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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    Much of what he says supports that UND got the shaft in 2015.
  2. CMSioux

    On to UNC

    How about we discuss "What if" we win out - who might we host? Pretty sure the coaching staff works their ass off every week to win the game - they don't need to have someone tell them their job is on the line.
  3. There is no accountability when it comes to the polls and that is the way they like it.
  4. We were in the exact same position last year and did not get it done. It hasn't been mentioned since it seems it's easier for some to focus on negativity but our new OC and his system is looking really good for a first year. It's fun to watch a game when you know something unexpected could happen on offense. I want to feel like when we win out and finish 7-4 with our schedule that will be enough - but past history has shown that the system for making the choices in a closed room and the politics that are involved makes me hesitant.
  5. "you've done nothing previous years to build your brand" is a cop-out on laziness on the part of pollsters. If they don't have time to do the job they shouldn't be part of the weekly poll - worse yet is the Coach's Poll - that is probably done by an intern every week as reflected by how out touch it is with what is happening on the field.
  6. CMSioux

    Weber St GDT

    Glad it wasn't one of us that suggested "running up the score"/ 1. Just win the game 2. UND is expected to win over 2 teams with 2 wins on the year so there will be no notice of the score margin (unless it can be used against us). If we win out our pedigree on SOS will be just fine.
  7. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    UND: at 7-4 NCAA Committee behind a closed door: hold our beers
  8. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    How about the clueless who vote in polls and mail it in without research or vote based on regional agendas? We will be 7-4 at year end and 3 of our 4 losses will be against ranked teams (E W will win out and crack the poll because of their name.)
  9. CMSioux

    Weber St GDT

    How does the bar keep getting moved on winning "big games" - UND (notice the capital letters used by those that respect the Flagship) has beaten three teams this year that were ranked in the top 24 - those who can't find "big game" wins aren't looking.
  10. CMSioux

    Weber St GDT

    Anyone who spells UND lowercase is hiding something.
  11. CMSioux

    Weber St GDT

    Pretty sure we proved where we belong. Lets win out.
  12. There would be if price was more family friendly.
  13. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    The only reason we are "sweating' is because it was proven in 2017 that the system used to make decisions on who is in who is out is inconsistent and heavily weighted by the decision makers in the room. There was national discussion on how a 7-4 UND team with an FCS win and a 3 game winning streak at the end of the season was left out over a 6-5 team. We were not the only ones questioning how that happened. Now it's being thrown out that SDSU and UNI "Haven't had the chance to play anyone difficult because of their schedule", but in 2017 some of the "Never UND" discussion included that our schedule was weak - well it's not weak this year so we are "sweating" because if we finish 7-4 they won't be able to say we had a weak schedule but history shows they like to move the bar behind closed doors. If we finish 7-4 and UND is not chosen the system is a joke, if we finish 6-5 we do not deserve to be in (but if 6-5 becomes the bar for the last in we should be considered over an east coast patsy - but that won't happen so we need to just get it done). Side note: perhaps having Chaves on our team could make a difference this year.
  14. Hope some one close to him with his best long-term interest at heart talks to him.
  15. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    He could but we know how the NCAA treats anything related to UND, we are a mosquito to them.
  16. By season end EW will be a quality loss but the bar will be moved.
  17. This might be obvious but it must be a specific email group such as Champion's Club or basketball season ticket holders. Edit: okay looking at the front page it says "Hello Fighting Sioux Alumni" does that mean it was supposedly sent to all alumni? If so they missed at least one.
  18. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    Every team between #15-24 must have at least one bad looking loss. EW is going to keep winning so if we take care of business wrost case scenario is we should only have one bad loss on a 7-4 record (however I go on record that this team has surprised me and could pull out a Weber State victory). Of course last year we were sitting at 5-3 and ended up 6-5 but this isn't last year.
  19. Any local buzz about the gopher game?
  20. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    We've lived this before, the committee decides, based on the most vocal conference rep on the committee, whether quality losses or quality wins are important. We have the talent to pull off an upset at Weber but even so 7-4 with 3 wins over ranked teams and the toughest pre-season schedule in the FCS should get UND in - being an independent is the wild card but in 2017 the Big Sky Rep wasn't at the table for us anyway.
  21. Road trip to Nebraska - eat their food, kiss their women (okay maybe not that but pretty certain they will share their food)
  22. Does DAZ Extra still exist - I'm thinking Forum Communications won't expend any effort to get the advertising it would take to carry a UND football game.
  23. Based on this change I heard a US Senator somewhere is introducing a national bill to tax scholarships as income for athletes.
  24. Perhaps this is the new normal for college football attendance? Then it makes sense to make a move on student seating.
  25. I believe it's been brought up before but what good does it do to move the student section if there aren't fans waiting to purchase tickets to fill up the space? Either way the space is empty at least students come to the early season games and homecoming. I think student attendance is an issue of the times we live in and not something that can be solved with giving away food or tuition. Even their attendance at hockey games is waning and other than the band and a few "Sioux Yah Yahs" they don't bring the energy anymore.
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