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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Oh, I'm glad you're laughing. I'm glad you find swinging a member at a young lady in the mall funny. I"m glad you find shoplifting at Best Buy (3 years ago...get Jethro to help you cipher) amusing. I'm glad that you think that a drunk athlete beating someone senseless in an alley is a laugh riot. I'm glad you think that committing fraud on an election petition to be a giggle fest. I'm really glad that you have faith in the administration and athletic department that allows these things to happen without any real punishment...to uphold the "glory" of tier II football championships which are so, so important. Here is why I am glad. That way, we see the true colors of the average fan of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences' football team. Yeah, I'll take a 6-6 UND season over any of the rivers of crap that flow out of that reasoning. No problem here. Meantime, keep posting here. We like to see the mindset of the lesser school in North Dakota.
  2. I know what happened. Lakes got drunk and threw up.
  3. I saw more UND football games last year than I had in many years. That Big Sky TV deal worked pretty well...
  4. Are you making fun of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences ability to do some "ciphering"?
  5. Oh, those crazy crimials! (Still laughing!)
  6. Myself, I like going to the Colorado State women's volleyball games. They're competitive and usually win the MWC. They usually have a fairly decent crowd. I used to like the women's basketball games too, but they haven't put together a decent team in the past few years.
  7. I was looking at Valpo past schedules and results...ouch. They ARE bad. I think you're right about college teams in general. At the FCS level, UND is heading toward the top. Even though we think of attendance of 8000 or so as poor, most FCS schools would kill to get that many fans in the stands. The team needs a "cupcake" to work out the kinks before taking on that brutal schedule. With that said, this would be a great year for UND to prove themselves and make the playoffs. Luckily, they have a favorable home schedule which should help them.
  8. And... Kansas State has FU for their cupcake...
  9. No. It's the idea of facing the truth about the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences football team that hurts. That long list of criminals that have stolen, swung their junk in public, committed fraud, and violent acts of assault and...gotten away with it. The fact that we speak openly and honestly about it just eats at you. The fact is that you probably know there is no "glory" in winning with criminals. It bothers you. And if it doesn't, it should. So, keep blustering away. It just makes me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh...
  10. You might be right. But, I would put better odds on the big powder keg blowing before they get moved up the ladder. The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences' athletic department is an explosion waiting to happen.
  11. How did the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences miss out on this guy? He would have been a natural...
  12. UND 42 Valpo 17 (I'm never right...but I thought I'd give it a shot.)
  13. I think you underestimate the power of the mission statements of these universities. They wish to excel in athletics, but not at the expense of the mission of the university. If this keeps up at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, there will be changes in the athletic department. It doesn't matter how many tier II banners get flown in the "dome".
  14. Here is the weekly ad for Best Buy: http://bestbuy.shoplocal.com/bestbuy/default.aspx?action=entryflash&adref=&citystatezip=58103-3336 Pass this on to the University of Agriculture and Applied Science's football team. That way, if they selectively shoplift items from the sales ad, they might be able to keep the value under $500. Avoid the felony charges and Mr. Clean probably won't suspend them for the Ferris State game. Of course, it's all hands on deck for the upcoming pounding in Manhattan, Kansas...
  15. I'll bet he is. However, he also has the biggest fan base for football they have ever had. A fan base that is pretty deluded and actually believes their tier II "glory" outweighs the assaults, public penis displays, petition faking, and other sorted crimes and misdemeanors that have actually been putting the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences front and center with the media.
  16. Ultimately, it reflects on the quality of the university. Apparently, they are willing to sacrifice the credibility of the university for the "glory" of tier II championships. College athletics is a marketing tool. Especially with a public university. It becomes the first look at a university for many young people looking for a quality higher education. They are doing themselves no favors by becoming better known for the police blotter than the very limited exposure they get for FCS championships. I could envision if things don't change soon, a third FCS championship or not, GT may find his butt out the door. I have a suspicion that Mr. Clean may have to go along with GT on some of these decisions...which could keep him in as the head coach. For the time being.
  17. That's okay. Kansas State will deliver a punishment.
  18. Aztec...I get that one. I had to look up Hottentot and Chozenites. Okay, Hottentots are African-Americans. Are Chozenites Jews? Jeez, what a maroon. Maybe some fine folks from Sioux county should take a visit to Leith and let this POS know he should move back to his kin in the deep South or Northern Idaho...
  19. Good for North Dakota/UND. However, I'm not too sure it's good for our country, IMHO.
  20. Why isn't there a "Buttfootball" mascot for the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences?
  21. They're going to make an example of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. Beck will wish he stayed in the back of that squad car...
  22. According to US News & World Report, UND's acceptance rate is 70%, The University of Agriculture and Applied Science's is 86%... I could rip on FU here, but to be honest I don't really think these acceptance rates at these public universities are that big of a deal. Most of these publicly funded universities are there for the citizens of their state to have access to higher education. If you want to go to UND and you are from North Dakota, there will be option to go there, as with FU. That's the way it should be. Wyoming is on that list...but they are in an expansion mode with online learniung and also allow access to all its citizens to higher education. The important thing isn't acceptance rates, but what happens after acceptance. What is the retention rate? What happens to the citizens once they get into that college...are they successful? With that said, it is kinda fun to laugh at St. Cloud State!
  23. I agree. I'll probably even buy the new gear, provided that the name doesn't totally suck... But, I have enough Sioux gear for life. And then some...
  24. So, it looks like an occasional limited release in order to maintain the copyright of the logos. Limited to keep the NCAA happy in both maintaining the copyright of the images and not have too many out in the street to keep the appearance of political correctness in not promoting the Sioux nickname. God, the NCAA sucks...
  25. Do you mean like the beating that Travis Beck, the Tier II football "heroe" gave the guy in the alley? Oh, he sure does give glory to the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, doesn't he? Jail the Bison, Jail the Bison...catchy, isn't it?
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