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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    I agree. It's not a legit playoff unless at least that many teams are involved. I think it will go there within a few years after the four team format.
  2. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    To be honest, there were fewer and fewer teams in D-II hockey when it existed. Many moved up to D-I. (UND was always at D-I level..) They eliminated it and gave schools the option of D-I or D-III.
  3. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    Outside of discrediting the name "D-I FCS football", saying that it is D-I In name only, point out where I have ever put specifically down UND football? I hope they win a D-IAA championship very soon. I just don't like it called something it is not.
  4. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    Those are funny. However, these young men do know the difference between FCS and FBS. If they don't, the recruiters for the FBS schools will let them know. Just like back in the DI-AA days... Like I said, they just substitute "FCS" for "IAA" and tell them about it.
  5. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    So, instead they can substitute "FCS" for "I-AA"? There is no difference in the level of competition. The student athletes aren't stupid. They know. However, it is deceptive to the general public. "Living a lie" as Lou Holtz used to say. It needs to be changed back.
  6. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    I agree with this. UND should be in the division now known as FCS. I though they should have moved to D-IAA years ago. I would have liked to see the now defunct NCC move up. I just don't like the D-I designation without it's proper identification as a sub-division of college football. Nothing wrong with being in a sub-division, but to call it other than what it is is deceptive and wrong. Many schools at the FBS level have no prayer of playing for a true Division I championship. I would venture to say that schools outside of about five or six conferences and Notre Dame may never see a true D-1 championship. Schools like weith programs like 'Bama, Nebraska, Florida, Michigan, Notre Dame, etc., are out of reach of most athletic department's budgets. it is mind blowing the money involved at that level. But, to discount the sub-bowl games as being below any school's dignity is wrong. Schools at the lower end of the FBS see playing in a sub-bowl game as a goal a the beginning of the year for them. The schools at the lower end of the FBS have absolutely no desire to play in the FCS. If you don't believe me, watch how Idaho is desperately trying to avoid doing so. They prefer the sub-bowl to an FCS playoffs. The brass ring achieved by some, like Boise State, Northern Illinois, is to jump up and play in a major bowl. For Boise State, it is put them on the edge of gaining a national championship. If there were an 8 team playoff, they would have a chance to prove if they belong with the big boys. But, the big boys are the big boys. Tonight, the big boys play for the real D-I championship. 'Bama and the Irish. I'm pulling for the Irish, but I think 'Bama will win.
  7. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    I have already clearly stated that it should be called D-IAA again. BTW, UCONN plays at the D-1 FBS level I believe in the Big East Conference. They would remain D-1.
  8. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    The Buffalo men's basketball team was and is a D-I varsity team, as defined by the NCAA. There is a clearly defined division for D-I in basketball. There are not two D-I divisions in basketball. It is clearly defined. There isn't any confusion. The fact is, FBS, FCS, BCS is all very confusing. It's time to go back to calling it D-I, D-IAA, D-II, D-III to have clearly defined divisions without confusion. Having two divisions of D-I in football is ridiculous. When what is known now at the FBS division has playoffs, stating with the four team playoff and I would imagine expanding from there, it will become more confusing.
  9. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    We're talking about the organization called the NCAA. Not the world. Even if Canadian major junior hockey is at a higher level, it doesn't matter. In the world of the NCAA, Division I hockey is the highest level. The meaning is clear. There is no deception as with FBS/FCS/BCS, etc. A clear standard is needed by the NCAA in the world of college football. Having two divisions called D-I is stupid. It's idiotic. It's moronic. It's retarded. It's imbecilic. But, it is the NCAA. What else should we expect?
  10. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    Well, that is the sentiment throughout the sports world. That's what people think it is. It's time to define these divisions with appropriate titles to lessen confusion.
  11. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    "Your" is a possessive adjective. You wanted to use the contraction of "you" and "are", which is "You're". So, who is the idiot?
  12. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    Oh. indeed I know how the NCAA works. What is our nickname again? Is it the Fighting Sioux? Oh, that's right! Using Native American names and imagery is wrong. That's why Florida State is allowed to... Oh, wait. Maybe the NCAA doesn't work well at all? Thanks for making my point.
  13. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    Holy Cross was ranked #20 in the nation in the latest poll. That was in D-1, real D-1. Face it, North Dakota is known as a hockey school Because they won 7, that is 7 national championships at the highest level of college hockey. That's real D-1. Not some faux D-1 like Moo U has won. The fact is, the truth is, that the FCS championship calling itself "D-1" is a running joke. It should be called D-IAA like it was in the past. It's not the highest level of college football. But, winning it is an honor. But, it should be honored in the right context. Just because you don't like to hear the truth doesn't mean we shouldn't speak the truth. Now, continue go on how gay we are or whatever else you wish. It just says more about you than us.
  14. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    It's D-1 in name only. But, the Mean Machine won. Congrats. Hope that UND wins one soon. Hopefully by then they call it something more appropriate, like when it was I-AA.
  15. Yup. Those responses were so, so valid. The problem is that I am right. That's what bothers you people so much. Well, just deal with it. Or you have a Lakes-like meltdown.
  16. Jeez. You'd think it was my fault that Bohl runs a rogue program. Oh, well....
  17. Bohl signed that contract because no true D-1 school wants him. He runs a rogue program. Allowing criminals to run wild. It will end badly for him at Fargo Tech. If anybody cares about I-AA football, they'll be on probation soon.
  18. Clue in. There were many major junior players in the World Junior Tourney. That's because the BEST players 20 years and younger were on their respective teams. For that age group, it was the highest level of competition..in the WORLD. UND, NDSU, Montana, USD, SDSU play at the D-IAA level. Calling it D-1 is a joke. That's FBS. Irish vs. the Tide. That's the D-1 championship. They need to change the name back to D-IAA. The Mean Machine won a D-1 title in name only. That's a joke. It's D-IAA. Not the highest level of college football. Yeah, I'd love to see UND win one in the near future. But, I'm not naive enough to believe it is a D-1 championship. It's I-AA. Nothing wrong with that. But, it is what it is..
  19. No. True. And congrats to the criminal champions of Fargo U. Who won the D-IAA championship.
  20. That's fine with me! Jones is quite a skater for a big guy. It'll be fun to watch his progress.
  21. It was worth getting up early to watch that game. Rocco played great, as did the rest of the team. Watching Seth Jones made me think how great he would have looked in a North Dakota sweater!
  22. How about that Rocco Grimaldi scoring two goals to lift team USA to the gold medal of the World Junior Ice Hockey Championship? Pretty awesome, eh? That was played at the highest level of the sport (In Men's 20 and under ice hockey) Now, one thing is clear. That wasn't a typo or a misdirection. It was at the highest level. In men's hockey (20 years or younger) that is the highest level. The supposed D-1 championship today between the buffalo chippers and Larry Sanders State is a misdirect. Despite its "D-1" championship label, it isn't. That game is really between 'Bama and the Irish. While it is a championship game, it shouldn't be called D-1. D-IAA was a much more appropriate name. Calling it a D-1 championship game is a bad joke that I won't fall for...
  23. No, we aren't. We would look foolish by acting as if it were a true D-1 Championship. People laugh at that. It should be called the I-AA championship like it was in the past. If you actually believe it is a true D-1 championship, you are fooling yourself. The Mean Machine will probably win and get their 30 seconds of fame on SportsCenter. Then, their fans will puff their chests and claim to be able to beat the likes of 'Bama or the Fighting Irish, cuz theys all D-1 Champs! THAT is what looks foolish.
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