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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. So if you are a staff member at the UND Athletic Department and you open a package from the NCAA with an NDSU flag in it - what are you supposed to do other than contact the head of the department? Do you think anyone other than Faison should be making that call to su? I for one think dealing with UND issues comes first. The NCAA sending a flag to the wrong school is not a high priority UND issue last week. Gotta love that when the people at the NCAA think of North Dakota they think UND - it is and always will be the Flagship Univeristy of the state.
  2. Hmmm. I guess we know which university the state of North Dakota is known for. I don't think that Flagship status is going anywhere soon.
  3. Okay I'm no expert but I've heard as many rumours, old wive's tales and stories to last a lifetime. The way I've read it and understand it - anything that is of historical significance does not have to change including banners. The Ralph will not be closing, the Ralph will not be jackhammering any logos out of the structure. But for example if a piece of carpet wears out in the Ralph with the Sioux logo on it, it will be replaced with carpet that does not have the logo on it. UND fans can wear Sioux logoed clothes to games for as long as they want. It will probably take at least a decade for the fans to move away from shouting "Home of the Sioux" at home games - if ever. I know I won't be replacing my Sioux Pride tailgating van and I will also be using it on site for years to come. It's a historic archive now! http://siouxpride.com
  4. Whatever - can't say I've seen too many threads started under the heading "Minnesota starters" in hockey. Perhaps it should have been listed as Game Discussion: Montana.
  5. Six step process to taking out the trash Step one - log on to Siouxsports.com Step two: click on your user name in the upper right corner Step three: click on Manage Ignore Preferences Step four: scroll down to bottom of page Step five: In the text box under Add a new user to your list type in JohnboyND7 Step six: click on Posts, Signature, Messages Optional: Search for all names with NDSU in title and repeat the above process Stop replying to posters who show up as "ignored" and they will eventually go away or at least only be seen by other su trolls
  6. I think you are on the wrong fan site - here we like to talk about our teams.
  7. Let's see in the last 10 years the two teams played every time they lined up I am quite positive that most su fans were more than a little confident that they were going to win the game - guess what - that's why they play the game. su's motivation for the game to continue was they had the deck stacked in their favor - more scholarships, recruiting at a higher level, of course they wanted the game to continue it was the only way they could see how to end the 10 years of domination by UND, of course the other way to end it was to leave the conference and the division.
  8. Thanks for your interest in Fighting Soux sports. I think if he sucks he obviously won't "be handed" the job. Over the years su has had many transfers come in - were they all "handed" the job just because they were a transfer?
  9. What are the icons on each side? Isn't one side a buffalo and the other side some form of Sioux icon - the NCAA would not like that. Plus they would say it perpetuates the Sioux nickname which is exactly why they mandated that UND MUST replace the nickname.
  10. "If a slam falls in a UND forest will an su troll hear it?" Again there probabaly won't be a new trophy for awhile and I would say it should not happen until/unless the game is played every year. I am on the side that it should be retired and displayed in Bismarck at the State Museum - however there is the chance students would try to steal it as history has shown.
  11. I believe the trophy always was on display until students started "stealing" it. Wonder what the history is about who stole the trophy first and force it to go into hiding? I don't know, just asking? Might be a good newspaper story whether or not the game starts up again.
  12. I highly doubt this will ever be created for many reasons - 1. it's not going to be the rivalry it once was, 2. UND will have no nickname for a few years, 3. if you don't play every year what's the point. That being said, inflation requires that it now be a giant $100 bill - with A tractor on one side, an airplane on the other (symbolizing aviation) A barn on one side, a stethescope on the other (symbolizing medical school) A cow on one side, the Lady of Justice on the other (symbolizing the law school)
  13. This is a moot point if/when the Fighting Sioux nickname is retired - just another politically incorrect trophy that will go the way of the Sitting Bull Trophy we had with USD. Nice to know that not only does UND own the overall won/lost record in football they own the won/lost record for the last 10 years and they won the last game played for the honor of having the most coveted trophy in the Sioux-Bison rivalry.
  14. Nothing better than cheering on your own team - being happy about a win and not making excuses about a loss and not putting down another team, trashing its fans, its nickname, its facilities. If you ever make the trip to Grand Forks for football you will have no problem walking the tailgating area and getting something to eat/drink.
  15. Good gravy - really Roger Thomas - talk about beating dead horses - okay what about Whiskey Joe and his crew working behind the scenes to keep UND out of the Summit, going to the SBOE and getting UND moved out of Fargo, starting up programs that are mirror images of existing programs at UND, wasting millions of tax payer dollars just so Whiskey Joe and his cronies could claim to be the largest Universtity in North Dakota....The revisionists forget that at the time UND decided not to play NDSU it was because of NCAA rules that would have harmed UND's playoff chances. Oh and after a decade of losing to the Sioux in football ndsu was eager to continue playing UND now that they more scholarships and were recruiting at a higher level. I'll say it again - any ndsu fan who votes no because of intent to harm UND is admitting that deep down they know ndsu cannot complete with UND on a level playing field, otherwise why would they admit they are casting a vote out of spite.
  16. So we can assume that SDSU won't be holding any meetings in "Sioux Falls" SD either.
  17. It continues to make me shake my head the large number of discussions there seems to be among the su crowd about a school they don't care about.
  18. St. Cloud State just signed a 6' 11" transfer from Universitiy of Oregon - he looks like a project but as they say you can't teach heighth.
  19. Lived in Minnesota for 16 years - can't believe the level of arrogance about North Dakota, usually from the "big" city dwellers. You'd think we never have winter in Minnesota the way they talk. The Minnesota school system is in shambles, teachers getting laid offer every year, programs cut. Property taxes just went up, but it makes them feel good to be able to look west and south and make light of other states.
  20. There were lots of high school letterman jackets at the game (recruits) and they were tailgating with the fans along with their parents. Tough to get too snoopy and try and peak at name tags. But that raises a question - if you approach a recruit at a UND event such as this and say something like, "Thanks for checking out UND, we hope you join our program." have you just violated an NCAA rule for booster contact?
  21. Won't those gopher fans hate having to drink a Canadian beer while they complain about us having too many Canadians on our team.
  22. It wasn't like an Alabama Spring Game with 50,000 fans in the stands, it's tough for the crowd to get into it so there was plenty of lulls but great runs and long passes got the crowded up and cheering. Not a real game experience, tailgating was very good, nice crowd at its peak with the football team right in the middle of it munching along with everyone else and the recruits and parents.The recruits and their parents were enjoying the food, I think the recruits could appreciate that UND had tried to make the day something special. Crowd inside was good, better than last year with the lower bowl on the team side the only seating open and it was nicely filled out past the 20 yard line from what I could see.
  23. I was there. Bradley had a good day, nice to know we have at least two quarterbacks ready to go - every team needs depth. I agree Bradley had the better offensive line but the gooth thing is he looked good behind them - no slam on Hansen. I think we are going to see a very different offense this year - an exciting one with more throws downfield. I also think we are the dark horse of the Big Sky - we won't win it but we are more likely to be in the top 4 than the bottom 4. Lots of recruits on site with their parents and great atmosphere for them to experience with all the food and tailgaters. It was worth 7 hours in the car - 3 1/2 up, 3 1/2 back.
  24. de·lu·sion·al   /dɪˈluʒənl/ Show Spelled[dih-loo-zhuh-nl] Show IPA adjective 1. having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions 2. Psychiatry . maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts, usually as a result of mental illness.
  25. I'm not seeing su as a bastion of athletics.
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