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  1. But the thought of 50 portal transfers doesn't excite me either. If they bailed on their last team, well....................
  2. So, if Bubba is fired, do all the assistants get fired too and the new guy hires who he wants? I would think so.
  3. With Danny we at least had a winning record and made the playoffs, even if it was one and done. We aren't doing either of those this year. I don't know what to make of Fruechte.
  4. You were right, Muss had two years left. But still only cost $175,000
  5. And it didn't cost NDSU a cent to get rid of the coach. He got a better paying job elsewhere. This is what's so frustrating.
  6. I thought Mussman only had one year left when he was let go. Now I sure could be wrong and probably am, just wondering if it really was two years left.
  7. Nope. Bubba gets one more season.
  8. Hawkster

    USD @ UND

    I heard this from what I consider a reliable source, Bubba supposedly donates part of his salary back to be given to his assistants because their salary is so low. If true, why are the assistants paid so poorly? If UND can't afford to pay those under Bubba a fair wage they can't afford to pay the buyout or to pay the next guy more than Bubba (new coaches always seem to get more than the previous one). There does seem to be bigger problems here, assuming that what I heard is true.
  9. Here's a link to the start of the above thread so it starts from the beginning. Crater had it starting at the end. Everything sounds the same as today. One certain person even speculated that Kalen DeBoer would apply. https://forum.siouxsports.com/topic/18586-the-next-coach-of-und-football-is/#comments
  10. Yep, Chaves was a Kennedy hire.
  11. Hawkster

    USD @ UND

    So how many recruits flip by signing day and do more leave if Bubba leaves?
  12. After the upcoming blowout this Saturday the percentage against ISUr will drop unless ISUr lays an egg this week. I'd venture a guess that it's 50% at best by the time we get to ISUr.
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