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Everything posted by Vegas_Sioux

  1. Senden 2-0 I think they got a talking to after the game
  2. always nice to hear the beer song early
  3. first time in 15 years the vikes didn't have to punt in a game
  4. Load up a c130 and drop them off at the nearest Air Force or air guard base.
  5. @MafiaMansounds good let me know what I owe you.
  6. Wentz went off 16/26 for 191 1 td 1 int and 2 fumbles lost.
  7. even with it final ESPN isn't sure
  8. 2-1 them puck lost in the ds skates
  9. XWA is 100,000 sq ft, MOT is 126,000 (making it the largest) and that is possible pulling load from BIS and MOT.
  10. Delta had me out there to help with the transition. Has more gates then grand forks. It’s a 3/4 scale version of the Minot terminal.
  11. Sidearm sports is part of leerfield and we didn’t have any problems last weekend.
  12. we had denver flights all it amounted to was empty airplanes flying between GFK and DEN.
  13. The star tribune article brought that up. Would slot in with the 7 schools leaving the WCHA because of the geography.
  14. Looks like aerospace is trying to get a new flight ops building at the airport.
  15. Rodgers did the same thing Cousins did.
  16. Just keep Phil Cuzzi away from the left field foul line.
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