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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. No doubt UND has the best college men's basketball team in North Dakota (women's team too but that's a different thread). Let's focus on what went right! Who is your MVP? Who is your biggest surprise of the year? How would you describe this team? Whatever else comes to mind...
  2. CMSioux

    Fan Buses

    Anybody know about fan buses, fan hotels. Is Al or others doing something?
  3. It's looking good for me to attend the brunch again this year - will try to bring others as well. Is it okay for me to bring some Once a Sioux, Always a Sioux shirts and Decals in case some want them? (By the way - I'm on board with the need to move on from the name, I'm also passionate about the need to preserve the history and spirit of the name and not allow it to be scrubbed from our history.)
  4. Glad I was wrong - nice to see in the highlights that UND had fans in the stands -some of the eastern schools appeared to be playing in empty rinks. Last week's loss is a non-issue especially in hockey. Sioux kan gjøre det.
  5. Oh come on you don't think the NCAA is sitting in that room and has input on this.
  6. The nickname preservationists should focus all their efforts on bringing down the NCAA - then they would have the support of the entire state of ND, UND alumni, and a growing media that is starting to shed light on the unfairness, hyprocracy and heavy-handedness of the NCAA.
  7. The NCAA is looking for every way possible to be heavy handed with UND because of the nickname issue. I would be very surprised if UND was chosen, given the decision is made behind closed doors and because the NCAA is a "Private Entity" they do not have to justify their decisions. The letter from them last week, complete with misspelled names of UND administration, shows that the NCAA wants to come down hard on UND, despite the fact it's not the U that is leading the name issue. If the pro-nickname faction was smart they would focus all their efforts on the NCAA then they would have the backing of the entire state, all UND alumni and a growing national media that is starting to focus on the unfairness of this issue.
  8. Nice to hear that Mr. Huff had a good game - college life is about much more than sports - it would be nice to see him again next year knowing that he continues to mature.
  9. Keep in mind that su students will also be gone - which might be the greatest source of vindictive Yes votes.
  10. Just don't think this belongs in a thread under UND Community - it would have been funny to me when I was in my teens-early 20s.
  11. Geez now I'm up to two screens of Bison rubes on ignore. Yes we have a sense of humor it just isn't down at the same level as yours, I believe that your followers at Bisonswille would think this is funny, it is right at their level of intelligence.
  12. I thought I read in the paper via a quote from Al-Tila the Legislator that there no penalty for violating this law.
  13. Sorry definitely not a Democrat but definitely can see that Al Carlson is a power hungry man with a self-centered agenda. The only petition that should be circulated is the one to have him recalled.
  14. Just remember the quarterback we started last year's season with, wasn't the one on the field at the end of the season. I'm not ready to give up on Bradley, quarterbacks develop, he's young, also we need to have one even two back-ups that are ready to step in and step up.
  15. UND announces record enrollment for this spring, yet one of the myths that is liberally shared by anti nickname professors and others at UND is that the name hurts enrollment. I realize we have to move on for the good of UND but the lieing and hypocracy involved in this by the liberal do gooders is just sad.
  16. Did I read that any petition that contains a ficticious name invalids every signature on that petition? So if a person intentionally were to write a ficticious name on a petition...just sayin...
  17. I have had season tickets for three years and did not get a letter about upgrading? And yes, we were guaranteed the same price this year if we bought tickets for last year's schedule - a test of Sioux support if there ever was one.
  18. He should fit right in where he is going.
  19. Has this been discussed? Make Fighting Sioux the Honorary Nickname Emeritus of the University - thus retiring it yet still keeping it for historical purposes. This would also appease the NCAA since UND is required to protect the logo. It would not appease the liberal professors and those who want to scrub the name from the campus (and area businesses it's been said).
  20. Some schools have players taking visiting recruits to strip clubs I'd rather they see a world class facility like The Ralph.
  21. This is year two of this expo - it was over the top fun last year - the entrance fee gets you a free sampling glass and access to LOTS of great craft beers, entertainment and stage presentations. It's connected to the Kelly Inn so no driving needed if that is where you are staying. I'll be there in the Man Cave Booth. Come play some Hammerslagen with us. PS while you should never drink and drive - don't even think about driving even a little impaired on Saturday they are patroling plenty after this event.
  22. NDSU fans doing something inappropriate? Never - next they'll be chanting racial slurs - but of course they can justify their actions.
  23. I Wonder if there was any chanting of "Sioux S***" in their locker room? Oh that's right - we're not a rival to ndsu anymore so their players and fans would have no reason for that chant.
  24. If we are "actually pretty good" how would you describe the teams that we beat?
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