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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. If 1/2 of the University of Agriculture and Applied Science's "student" athletes are in jail, will only half the fans show up?
  2. Give me a break. UND athletes aren't delusional. They get to play at their level and get a good education in the process. In the meantime, at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, they elect to ignore reality and prop up a rogue athletic department.
  3. Seriously, do you mean August 30th for the Kansas State game? I think that would be appropriate, but I'll bet the pressure is on to keep him for that game.
  4. He probably didn't realize that. You see, down at the Univeristy of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, they don't win NCAA Championships at the highest level of competition.
  5. Oh, great... Should have taken vacation to North Dakota THIS week!
  6. Oh, I doubt it. Not with the rogue program being run at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. Heck, winning subdivision championships is much more important than justice and honor. Feel proud!
  7. The "student" athletes at the University of Agrculture and Applied Sciences that did not fulfill their sentences.
  8. Two words. Honolulu Wild. The NHL needs a presence in the Pacific Ocean.
  9. Oh, well. It's just an Ag school. So what if they commit crimes and get away with it. Let them have their 15 minutes while they're young. They'll be slaving away at lesser jobs soon enough.
  10. They run a rogue program down on the farm...
  11. December 1978, seeing the North Dakota Fighting Sioux crush the Rodents 4-1 in the first game...(they lost the second..) Herb Brooks was the Minny coach... I was hooked after that!
  12. My brother has season tix to the Redhawks. I love going to those games when I visit in the summer. Here in the Fort Collins area, we wish we had a minor league team also. If the right people get together, maybe a stadium near the I-25 and Highway 34 interchange, by the Larimer County Fairgrounds. U of Northern Colorado could use it and transition to minor league ball for the rest of the summer. Nebraska Lincoln does it, as does The North Dakota University of Agriculture and Applied Science.
  13. Hayduke

    Pat Behrns

    I won't name names..but he was hated by the UND football players when he coached in Grand Forks. Not in a "Oh, he's too tough on us" way either. More in a "WTF is up with this idiot?" way...
  14. When he's not too drunk to perform those duties...
  15. Yes, the voice of reason. I heard he's on the roster of the Fargo/Moorhead Redhawks. At least not the active roster. But, the roster. Based on his success with the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences baseball team...Their roster. But, not the active roster. Just the roster.
  16. Naw, it's better for a school like the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. After all, Mr. Clean probably has a bail bondsman on speed dial!
  17. Hey, he could play right away...after bail is posted. He'll fit right in! http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/west-virginia-player-booted-team-robbing-house-while-141327719.html
  18. Yes, indeed. Victory with honor is overrated.
  19. Oh, I know. My point is that the Ag school down the road is ashamed of their past history. They should be more ashamed of their recent history...
  20. Love that UW video. How can you possibly lose when you have Pistol Pete on your side? Go Pokes! Let's keep the boot for a fifth straight year!
  21. That's funny.. Hey, we're not BYU... Reading this thread doesn't exactly bring back memories of the good old days at Memorial Stadium. It was frickin' cold there for many games and we were quietly freezing to death watching games. It's different in a dome, no doubt. I hate to say this, but UND fans should take notes from NDSU fans. Of course, it's going to be easier when UND starts winning at the level they have been. As far as the UND football team and coaches...take notes on how to NOT run a rogue program like they do at NDSU. Well, I'm off the the Fargo Forum. Gonna check the police blotter for any new arrests of the ag school "student athletes".
  22. I don't think Lakes needs any help... Did you know that Lakes says he was on the Bison baseball team. Did you know that alcoholics have delusions of grandeur? It's true. To me, it's just amazing that one's idea of a delusion of grandeur would to have their name on the NDSU Bison baseball roster!
  23. I like Rocco. I like Tebow. I'm not even religious and am a left winger. They are young men of good moral character and conviction. They are leaders and both lead by example, not by pushing their views on others. The Bronco players really liked Tebow, but understand that business is business and Manning was the way to go. But, you might be correct about both. Great skills in college that may not translate for Rocco to the NHL and Tebow to the NFL. I hope I am wrong about both.
  24. This is actually no knock against NDSU, but I agree. Let the former AC retain that history. I still don't understand why NDSU does not embrace their past. I have said this before, but Colorado State University embraces their old Agricultural & Mechanical name, Colorado A & M. The shirts, jerseys, etc. are word by their students in big, big numbers. I know I tease the Hell outta NDSU for being the "Vo-Tech" of agriculture, but only because they are embarrassed by their past. Which is as stupid as LakesBison is drunk. Here are a bunch of Colorado State University students and their basketball team embracing their history wearing the Orange and Green of Colorado A & M Aggies!
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