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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. When John Hopkins and Duke meet for the D-1 Lacrosse Championship, it is at the highest level of college sports. When (This would be fun) UND and Bemidji meet for the D-1 Ice Hockey Championship, it is at the highest level of college sports. When the Mean Machine of the Fargo Tractor Institute of Technology and the Alamo Tech Bearclaws meet for their championship game, it is at the second tier of college football. It is D-1 in name only. Alabama and Notre Dame play for the real D-1 championship. They should go back to calling it I-AA. Nothing wrong with that. Calling it a D-1 championship is a running joke. When SportCenter shows the 30 second clip of highlights of the JV Championship, people will sit in their armchairs and say, "NDS...who?". Then they'll get about ten minutes of commentary on the upcoming college football championship game between the Tide and the Irish. They'll have forgotten about the supposed "D-1" championship highlights they barely saw and probably didn't even pay any attention to at all.
  2. This isn't a hockey thread, boy. Focus. Or you can go to Buffaloville.com and speak with the other children of the upcoming game between the Mean Machine and the N.E. Amarillo State Spitting Tarantulas. As far as the other, you do the research. You brought it up.
  3. You said football. Stay focused. F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L. Maybe this will help you... Buttfootball. Mean Machine Football. After all, if you mention hockey to the NE Texas A&M Armadillo fans, they won't know what you're saying.
  4. Oh, come on already! It's a D-1 championship in name only. The real D-1 championship game is between Alabama and Notre Dame. If I went around and polled football fans and said to them, "Who is playing for the Division I football championship this coming week?", what answer would I get? You and I both know it would be "Alabama and Notre Dame". Nobody knows about the game between The Sam Adams State Minutemen and the Fargo College Mean Machine. Heck, It's not even in the paper listed under college football games through the week. Is it a championship? Absolutely. It's just not a major college championship. It is, despite all the puffery going on on the Buffaloville sewing circle, just the D-1 Jr. Varsity Championship. If UND builds that athletic center, they will soon be in that same game. And I will cheer them on wholeheartedly. But, I would never believe it was a true D-1 championship game. That's like calling the AAA Minor League Championship series the World Series. It's just stupid. It doesn't matter what 'FCS" school is playing in it.
  5. Wow. I see you threw that out there without any empirical evidence to back you up. Is that what the other children on buffaloville say too? You know, inbetween their chants of "Mean Machine! Mean Machine!"
  6. Why did God make me a Vikings fan? Why does God hate me? Oh, I'll watch the game. I'll wear my Vikings sweatshirt and cheer them on. But, I expect nothing less than regret and disappointment.
  7. Yeah, if Canadians want an All-Canadian CHL, that's fine. Remember how well that "All-Minnesota" team worked out for the Gophers? Oh, for a short time it was okay...then they had to wait for a couple of Grand Forks, North Dakotans to come to the rescue and get them a couple of NCAA titles.
  8. You should stop apologizing for the Mean Machine. Or are you trying to justify their criminal activity and the ridiculous ethical dilemna that is Fargo U's athletic department? I'll bet that Davy Crockett State University Bearclaws don't have nearly the issues with ethics and arrests that the AC has had over the years. Oh well, what can one expect from a school that once lost their regional academic accrediation. Oh, that isn't revisionist history either. Now, you can go back to Buffaloville and talk with the other children about how mean we are here at the message board of the flagship university in the state of North Dakota. Or just whine some more. Buttfootball. It's the Fargo way...
  9. It's because they have no problem with ethics. They choose to ignore any ethical codes. It's just something to post on the walls of the athletic department. Following them isn't important. The Mean Machine prefers wins over honor.
  10. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    I don't know. Maybe it's Sam Bowie A & M?
  11. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    I did the Google on the Buffalo opponent, the Stephen F. Austin Vocational Bible College Bearclaws. No criminal activity that I could find. However, I still wonder why in the heck they named themselves after a pastry... I think the game will be on ESPN Deportes. I sure hope they have an English translation this time.
  12. I changed my mind. Let's not play the ag school. Two reasons. 1. Academically, they are a lesser school. Beneath our dignity. 2. They have a rogue football program with a criminal element. Their athletic program is beneath our dignity. If we have to meet them in the FCS playoffs, that's fine. Otherwise, let's not schedule them. It's going to take them 100 years to catch up to us in head to head that way. Which, will never, ever happen. Especially, once this gets built: http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=205670444
  13. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    Whatever. The FCS is a championship. It's just not a real D-1 championship. Since UND isn't playing, I prefer to discuss the real D-1 championship between Alabama and Notre Dame. If you prefer, go to Bisonville and chat with the other children about the game between the Buffalo and SW Texas Vo-Tech College.
  14. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    I think it's on Monday. Tide's gonna roll again. SEC schedule is unbelievably tough. Although, I must admit that Notre Dame's schedule wasn't exactly weak.
  15. Oops..my bad. I didn't notice Denver and St. Cloud were playing WCHA games also. Conclusion: I need more coffee in the morning.
  16. I'm sure somebody will start a game thread. I just noticed that *if* North Dakota sweeps, they will be in first place in the WCHA...BEFORE January. That would be huge. Of course, *if* Nebraska Omaha red cows sweep the purple cows, same deal for them... That second Denver game must have been a huge confidence builder for the team. I'm sure Hakstol will have them ready for the games in Houghton! Go North Dakota!
  17. Hayduke

    FCS Playoffs

    Goodness. Somebody didn't get in his nap.
  18. Cool. Contract is in the mail, dude. Now, where do we ship that FCS championship banner that will be sent to Grand Forks next year?
  19. It's going to make it tougher for NDSU to win UND another championship banner. Oh, that sucks!
  20. I say we have a petition drive to get rid of Mussman. Where can we hire some petitioners? Where? Oh, where?
  21. Ouch! Tainted victory for UNC. Still dumb play calling on UND's part... At least I can rub that in my UNC buddies' faces the next year!
  22. That's either insane or quite, quite stupid. Which is Mussman? Stupid or crazy? I vote stupid. UND needs to start looking at candidates for his job...
  23. I don't understand how this offense could light up the scoreboard for 24 pts in the first half, against an inept defense, and then only get 3 frickn' points in the second half? Yeah, I have to agree. It's a coaching problem.
  24. Should have given us a fifth down. It is, after all, a Colorado tradition. OK, yeah, that's the Buffs and the Mizzou game a good generation ago, but what the heck. Seasons over. Time for recruiting, weight training, and cheering against the Bison.
  25. Northern Colorado is playing well...but... I was looking at their schedule. They were fortunate enough to play the bottom teams in the Big Sky. North Dakota, not so much. Northern Colorado will be the lowest team in the conference standings that they get to meet in a conference game. Portland State was a non conference game. North Dakota did not get to play Idaho State, Weber State or Portland State (in a conference game..) So, IMHO, Northern Colorado's conference record is deceptive. Not to say that UND will roll over the Bears. Also, you have to play who you have to play, so maybe that isn't as big of a factor as I make it out to be.
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