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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. It just seems like hockey is a non-event to ESPN now days. The worst is that there isn't much that can be done to bump it up either.
  2. More disappointment. I hope this isn't a trend
  3. And I hope no one is questioning the loyalty or support of the Sioux Forever crowd. If anything, some are supporters to a fault, but all UND fans do still know what the bottom line is, as you have pointed out.
  4. The Drake for Friday and the Nick for Saturday
  5. And there lies the problem. Until people start accepting the new name the wounds will just continue to fester and the entire program will be stuck in the past and dragged down. We are trying to move forward and can't. I'll grant you, Hawks wasn't my first choice. Hell, it wasn't even my 5th choice but we have it, so let use it. I'm sure the new recruits we are dealing with would be more comfortable with the Hawks name since that's what it is. It is what it is and it's not going to change. Why make things so miserable?
  6. Attention moderators, grandforks hockey has hijacked cowboys account. Can anyone translate?
  7. I hope Bubba doesn't just let this slide by with a one game suspension A slap on the wrist will just mean more of the same. Guys that can't follow the rules need to be booted or the infection just continues to spread.
  8. Would you settle for an Athletic Director instead?
  9. No one will accuse us of having a hot goalie, that's for sure
  10. But we've still got a long ways to go to get attendance to an acceptable level. Until we sell out most games and move a lot more season tickets the place simply will never have the right atmosphere. We can talk about changing music and doing certain things after touchdowns, but in reality, the best atmosphere is a packed house at every game.
  11. Well I'm going to ASSUME that the NCAA is going to come down on us if we try to slip something into the logo. I am dead set against having the slightest hint of NA imagery in the logo. I'm sorry but this needs to be done right.
  12. Being told again, no NA imagery. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/3978879-former-und-lawyer-warns-against-continued-use-native-american-imagery-new-logo
  13. Thanks. Since the donations have continued to rise it would appear that all the gloom and doom over losing funds because of the name change were vastly overstated. Good to see that cooler heads have prevailed.
  14. Since we were talking about funding here, I'll ask this, does anyone know what Champions Club raised last year? TIA
  15. I don't think we should be taking that attitude, even with NDSU. I'm sure Will Ratelle is going down to their pro day.
  16. So we need to cut a million dollars and we need find another million to cover FCOA? This could prove to be very interesting and then some. Was this all thought through?
  17. It bothers me immensely about how little attention we get for the spring game compared to NDSU. They have their spring game on statewide TV and we get squat. How hard would it be to get sponsors and promote the game ourselves? Surely there would be enough interest to get it on WDAY/WDAZ. If we can't get more attention after the success of last season we are in real danger of hitting a plateau and not jumping up to the next level. Time to think big.
  18. I think the state was required to issue new plates and they had to be flat, rather than having raised letters as they used to be. Minnesota went to the flat plates last year (I think that's when it was). Someone told me it was to enable plate readers to see the plates easier.
  19. Can't believe people are upset when we are only down one. Come one guys, you can do it.
  20. And booing the Hawks name shows how much affection some people have.
  21. Huhh? I've never had an avatar, let alone a Sioux one. I think you were looking at someone else's profile, it certainly wasn't mine.
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