.
  3. I agree fully. Stuff like this just prolongs the day that we eventually move on and finally unite. As long as a few stubbornly cling to the Sioux name we will be stuck in the past. It was voted on, and voted on way too often, so let's embrace the Hawk and just worry about winning championships. A true UND fan would realize this.
  4. I could certainly warm up to something like this. Not perfect but not bad either.
  5. Hey, this looks to be a solid group of guys and it's great that we are going back to WI again. Definitely some high impact players, I only wish we would have gone after a high end QB. I'm not convinced a walk on is going to get us to the next level. At some point we need to get someone that's really over the top. As I've said before, teams live and die with the quality of the QB, and I'm worried about the drop off after Studsrud.
  6. I believe hawks refer to that as a "ducktail".
  7. Maybe we should have offered a partial.
  8. I would say that shows NDSU knows how to get QB's year after year. We need to do the same, go after the top talent. To be the best we need to get the best.
  9. One thing NDSU has proven is your program lives and dies by it's quarterback. They had a hot QB during the transition and rode it right into the Mo valley football conference. Next QB not so good and the Bison were 3-8. Get hot with the next two QB's and they have five titles. This is where we are falling far short. Did we even seriously try to get Wentz? Not bringing in a top notch HS prospect at QB this recruiting year will only add to our continued sideways drift. As much as our program has improved, it's never going to get where it needs to without solid, and I mean outstandingly solid QB play.
  10. I never cheered for him at NDSU, but no reason not to in the NFL. I know, it's hard to do but we still should try.
  11. I fully agree, but apparently some people here think it's appropriate to keep poking the NCAA with obvious images like that. NCAA has made it clear that Native American imagery isn't acceptable so stop trying to slip in a few misplaced.
  12. Someone I talked to speculated that he's a **soft** commit for them, just like he was for us. For now he's probably going to SDSU, pending a better offer from someone else. Or maybe back to us, who knows. Kids.
  13. Hawkster

    2016 Season

    I doubt changing coaches automatically makes a team poorer. I seem to remember hearing the opposite argument a few years ago when we all wanted Muss fired. Besides, the coach isn't bringing the entire Western Illinois team with him. Don't kid yourself, we will have our hands full with South Dakota.
  14. Hawkster

    2016 Season

    USD is good. If you don't believe it, ask the Bison
  15. Kinda sucks to keep losing kids, but I've got a feeling we've probably got a few sleepers that aren't being talked about, hoping they slide under the radar until signing day. And signing day can't get here soon enough. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't lose any more, this had been shaping up to be a good class.
  16. I have a strong hunch one of their Mo Vallley Football Conference brethren will put an end to the run before we do. As much as it would be nice to be "the one" to end the streak, we aren't there yet.
  17. All one has to do is look at Idaho to realize that FBS isn't feasible for NDSU or UND, at least not at the present. The fact that Idaho is going to wind up moving back to FCS should squelch the talk of anyone else in this area moving up.
  18. More proof that the committee had their collective heads stuck some place.
  19. Lucky for us that they don't because we'd get left in the dust. I don't see us ever going FBS, not with the deficit the athletic dept has been running.
  20. I watched the game in a bar today, needed the booze to ease the pain of the Bison winning No. 5. Beats me how they do it year after year, but something underhanded has to be going on. No program can stay up there like that. Do they cheat at recruiting or something? They certainly wouldn't be the first program by any length. Now for us, we need improve next year to the point of at least winning a playoff game or two. We can't keep dragging our feet.
  21. Most of us have that point figured out. There seems to be only one amongst us who doesn't understand that you can't pull the feathers over the NCAA's eyes.
  22. We've already been down that road. The loose feathers pointing downward on the neck need to be removed, and I don't feel black is an appropriate color. Has UND hired you to design the logo? Otherwise, I don't think you need to worry about the criticism.
  23. I agree fully. That design just doesn't cut it and hopefully we'll have a much nicer design. We certainly deserve better.
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