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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. I think I'll make my pick tonight, waiting a month might make me forget. LOL Give me Boeser.
  2. I agree fully, but considering we've had to drop some sports and are considering switching conferences to save money, I don't think a raise is anywhere to be seen in the near future. Someone is going to pop up and say Bubba's loyal but I really fear that a couple more good years and we could lose him. Sad to think about but there is no way we can afford to pay him what he's worth.
  3. Of all the dumb stupid things. I told you we need an IQ test, and now I proved it. LOL
  4. I'm starting to think we need give an IQ test before some people are allowed to post on this thread. Read the rules folksl
  5. Well let's go with Rhett Gardner, may the puck be with us.
  6. I don't see the roster for tonight anywhere. Did Gardner play tonight and if he did, how did he look? I know he didn't score.
  7. Just got home from the bar. This is the worst screw up team I have ever seen. I need more booze in me but figured my luck I'd get a DUI. All I can say is I don't even want to hear anything about this pathetic team. I hope I feel different next year, but whatever.
  8. Gotta wait until after Christmas. Just hope it isn't too late by then.
  9. 3-2 tonight, and we rally to do it. Wake up call coming and they respond
  10. Yes Mother, I'm doing it. Tucker Poolman.
  11. Hawkster


    If we don't, this !@#$ is rigged.
  12. I think this qualifies as the proverbial "Day late and a dollar short".
  13. Hawkster


    This is almost as much fun as Christmas Eve. Can't wait to see where we get seeded, I sure hope it's 7
  14. Hawkster

    2016 Season

    Bubba needs to put a stop to this sort of stupid activity, and I trust that he will. No sense in sweeping it under the rug and doing nothing, seems once that happens then the next guy tries something. Time to show him the door if that's what it takes.
  15. About like last year with ISU. Step it up
  16. Keep it. A university is for everyone, not just a select few.
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