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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. They keep the rose colored FCS glasses on. They don't see the big picture. Roll Tide.
  2. You going to target a bar in Manhattan and "drink it dry"? It seems to be a source of pride with the U of the Ag. Yup. Eating til your morbidly obese and drinking as much as you can. Lots of booze and lots of food. Indeed. The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences biggest contribution to the state of North Dakota is probably the high alcoholism and obesity rate. What an accomplishment! (not to mention your "student" athletes contribution to the crime rate...) Remember....seven real national championships at the highest level is greater than......zero.
  3. I just did. It's not my fault the Cuervo took hold and you couldn't recognize it. Or, perhaps, I shouldn't blame you for not noticing...you know, College of Ag/Applied Science/Home Ec and all...
  4. ...coming from someone who's school (and to be honest..UND too) hid behind D-II for years and years and years and years and years and years..
  5. Yeah...right. The Wildcats are reloading and ready to do to the University of Agriculture and Delusional Drunkards what they did to Missouri State last year. You know what else? Nobody will notice. Because outside of your sewing circle, nobody knows or cares about Home Ec Tech's dominance in lower tier college football. That's the good news for buffalochipville. If you google the ag school, there's more about indiscretions than "glory" on the lower tier football field. Perhaps Mr. Clean should spend more time educating his young men on good citizenship so the state of North Dakota actually had something which to be proud of in the realm of athletics coming from the Fargodome?
  6. Totally understand. Many friends and relatives that went to that school. I have even cheered them against Sam Bowie State for that FCS championship. But, the delusional beings that don't see FCS and D-II for what they actually are is outstanding. FCS is division I in name only, it's lower tier football. I'm glad UND is in it, but it is what it is. Just like D-II.
  7. Never said anything different. But, at the highest level of college athletics, the University of North Dakota has won 7 championships. (In a sport that NDSU had a chance to compete in, but decided it was too difficult and stuck to focusing on lower tier athletics..) The Unversity of Dirt Sciences has none. Zero. Zip. Nada. UND hockey is the premier college sports program in the state of North Dakota. These are facts that are way too difficult for criminal enablers to understand...
  8. The highest level of college hockey is Division I The highest level of college football is FBS. Facts. The University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics has never won a chamionship at the highest level of college sports. UND has done so 7 times. These are facts that are hard for Home Ec Tech folks to comprehend. But, after all, what should one expect?
  9. That's as bizarre as Lakesbison is drunk. Venues for college hockey typically hold about 5000 spectators, of which usually 1/3 are held by season tickets for the local teams. Here in Colorado, Denver University reserves about 800 seats for UND fans. Trust me, there are probably about 1500+ UND fans in attendance and there would be more if they could get a seat. It's this way across the old WCHA and will be across the NCHC. UND fans help sell out hockey arenas. The fan base for UND hockey is huge. UND hockey is the #1 college sports program in the state. Revenue, the venue, ticket sales, alumni support, tradition, highest level championships, etc... Facts. Not made up Home Ec Tech fiction.
  10. Technically, Alabama would beat the living snot out of the University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Ec. Alabama is the champion of college football at the highest level of competition. Take that back to BV and let them stew. (God almighty these guys are frickin' delusional...)
  11. UND hockey is bigger than the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences football program. That is a fact. Football overall in the USA is bigger than hockey. No doubt. (Jeez..no wonder you go to Home Ec Tech..)
  12. Who cares? The fact is UND hockey is bigger than all other programs in the state of North Dakota. Accept reality.
  13. Hockey is played throughout the world. American football.. well, nope.
  14. The truth pains you, doesn' it? 7>0....that's a fact.
  15. Here is a bigger gap... The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences winning an NCAA championship at the highest level of that sports.... infinity...
  16. Yeah. Whine about the premier athletic program at the flagship university in North Dakota having an advantage. boo. hoo. Go to BV. Prop up your criminals. They're prepping for the KSU massacre....
  17. I think Carl Miller was the AD then...
  18. UND is a top tier program in the top tier of NCAA hockey. Home Ec Tech is a top program in the second tier of college football. UND sells more tickets, creates more revenue, the Sioux gear sold more than the buffalo stuff, the arena is not only the best in North Dakota, but probably in the world. UND hockey is #1 in the state. There is no parity between these programs, Home Ecers. UND hockey is the top college sports program in the state of North Dakota. Now, get over the butt hurt. Go back to BV and talk buttfootball...Where arrest warrants outpace FCS championships by about a 20-1 ratio...
  19. Jeez.. I have to go to Fargo in September. I better stay off the road at night with all the justifiably drunk panderers there!
  20. Well, falsifying information and inappropriate behavior is a specialty at the University of Agriculture, Applied Sciences and Home Economics... http://haergar06.wordpress.com/2008/03/30/ndsu-is-finally-on-the-national-stage-for-all-the-wrong-reasons/
  21. Probably lose after a stern lecture from their parole officers...
  22. You know what though, they have put themselves out that at the level for many years. Michigan Tech, as bad as they have been for so many years, was one of the premier programs in college hockey. CC is still a tough program. Lake Superior had a good run for awhile. RPI has won it all.. Okay..I"ll give you Huntsville...
  23. Totally agree. I always wondered why? Maybe because all four were comfortable playing each other over the years. But D-II degenerated over the years into a much lower level. All four schools should have seen it coming with the formation of conferences like The Big Sky.
  24. I think they'll probably bounce back after that thrashing and run the table. They may be criminals, but they probably are the best team at the FCS level.
  25. I don't feel that way at all. Those who think that are unreasonable. I think UND is where they need to be (finally!) by being FCS and D-i in all other sports. I would cheer the other sports, but was frustrated by the school's unwillingness to move up. D-II probably stayed due to UND/Ag School/USD/SDSU all staying DII in the NCC for much too long..IMHO. Finally, when NDSU moved up it unraveled at the NCC. It would have been nice to see them all go together in the same conference, but that didn't shake out.
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