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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I think the Mean Machine of NDSU would win if it were held right now. Unless their quarterback was being blackmailed by the prison warden. They better watch out for that team of prison guards! They play dirty!
  2. I would have to imagine that the NCAA wouldn't like us selling discounted Sioux gear to athletes. They probably wouldn't appreciate if it were tied to the school or any school organization either. They'd probably see it as a violation of their agreement. Probably not a good idea no matter how the compliance issue worked. It sucks, but I believe that is the reality. I just set up this thread to see how people felt about wearing Sioux gear at this time. I have to admit that I do like to wear mine, but felt a bit less than enthusiastic the day of the first exhibition men's hockey game.
  3. O.J. Simpson, "I took a knife and murdered Nicole." JBND7, "See, O.J. just apologized! Duh!"
  4. Oh, prediction. EWU 38 UND 24
  5. I saw that UND football practice was held in the Hyslop due to the weather. Hope they break ground on that new practice facility very soon!
  6. Funny story about that. Where I work, this kid was wearing a North Dakota Zephyr hat with the new interlocking ND. On the back of the hat was a small Sioux logo. I asked him if he was from North Dakota or went to school there. He said no. I asked about the hat. He said he was a big Notre Dame fan. I told him to look at the Sioux logo. He thought that was the company's logo that made the hat. He hadn't a clue.
  7. I was in the same boat this morning. All but a couple of my UND shirts/sweatshirts/hoodies have the Sioux logo. I too am proud of the Sioux logo. Just wondering what everyone is wearing and why. Not trying to stir up any ill feelings at all. BTW, I have the over / under on this thread at 25...
  8. With the newest Sioux logo? Pretty hard not to wear it. It's the sharpest hockey sweater ever.
  9. I'm kind of thinking the same thing. Maybe I'll buy a few things that just have North Dakota on it with the interlocking ND. Not sure if I will wear the new nickname stuff. I guess it may just depend on the nickname.
  10. Kind of an odd morning for me. I have a TON of Sioux gear, but little with just the University of North Dakota, or UND on it. Well, I am more of a hockey fan than football, so today is a big day for me. First game of the year, even though it's exhibition. I had my Sioux hoodie ready to go this morning, then I had second thoughts. I work half days on Saturday and wanted to show my UND pride. I almost put my Sioux hoodie on and then had second thoughts. After all, they aren't the Sioux anymore. (Although, in my heart they may always be the Sioux.) So, I rifled through my closet and found my only non-Sioux sweatshirt, a UND Alumni sweatshirt. I put it on instead. I'm not posting this to cause arguments over whether we should wear Sioux or non-Sioux UND stuff. I'm just curious as to whether dropping the name has changed people's habits. I know I will wear Sioux stuff, probably to the UNC game in Greeley and DU/CC games. But, today I just felt that I should wear UND only gear. Thoughts? (Again, not here to argue, just wondering what people think of wearing Sioux or non-Sioux gear.)
  11. Maybe. Or, maybe he just wasn't ready to handle the freedom of being away from a more restrictive environment in the prep school. Either way, I hope he gets it together.
  12. Seriously hope that kid gets his academics in order. No joke.
  13. I agree. It's the only reason I go to stock car races too. I like to see the crashes.
  14. Oh, no. He contributes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C16bMTvE6bs
  15. Maybe he's one of Lakes' drinking buddies.
  16. However, my favorite site when I want a good laugh is this one: http://lakesbison.com/ Goodness. What a maroon!
  17. well, it's actually a redirect for: obsessedpostersfromNDSUcomehere.com
  18. If you don't like it, don't come here. You have that freedom of choice.
  19. Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself. Potter Stewart
  20. Bohl would never get to a bowl at the FBS level. With what he has proven at NDSU, FBS schools wouldn't touch him anyway. He can be the big fish in the small pond that not many people pay attention to anyway.
  21. Throughout the nation, jealousy rages over NDSU's football program. When people in the nation talk about college football, these names roll off their tongues: Notre Dame, Southern Cal, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Florida State, Michigan, and of course... North Dakota State University. Yup.
  22. I was wondering if any of these NDSU football plays convicted of voter fraud were from North Dakota. That also makes me wonder about how petitioning works in the state. Can people from out of state come in and do petition drives? I'm sure they can legally. But, wouldn't you rather have a system where a petition drive for a ballot initiative, especially initiatives so flexible as to allow changes in the state constitution, not be influenced by forces and people from outside the state of North Dakota? The whole system seems screwed up.
  23. Personally, I applaud you for overcoming an NDSU education. You are an inspiration.
  24. No, he works for the lemonade stand. Now, if he went to UND, he'd own the lemonade stand. Or something like that...
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