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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Yeah. Reality is a hard pill to swallow. And to be honest, just about all of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences sewing circle and it appears a lot of the UND fans need to take a hard look at reality.
  2. About pro sports...don't go there. Compare the $$$ in the contracts of former UND hockey players versus all pooled $$$ made professionally by the athletes from the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. That also makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. Now, why is the hockey program elevated over other athletic programs at either UND or the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences? Wait, wait, wait.... Let me answer that if you haven't figured it out! It's because the level of athletic competition ISN'T EVEN CLOSE... UND hockey is at the highest level and has been for almost 70 years.. Their other programs..and the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences entire athletic department finally jumped in the pool after watching the big boys for years and years and years.. Football at FCS is not the highest level..again... Football Championships SUBDIVISION... It is what it is. That's not a lie. That's reality. Anything else is just...delusional. Again,national championships at the University of North Dakota at the highest level of college athletics...7 (and counting) ...and at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences...ZERO...with no real hope of even attaining one...
  3. UND has a larger endowment. UND has more ticket sales. UND has a larger athletic department. UND is the flagship school in the state. UND has 7 national championships (and counting) at the highest level of college athletics versus zero with no real hope of getting a single one. There's nothing to even discuss here.
  4. I see if more like 45-14. Kansas State pulling away in the second half. That is factoring in that Mr. Clean will allow his criminals to play rather than benching them like a program with a morale code should. Either way, it won't matter. Kansas State isn't a pushover like the upper level programs they have been cherry picking. 7 (and counting) > 0 (never to change).
  5. 6 wins? Big deal. Compare that to the history of the programs of those schools I mentioned. That's why they laugh at the delusional fans of the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences over at the Kansas State message board. 6 wins....That's nothing. Now...7 national championships at the highest level of college sports..with a great future of getting more....versus.....zero. (With no hope of ever actually getting one...) That makes laugh and laugh and laugh!
  6. I also can't believe the arrogance of those vo tech grads from the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences when they brag up their 6 wins over FBS schools they cherry picked over the past few years. Where were they the past 70+ years when schools like Colorado State University have been competing at the highest level of college sports? At least schools like CSU, Wyoming, Minnesota (Yeah...Minnesota), etc have had the balls to put it out there rather than play the Winona States of college athletics. Yeah, I'll catch some heat from UND fans here (Could care less about the tractor mechanics...) but, it's the truth. The fact is the men's hockey program has always had the balls to play at the highest level of college athletics. So,... UND 7 The University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences...0
  7. Absolutely. It is a bigger deal because the 7 NCAA championships won by the University of North Dakota's men's hockey team were won at the highest level of college sports. That is fact. That is a reality. It's delusional to think otherwise. UND Football programs winning a D-II championship was an accomplishment. But, it is what it is. To be honest, I have always thought that UND, the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, USD and SDSU should have all moved up to I-AA and joined the Big Sky long, long ago. I kind of thought that by staying at D-II so many years we may have been picking on smaller schools and programs and avoiding where these schools' athletic programs should have been competing all along. I never understood why we stayed D-II for so long.
  8. Division II Football Championship SUBDIVISION I believe that the athletes that compete for these championships are smart enough to know what level they are playing. Just because you aren't is not my fault.
  9. So many connections in this story. I think that UND student was in the right place at the right time with the right questions. Kind of a situation that if you are willing to lay it out there at the right time, good things happen. I agree with Burns that this incident did a lot to sway public opinion toward civil rights. Armstrong was always seen by the black community as a kind of "Uncle Tom". This sure dispelled that notion and also got a lot of whites to join in the battle. It's a great story.
  10. I was watching the Jazz documentary by Ken Burns on Netflix and found this out about Louis Armstrong's stand for integration ordered by Judge Davies. I never realized that he was in Grand Forks when he spoke out and a GF Herald reporter and UND student, Larry Lubenow broke the story. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/23/opinion/23margolick.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
  11. It is what it is. And it isn't the highest level of that sport in college athletics. Thus, the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences has never won an NCAA championship at the highest level of the respective sport. The University of North Dakota has 7 times. This is called....reality. If you don't like it, tough.
  12. You know what? That's the dumbest thing I have read on the internet in a long time. And I've read Lakesbison after one of his drinking binges.
  13. 7>0. National championships at the highest level of college athletics. Now, get busy making those brownies. Or sewing. Or raising bail for your "student" athletes. Or whatever else it is that you do at the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.
  14. Hmmm... The University of North Dakota has defeated the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences on the football field 17 more times than the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences has defeated the University of North Dakota. Using that as a measure of superiority in an athletic event is extremely valid. To think otherwise just proves insanity. Now, go raise some bail for your "student" athletes. Get busy. Season is coming up!
  15. Give the guy a break. It's either spend time doing this, or continue working on a home economics minor at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science.
  16. Agree. Maybe we could get away with some "historical signifigance" waiver from the NCAA, but it's not worth it. Stick it in a museum.
  17. Because the flagship school, the University of North Dakota leads the series 62-45-3 over the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, we need not play again.
  18. Last I could see, he was the defensive line coach at that new I-AA powerhouse Bryant University. Movin' up the ranks...
  19. Will these numbers be adjusted after Kansas State crushes the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences? I assume that the less delusional season ticket holders will want refunds...
  20. Yeah, he came across as an a$$ because he is an a$$. My Colorado friends commented after watching that show that the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences had an idiot for a coach. Hey, at least they don't have an idiot for a coach anymore. Just a criminal enabler. I'm not sure which is worse...
  21. I think we should play for a giant bronzed clipboard in honor of how the University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences allows their "student" athletes to defy the law and make $$.
  22. I don't think so. St. Cloud is a teacher's college. FU is a Vo Tech institute.
  23. Maybe I should start calling it the "Jan Brady University of Agriculture and Applied Sciences"?
  24. No. Being UND gives UND an advantage. Flagship school and all...
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