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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. There is a ton of missing facts and side issues.
  2. That would have happened before the interview and him accepting the job. Now we know that everything that he said after accepting the job was lies and hypocrisy. No spin zone.
  3. What does it say about the integrity of a person who is interviewing for a job at the same time they are accepting a job and making a big deal publicly about how happy they are to be taking that job? I'm sure since he's a local kid some will be able to spin this, but it is a very poor reflection on him.
  4. The spinning will be epic.
  5. I'm okay with some of the fifth/sixth year guys moving on with their lives. We have some good recruiting years and those guys are ready to step up. There will be growing pains but the D has no where to go but up.
  6. Then any championship won with six year seniors should also have an asterisk right?
  7. The obstacles for naming the OC have been discussed. Tough to get someone from outside with a lame duck coach.only thing we know for sure is that the usual suspects on here will not like whoever gets chosen
  8. (Joking) Wouldn't it be ironic if UND "Got Alabama" before Moo U. Of course we would get boat raced but the check would be nice and so would the road trip.
  9. Hoping Aumer gets the chance to be our ball hawk.
  10. Looking at the lineup for the fan lunch today and Bubba is not on it. That is very poor thinking. Chavez should have required him to address the current status the the team. I predict low attendance, low energy and lots of concerns at this event. I am sure they are hoping that hockey will rule the event, which is part of the problem. It is tough to be a UND football fan right now.
  11. Also on Midsco Sports Plus - cheap and lots of UND BB games.
  12. It's a newspaper columnist with a quick list, not an official list. Anyone can apply.
  13. Montana State lost their OC to Akron. Lateral move? How does Akron compare to SDSU?
  14. No one on the fan radar.
  15. They hate getting fact checked, especially when they are trolling on another teams fan site.
  16. He just pointed out that people shouldn't complain about players leaving a program when coaches do it all the time. That's why it is important that recruits be committed to a program and their future not to an individual coach.
  17. It's being spent on new locker rooms every few years at The Ralph (and a full-time chef).
  18. We do not know the financial package, but it has to be a move up. A couple of years at SDSU and his resume will be very attractive.
  19. So when it comes to evaluating the talents of Tommy S. and Danny F. the experts on this site are better at it than Michigan State and SDSU. Got it. This site has been destroyed by never-ending, unregulated trolls. It used to be home for fan discussions, now it's home to never ending fan arguments.
  20. Dang - eating crow and it's tough to swallow.
  21. You really have to have an agenda or be clueless to say the #16 team in the country is a ship going down.
  22. Men's hockey is an expensive beast to feed.
  23. One person throws out Danny's name at random and it become a discussion thread? Okay I'll say it's Todd Monken.
  24. This team has no clue about defensive hustle and rebounding.
  25. High school recruits need to be built up.
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