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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. Teams I would root for before the bison: Iraqi Soceer Team ND State Pen Flag Football team (unfortunately it has several former su players on it) Anyone else think of any?
  2. Oops - that read like something johnboy would write. UND is not going to get kicked out of anything. Too many dominoes have to fall - petitions get enough names, vote held and passes, still has to pass Board of Ed and constitutionality questions - but even then UND could say - we aren't going to actively use the name for our sports teams - so what would happen - do you really think UND would get taken to court for their actions? What government entity would do that?
  3. Can anyone share details about the Fan bus to St. Cloud, where are they staying? When will they arrive? Are they planning to socialize with the SCSU boosters as usual? I live near St. Cloud and would like to catch up with them.
  4. Tuesday was two days removed from winning a national championship and what were among the top topics among bison fanatics? 1. Justifying racial slurs uttered by their student body at their national championship rally again a school they no longer are associated with. 2. Justifying racial slurs uttered by one of their players during the national championship rally against a school he has never played. 3. A quarterback that won't be coming to a school they are no longer associated with (and aren't interested in). 4. A quaterback that will be coming to a school they are no longer associated with (and aren't interested in).. By the way now that UND is no longer using the nickname Sioux, any use of the chant Sioux Sucks would have to be considered a racial slur against a specific group of people and should be dealt with by both NDSU and the NCAA as such.
  5. So if bison fans cheer Sioux Suck will security escort them from the building for "cheers that are of a racial nature"?
  6. Mom's have a duty to stand up for their sons. Way to go Mom - and I mean that. This Mom obviously realized that her son made a mistake and needs to mature a little bit. It's probably best for both sides that this relationship was terminated - he would not have been happy here if he felt he was settling for less than what he wanted.
  7. I am willing to believe that the Governor did not realize that rubes add "Sioux suck" on to the back of that chant - how would he know he's not a bison? There is no way a career politician would put themselves in that sitatuion. I'm not interested in politics so I'm not standing up for him - I just gotta believe there is major damage control going on right now within his staff. As has been discussed it is embarrasing to ndsu that a member of their team has 5 seconds of fame and chooses to make a comment on a team he has never played and has no history with - Yah they are so over us. Congratulations little brother.
  8. This is an excellent example of "you never know who is reading fan sites" threads that trash recruits who chose a different school, call for the firing of the current coach, question the fan base loyalty, etc do nothing to solve the situation and most likely damage it even more, perhaps scaring off recruits who are on the fence. Social media has changed everything.
  9. Two words - garbage plate ---YUMMMMY!
  10. The time has come to move on and let others take the battle to the NCAA dictatorship. Move on with dignity, but remember and respect the past.
  11. Sacramento State checking in at .426 no wonder there is such anger and resentment out there about UND joining the conference.
  12. Pretty sure if you are a retail outlet and want to sell UND licensed merchandise UND can stop you from selling anything that has Sioux on it, same with online stores that want to be licensed through UND. I heard UND made Scheels stop selling their version of Once a Sioux, Always a Sioux. Don't see how Suhaki gets away with what they are promoting though - pretty obvious ties to UND. However if you are a purely Sioux site, with no connection to UND there is no issue.
  13. Just need to give my annual mention of the "Once a Sioux, always a Sioux" shirts available at www.siouxpride.com. Not affiliated with any organization or institution, just a small group on a mission to preserve the Sioux spirit.
  14. Everytime I return to Grand Forks and see just about every other person wearing Sioux gear I highly doubt the name will disappear anytime soon. My teen-aged daughter even commented on the large number of people throughout the community wearing Sioux clothing. Thanks for including the Sioux Pride van in the video. The website siouxpride.com will be around for awhile.
  15. On any given weekend in Grand Forks when both hockey and football are at home more than 30,000 - 32,000 tickets are sold for UND sporting events, 12,000 for hockey x 2 nights and 6,000 -8,000 for football. People only have so much money to spend on entertaininment and many have to choose, and are choosing hockey. Bottom line is that UND sells 30,000 - 32,000 tickets on those weekends.
  16. No way that the UND administration takes back the Fighting Sioux as its nickname once it's gone - too unstable and risky. As has been stated Tribal Councils are like banana republics - what one council does, the next can undo. Look at how some within the tribe are trashing the validity of the sacred ceremony that gave the name to UND.
  17. Everytime the fact is brought up that UND owns the won/lost record over ndsu in football we are told that history doesn't matter - my point was that this generation of bison fan has experienced one playoff game after waiting for 20 years - and that wasn't even of enough interest to generate a sell-out.
  18. We have to keep in mind ndsu is new at this hosting a home playoff game thing. This generation has only experienced it once.
  19. That's not possible either because according to them all their coaches were the second coming of Knute Rockne and ours were "knuckleheads".
  20. The starting quarterback for next year won't be a freshman and it won't be a converted tight end. It will be one of the quarterbacks on the roster right now, how can you give up on guys that are 19-20 and are still getting used to the system, at the beginning of this year many on this board would have been on a ledge if you told them Goska was going to be the quarterback for most of the year.
  21. Gonna be cold and perhaps a little snowy - only the strong survive. I'll be there tailgating - time to get out the insulated coveralls from the days at Memorial Stadium.
  22. I met Frenchy at homecoming tailgating last year (or maybe the year before). He was living near Ashly, ND. Isn't there some award he should be considered for - Sioux Booster, what a part of UND history/lore. He said that all the mugs that weren't picked up when the building was tore down were bought by someone and sold on ebay. He still had the frenchy moustache and was very friendly.
  23. Read the story - oops sorry - let me translate - the amendment simply calls for a waiting period before they "replace" the nickname. Big Sky will have no problem with that - thanks for your interest in Sioux sports.
  24. I like this amendment it prevents the policitally correct zealots from rushing a new nickname choice. I thought I read that the NCAA was trying to force UND to choose a new name pretty quickly - because they know that if there is no replacement that fans will simply keep calling the team Fighting Sioux.
  25. Really - you have so little going on in your life, so little other things of interest to you that you spend time every day on a fan site for a team that you don't support and have no connection with? That's just sad.
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