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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. CU has no nearby arena for hockey. How about Colorado State? There is a 5000 + arena (Budweiser Events Center) right down the road. Air Force would be a natural rival. CC/DU would probably throw them a bone. They have a very aggressive athletic director right now. Their club teams (two in ACHA, one D-w, one D-3) seem to be doing well. Problem might be getitng a conference. WCHA seems full. They'd have to travel east it would appear.
  2. Jim, I think it would be great if you added basketball. It would be nice to see both women's and men's. Keep up the good work!
  3. Many Democrats at the time supported the actions of the KKK. Republicans were considered more progressive on racial issues in those days. It shifted during the 1960s. Without the support of many Republicans the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 wouldn't have had a chance. Further shifts in progressive attitudes toward race and other social issues made many conservative "Dixiecrats" switch party affiliation, merging the Republicans with the more conservative approach toward race relations, and other social issues. This continued drastically through the 1970s and 80s. Today, the Democratic Party is seen as the social liberal party as opposed to the Republicans, who are seen as more socially conservative. These are just historical realities. Anyone who doesn't understands these realities is embarrassing themselves by discussing them in a public forum. Byrd, however, never switched party affiliations. Rather, he changed his mind and embraced the more liberal social views that the modern Democratic party now has taken on.
  4. In this information age, where anything you do can instantly be accessed by the world... (Yes, the world) ...anybody at a public event can come under intense public scrutiny. These young men are learning that their actions have consequences.
  5. Very good point. I don't know if I'd go as far as banning them for life. But, some action on the school to reprimand them appropriately is needed. If appropriate action is not taken, then any criticism of the school in general for the actions of these young men is going to be seen as justified.
  6. He was. And he should be. There is a big difference between the Black Panthers and the KKK. Not that the Black Panthers actions were totally justifiable, and hatred of any race is wrong, but the Panthers were advocating for their own equal treatment under the law. They just didn't feel that Martin Luther King's ideas of non violent action were relevant in an unjust and violent society. Violence was their reaction to violence against their people. The history lesson of the Black Panther Party is a realization that oppressed minorities don't always just turn the other cheek. The Klan is all about terrorizing minorities to take away any possibility of them receiving equal treatment under the law. The history lesson of the Klan is that a majority unchecked can inflict pain and suffering on minorities and will continue to do so when there is an uncaring and misinformed majority allowing it to happen.
  7. In the library, writing that paper. Good educational opportunity for everyone involved.
  8. Don't forget that the Klan was big in Grand Forks in the 1920's. Remember, the Klan hates Catholics too. These young men should probably be suspended for a day from school, and, in agreement with watchmaker, need to do a little research and an essay on what the Klan actually meant. It was inappropriate and should be addressed. Now, if anybody responds with some ignorant point about the Black Panther, I won't respond. I don't waste my time with inbred retards.
  9. Sure. But, on second thought, pick a "special" model for the NDSU club hockey jersey. (Gotta have some fun with this!)
  10. Why not just call it something like, "College Hockey Girls of North Dakota" (Yeah, I could do better...) Then use about 5 months or so of UND/Sioux jerseys, then throw in Williston State, Bottineau, and a few club team jerseys from Minot State, etc... (No NDSU stuff though. Unless you use that sheep pic with one...or a cow)
  11. I'd be more concerned with the staff, infrastructure and facilities at GF Central to be able to handle a larger influx of kids. But, if it's about being more completitive in sports with GF Red River, then...what the heck!
  12. Old Ralph was great. But, this new facility...oh my!
  13. Hey, when does the NCAA ship that I-AA championship banner to Grand Forks?
  14. You know, not that I'm saying that Hak needs to go, but I would imagine he has seen that the program is bigger than the coach. Gino found that out. Hak knows that expectations are always high at UND. He knows he needs to get his players to perform. However, he is a fair target for criticism. What did we have, like 5 shots on goal through the middle of the second period? That's insane.
  15. Sure, but the Best Buy and the voters of Grand Forks wouldn't be safe.
  16. Hayduke


    Agree. A big "what if?" there. Even if they could go back to the Fighting Sioux nickname, I doubt they would. Why take the chance that a ruling could get overturned again? Or another change in policy from the NCAA might stand a court test and shut down all Native American nicknames? Not worth the risk. UND has moved on.
  17. Honestly, with what he did for St. Cloud State and college hockey in general, maybe that's not such a bad idea. I believe that 80 olympic gold medal did a lot to promote college hockey over the years. Why not? The Herb Brooks Trophy.
  18. That's probably the way it is then. Oh, well.
  19. I think they ought to see if we can keep the Broadmoor Trophy for the playoff champion. I know that the McNaughton is held in trust by Michigan Tech. Not sure if CC has any such claims for the Broadmoor. Add a new trophy for regular season conference champion.
  20. Great goal. Getting the MIdco feed on Altitude II.
  21. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    I quit watching now at 35-0. This just makes it more obvious that the FBS level needs a true playoff.
  22. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    And at the World Junior tournament, the college players ate the major junior players alive. Check out Team USA and how they won. Check the goal count. I'm not saying that major junior hockey isn't a force. But, don't discount college hockey. They got game.
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