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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I have to admit, I may pay attention to this Frozen Four. All the usual suspects are gone. (Yeah, unfortunately UND Is one of usual suspects...) It could be kinda fun!
  2. Yeah, UWs basketball team fell apart after the late night Christmas break incident in the bar with their star player, Luke Martinez (from Bismarck). Trial is coming up soon for him. Football there will always be dependent on out-recruiting Colorado and Colorado State in the Centennial State. Which is going to be tough to do with the new staff CSU And CU has now. Even if they do well recruiting, they'll never be at the Boise State level. But, a few wins here or there in a bowl game keeps them going, along with keeping the Bronze Boot away from CSU.
  3. Keep Hak. Bad end to what another program might consider a good season, but we don't. We have a good core coming back and I"m sure he'll fill in the gaps. Future looks bright. Let's all wear shades.
  4. Very true. So, we need to snuff out NDSU!
  5. Good post. You can't underestimate any team that beat the Gophers this year. I"m glad Goldy is gone, but Yale plays an intense game. UND needs to focus, play that third period game from yesterday for all three. Going to the Frozen Four is NOT a given.
  6. You know, Wyoming is probably a pretty good example for UND. UW is about the same size as UND. However, Laramie is much smaller than Grand Forks. Cheyenne is about the same distance from Laramie as Fargo. Big difference is that there is a tradition of playing at the MWC level in Laramie. Nothing like that for UND in basketball and football. It's going to take awhile to build it up. Even if UND builds it up to the level of programs like Wyoming...well, it's still Wyoming. They won't be threatening for the FCS championship or a spot in the roundyball final four. Honestly, UND fans should be happy for what we have right now. Good solid FCS and basketball conference in the Big Sky. A new, competitive conference in hockey. Great facilities with awesome facilities coming for football and other athletes. I forgot to mention...plus, we aren't the Bears of UNC.
  7. All this time I thought Goon had lost it by predicting a Yale win. Cool. Now, let's hope UND focuses...
  8. The MWC just solidified with the retention of Boise State and San Diego State. They've added all they are going to add. Colorado State is going to build a 43,000+ stadium on campus. (They are recruiting scary right now...NDSU was lucky to play them when they did.)
  9. I'm with you. FBS is a pipe dream for UND. Maybe NDSU because, honestly, of their attendance and they actually have a bit of a metro area that might support a 35,000+ stadium. But, UND. Nope. Not enough people and we can't even fill up the Alerus right now. Sucks, but true. FCS is a good level of football for UND, nothing wrong with it. Also, I believe we are in agreement here, the BCS is going to go to a real playoff. It's inevitable. The powerful programs will survive at that level, the weaker ones will drop into another level of competition. Some FCS will move to that level. Some won't. We won't.
  10. Agree. Earler I said that I thought UND was overrated. Heck, Quinnipiac is the poster child of the overrated hockey team.
  11. I'd rather Minnesota won the last Final 5 than Wisconsin. Still bitter about Alvarez. I feel he was the catalyst that started the B1G hockey conference and the break up of the greatest college hockey conference in history. I now cheer AGAINST Wisconsin in every sport. Screw 'em.
  12. Sorry, but I think this team was overrated most of the year. Good core for next year though. I hope for the best in the NCAA tourney, but don't expect much.
  13. They're holding out for the B1G. Lakes says they'd finish in the top half in the B1G. (Of course, Lakes is drunk most of the time...)
  14. Time to be full time in a basketball and football conference. GET 'ER DONE!
  15. I was wondering how all that worked. Thanks for pointing this out. It seems to me that WSU and Montana are the cream of the Big Sky crop this year. Of course, I hope for an upset, with UND advancing, but it's going to be tough to knock off either of those teams.
  16. You know, I was thinking about where this lawsuit is happening. Federal Court...D.C. Entrenched politicians in D.C. love the Redskins. This is gonna be a tough one for an anti-nickname group to pull off.
  17. Good question. I would think so. There doesn't appear to be any pressure by the NFL for them to remove their name. Unlike what happened to UND with the NCAA.
  18. To be honest, in my opinion if there is one Native American "nickname" that needs to go, it's this one. The strategy is kind of interesting. Get rid of their trademark of "Redskins" to weaken them financially. I wonder if that would affect their licensing on their logo? Probably not, but if it did would that force them to find a new name to hang onto the licensing? Or, what if this would open the floodgates on pirated material with Redskins all over it? Wouldn't that just increase the number of sightings of the name?
  19. Small town bakeries in the Dakotas...mmmmmmmmmmm....
  20. I know it doesn't help to look back, but...oh, man that tie last night hurts.
  21. I never heard that rumor. Now, I see that Quebec City is building a $400 million dollar arena. hmmm....
  22. I'd love to have a chance to see UND play two miles from my house! Add Air Force and CSU to the NCHC! I'll contact NDSU's athletic department to get a petition drive started.
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