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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. Didn't Russel Archambault play one year at Bismarck High and hit a half court shot to win a state tourney game?
  2. If you want nice restaurants you have to be willing to spend more than $10 on a meal and you have to willing to eat dinner after 6:00 p.m.
  3. I was attending UND and was a weekend announcer at KNOX at the time, sat through many hours of Casey Casum's America's Top 40.
  4. In the late 70s I recall that prior to Tim whoever they had left for a hockey job in San Diego. I think Tim was promoted and the rest is history. It was KNOX that had the games back then, again just my memory.
  5. Wasn't Southern Illinois the first out of the playoffs last year and the team that Herder and FCS Insider cried over the most? They even ranked them higher than us at the end of the season even though we made the playoffs and they sat at home.
  6. Anyone who thinks "The Media" is the enemy of the people...well I do not have enough words to describe how damaging that is to our free society. I suggest this thread be shut down and we go back to no politics or this site will become another casualty of the Coronavirus
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/22/politics/fact-check-trump-coronavirus-false-claims-march/index.html?fbclid=IwAR28-onOJ4-l9Jsa568dT1ioE7tE5EHTWnz2hxV8Jd001wCRAS8mlLsJLRc https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/488961-fauci-on-trump-coronavirus-comments-i-cant-jump-in-front-of-the?fbclid=IwAR2bJlrp-sa_CWZMrJAlFpRxIxkRH8D_Hd401sZphlWy6WrQIqksVn7k5GA#.Xni8pWtqof4.facebook If you have Fox news as your favorite don't bother clicking either link.
  8. What's clear is that those that voted for Trump (and a reminder they were in the minority of Americans in the election) think he's doing a bang-up job on everything.
  9. So if course stock market was a higher priority than testing kits.
  10. Anecdotlly only 55% of Americans have money in the stock market and of that percentage a majority is owned by 20%.
  11. He is only responsible for the good stuff - I would stay off of 5th Ave in New York when he comes to town.
  12. Small benefit of this thread is you can see people's political leanings.
  13. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/31/coronavirus-china-trump-united-states-public-health-emergency-response/ Here is a path of how we got here.
  14. Just to be clear "this is all a media hoax to "get Trump" and he's done an excellent job preparing for this and managing it."
  15. In the midst of this he made sure to remind us that even though the stock market is down more than 20% in a week it is still higher than when he took office - comforting that this is where his priorities and concerns are.
  16. I hope it's the loud and robust student, not the smart phone watching students, oh wait the former were in the 1980s.
  17. Nice to get another I-29 team. So were those business suits they were wearing?
  18. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-cut-cdcs-budget-democrats-claim-analysis/story?id=69233170 - I know it's not Fox news so probably a waste of a post.
  19. So you are gonna go political on this site. If we had a president that did not cut the C D C and put some preparation into this (it was only a surprise to him)'we would not be here.
  20. From the most recent stats I could find UND was 26 out of 126 in attendance in 2018. That is in the top 20%. Not saying that is something to be satisfied with but it's also not that bad.
  21. "Comparison is the thief of joy" . And please give the thought that those who don't call for a coaches head are complacent. No one is satisfied, everyone wants more success.
  22. But we will hear the myth of a "marginal bid" for eternity on this site.
  23. I think the arm chair ADs are gonna make it a little tense in here.
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