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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    No worries on this one. We should easily win by 50 and see lots of guys playing.
  2. If we knew that then we could fix the problem. It almost seems as if Bubba keeps Rudy around so he has a scapegoat to blame when things go bad. I'm really starting to believe it.
  3. I can't find anything that we even offered him. ? ? ?
  4. Both good recruits. This is what needs to happen and keep happening.
  5. I'm well aware of our three and I'm certainly glad we got them. I see nothing negative about anyone reporting an offer of ours to another school. Lighten up Francis.
  6. Canyon Bauer verbals to SDSU.
  7. So you are saying all these recruits that we are losing by the bushel basket full will have an Epiphany the day before signing day and flip to us? It sure would be nice.
  8. Who's side are you on here! The thing is Bubba absolutely needs to be winning these recruiting battles against the XDSU's. Beating St. Cloud for players isn't going to cut it.
  9. It's frustrating to lose good recruits to our rivals. I don't think everyone figured Yohnke to be a lock for the Bison, he did have an FBS offer from Eastern Michigan. Come on Bubba. And yes I did change my screen name. Trex
  10. I'd just be happy if we paid like an FCS school. But first a few of them need to coach like an FCS coach.
  11. Did he even have an offer prior to camp? I don't see his name on the wiki. Also, don't tell him about the curse of the first commit.
  12. I hope you meant corps and not corpse. I'm pretty sure none of them are dead. After all, the 2016 team wasn't riddled with injuries.
  13. IIRC NDSU started their playoff run and ultimately their title streak coming off a 3-8 season 9 or 10 years ago. A bad season or even a few of them shouldn't sink a program. However a bad coach or a series of bad coaches sure can do it.
  14. I had no idea where to put this so it's going here. Krap like this doesn't help the cause and what's the penalty for treason by a fellow alum? http://www.inforum.com/opinion/columns/4461727-letter-ndsu-football-camp-was-life-changing
  15. Back in 2013 we got our first commit in mid October, it was Dev Ferguson IIRC. He stayed around a year or two. Unfortunately with the early signing date now it moves things up a few months. I wouldn't panic for a couple weeks yet. If we don't get something by July, then it's time to ask what's going on. That said however, I still think Bubba doesn't know how to recruit.
  16. I see the Portland State game is in GF the opening weekend of ND deer hunting. Nothing could be worse for attendance than having deer hunting that weekend.
  17. This 100%. At least USD was a legit D1 team. SF was NAIA and the game was absolutely was the lowest point of UND athletics.
  18. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    If we get down that far in a hurry that means our starters need more practice. Leave them in and let them play, at that point they are playing with house money and see what needs to be corrected. Besides, why get the second and third stringers injured? We might need that depth some day
  19. Garber verbaled to K State today. Appears he had about 12 offers.
  20. Bubba, Oh Bubba, wherefore art thou Bubba? We are now 0-6 I believe.
  21. Bubba sure needs to do something about his overall recruiting and soon. His big problem is a chicken and egg scenario. He can't get outstanding recruits without winning and he can''t win without outstanding recruits. It really does feel like back in the Muss days I'm sorry to say.
  22. I wish we were P5. Ain't gonna happen but one can always dream.
  23. Call K State whatever you like, but they are a P5 school. That IS the highest level, is it not?
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